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How Parkour 2.0 Feels To Open Minded Veterans.


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Not for me. I find it smooth to use, and getting better from there with practice. Apart from a few small criticisms as with every major update or new major content, because no one is perfect, Parkour 2.0 is actually pretty amazing.

I second this

Although there are some elements I miss from the old parkour(the old wallrunning looks cooler to me imo)

I definitely feel its more smooth

Removal of stamina is awesome

Running 24/7

And I finally dont have to bring a certain melee weapon(or any melee at all) without the fear of being left behind

I wish theyd make an option where the default moving would be sprinting and pressing shift would make you walk tho...

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I like it. I find myself actually springing around quite a lot and it's incorporated into combat. My only complaint is the requirements to latch to the walls. I think you should be able to do it without having to intensely stare at it like it's trying to stab you in the bum. 



Post, you're a genious. I was thinking about something like that, but wasn't just so simple as always on...

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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To me, that looks awesome. I don't know if that's what you were going for, though.


I think the new parkour system is great, especially with melee mode, though some tiles don't seem to want to cooperate with it. However, in the conclave, it's mothertrucking fun and useful.

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idunno what you're talking about. this is leagues better than the tools we had previously. we never needed to effectively teleport across Tiles in the first place.

this is incredibly useful for survivability and flexibility in Gameplay. several different tools combined together to make a powerful system.

there's so much more that a Player has the capability to do now.

there's some meh aspects that should be improved, but they're relatively minor.

like any new thing, it takes some time to understand and adjust to the Tools you have available.

doing the Tutorial will explain the basics. playing Missions is critical to seeing all of the Tools you have however. seeing what is useful where, and realizing just how flexible your mobility is now.

Edited by taiiat
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my biggest problems atm are the places that the level designers made to work with the old backflip-off-the-wall technique, they are a pain for me currently


as well as just going straight up a short wall to vault over it is not as easy since often the last hop off the wall towards the top puts me in a weird hover-state instead of going into the vault/mantle animation and getting me ontop of the wall/ledge


otherwise i miss being able to shoot while wallrunning and im sad that i cannot throw the glaive from a wall-latch or while on a zipline =[


but is v2 overalll better than v1 and coptering? certainly, sad we lost some good stuff in the trade-off however


much like how we lost charged melee in the rework, but charged melee is coming back, possibly next year we might see some parkour/movement v2.5/3 compromises

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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To me, that looks awesome. I don't know if that's what you were going for, though.


I think the new parkour system is great, especially with melee mode, though some tiles don't seem to want to cooperate with it. However, in the conclave, it's mothertrucking fun and useful.

something fun with glorious wipeouts.  i've been having fun with it, only criticisms i have are that the wall cling should last longer unmodded, rocket/bullet jump should cover the same distance, but in about half the time and that aim glide needs work with how the camera angle isn't really helping its goal.


as for the vagueness of the post, i just wanted to see how people would interpret it.  i think that flying leap into the water would be fun.

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Funny, I could've sworn the title said open minded veterans... Must've been my imagination.


my biggest problems atm are the places that the level designers made to work with the old backflip-off-the-wall technique, they are a pain for me currently


as well as just going straight up a short wall to vault over it is not as easy since often the last hop off the wall towards the top puts me in a weird hover-state instead of going into the vault/mantle animation and getting me ontop of the wall/ledge


otherwise i miss being able to shoot while wallrunning and im sad that i cannot throw the glaive from a wall-latch or while on a zipline =[


but is v2 overalll better than v1 and coptering? certainly, sad we lost some good stuff in the trade-off however


much like how we lost charged melee in the rework, but charged melee is coming back, possibly next year we might see some parkour/movement v2.5/3 compromises



Tap away from the wall to kick off it, takes a bit of practice, much better than the old backflip since it gives you a lot more horizontal distance a lot faster. Pairing it with bullet jump can make it easier to learn since you need to press away from the wall (preferably for the shortest time possible before you press jump to kick off the wall) and bullet jump has a forced forward momentum while wall hops push you away from the wall ever so slightly.



There's not much need to vault over ledges, you can use a bullet jump or double jump at the top of the ledge to get yourself up, over and moving pretty fast.


You can shoot while wall latched, and you now have aim-glide if you want the shoot and move experience. Besides, shooting while wallrunning previously was practically impossible, you'd either have to rapidly adjust for your character moving, or run out of wall before you killed the enemy.


As for the glaive thing, I think melee will be touched up a bit... 2 words: Wall Melee, latch to a wall and try the old wall-melee-fling, you either go nowhere if you hold the button, or drop like a rock if you let go.

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It makes fighting infested interesting and fun. Just jump from one wall to another and play the floor is lava

With an open mind:

P2.0 is still worse than the old system when it comes to horizontal movement. The new wall running is terrible. Bullet jumping is amazing. Ziplines are vastly improved.

How is it terrible? Edited by izzatuw
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I keep on trying to do a bullet jump after the 2nd jump in a double jump.

Also, you can already perform double jump, just allow players to perform double bullet jumps.


That means doing 2 consecutive bullet jumps without touching the ground.



The wall jump, no longer wall run, looks kind of clunky when compared to the older wall run, maybe just

revert back to the old animation, walking up wall instead of hopping around

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How is it not? It looks ridiculous. It requires way more button presses, despite being touted as being less "carpal tunnel-inducing". Etc.

It's much more controllable, trying to change direction is easy. You can go from Vertical wallhopping to horizontal wallrunning easily. Those are somewhat minor issues...
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I keep on trying to do a bullet jump after the 2nd jump in a double jump.

Also, you can already perform double jump, just allow players to perform double bullet jumps.

That means doing 2 consecutive bullet jumps without touching the ground.

The wall jump, no longer wall run, looks kind of clunky when compared to the older wall run, maybe just

revert back to the old animation, walking up wall instead of hopping around

It looks clunky but imo it felt less clunky.
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Bunny hopping is easier to program than smooth wall-running with dynamic-environmental interaction.

But DE actually peaked a somewhat working wallrunning in Tombs of the Sentients trailer and have showcased it in devstream once or twice. The fact that they didn't do that but instead replaced it with a different mechanic doesn't really imply that they took the easy way out.
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The wall running in the sentient trailer looked much better and allowed for changind direction as well.  DE just took the easy way out with the bunny hopping.

The free wall running in the trailer did look nice, and worked rather well. There's just one issue: where in game, outside of a very select few tiles, do we have large, flat surfaces to run around on? Even the new tile set has lots of uneven surfaces that would make wall runs impossible. The wall jumping allows players to switch surfaces easily and make their own paths through levels.

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But DE actually peaked a somewhat working wallrunning in Tombs of the Sentients trailer and have showcased it in devstream once or twice. The fact that they didn't do that but instead replaced it with a different mechanic doesn't really imply that they took the easy way out.

Based on the results and their comments, it's pretty clear that taking the easy way out is exactly what they did in regards to wall running. Whether you accept that or not is up to you.

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I guess the thing with wall hopping is most players are not ninja reflex to handle wall running.
So the hopping kind of tone it down and made it more noob-friendly.

It's not like every new player spent over 100 hours playing Ninja Gaiden and perfected their wall running and jumping
before playing Warframe.

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