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Volt's Rework! We Need It. We Want It!


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Volt's rework
Fan art by: FULLCRVM in this post: Prototypes
Hello everyone.
I'm Domaik, a warframe player that has played since closed beta and loves this game. I'm a council member and spent a lot of money in this game. I won't lie about it because I love the game! DE you have created a wonderful masterpiece! 
Ok focusing on what I'm opening this thread for: Volt's Rework. We are seeing warframes getting reworks and being amazing. Thank you DE again for being so awesome! So it is just a matter of time until it's Volt's turn(who is quite outdated and suffering power defects).
Now I'd like to mention that me, myself, I'm a sucker for electric based powers and magic...I love it! and over the years I have developed a story that I've written down about a character featuring super OP electric powers. So I can say I have some expertise when it comes to electricity-based powers.
Without further ado let's get to some of my ideas. and theories for volt.
First of all let's analyze volt and see some of his current main problems and why he's a not-so popular warframe.
Main Problems:
 Starting with the codex entry http://puu.sh/jAkWw/a6de5f7360.jpg
We can read: High-damage Warframe... If you have played Volt you know he's good vs low level enemies but after certain enemy level he becomes quite useless damage-wise, I believe the break point is from lvl 37+. So there we have it. Damage.
Sure Volt's 2, speed, is quite a boost and very nice but i'm not talking about that kind of mobility, i'm talking mainly about his 4th skill....
 Electricity flows through his body, electricity is never still, it's always in movement, untameable! Volt should be a VERY VERY mobile warframe. Electricity flows through him and it should be springing his muscles faster and giving him enhanced and faster movement!
 Having himself become static when using his number 4 is a problem. You are quite  an easy target, and you do nothing except some damage and the ocasional electric proc stun. (it doesn't seem to proc on all targets sometimes?)
 Not having enough with having the mobility reduced by volt's 4th we also have electric shield being another static item, that requires you to stay behind it to use effectively.  Now DON'T GET ME WRONG, it's a very good and nice skill specially defense-wise that boost ofense too but it adds to the factor of the warframe being still in one place who doesn't seem to fit the theme of electricity for me. 
Now let's jump into some of my proposed reworks, I decided to go for 2 but feel free to read any and even switch or combine them to your liking and have your opinion!
Conservative rework

What do I mean by conservative rework? I mean a rework like the recent Frost's rework where no new skills where added and skills didn't see major changes except added funcionality but remaining the same. So this rework would be close to Frost's rework while the other rework is more on the "excalibur rework" side with new skills added.
Overall a good skill and the ability to cast it while moving is amazing. This wouldn't need any special rework except maybe giving it a higher damage or improved animation effects ( we all love that, we want to see crazy lightning! ) We could add a mechanic where if shock removes an enemy shield it would proc knock down on said enemy.
Another good skill that is fine as it is. Maybe it should add to all the new parkour moves such as better jump height and bullet jump distance ect. Electricity is flowing through your body empowering your muscles for every action! 
Now the augment for this one...It would be nice if the zap radius was a bit bigger or at least increased a bit by range mods)
3-Electric Shield
No real changes needed here either. This is another of the shining skills for volt. How about we give it a nicer look/animation? everytime it blocks a bullet an animation is displayed on the shield like this one: 
I would love that!
also if our objective here is to buff volt and consolidating shield as a good defensive option not just casted to increase crit damage then we should make electric shield able to absorb explosion damage too...
The big one. the broken one, the useless one. We require an ambulance here and the main reason for volt needing a rework.
Overload. it's useless right now. it doesn't pay to be a sitting duck and not do any damage at all. no real CC or anything. AND on top of that being very dependant on the envioroment having or not electronic things around you.
My proposed change here? well volt should be mobile, electricity is not meant to be still at the same place but travel around very fast and uncontrolled. Why don't we change overload into something similar to Ember's world on fire but instead volt walks around emitting electric novas (like the one he already does with overload) every X seconds. It would also encourage the use of speed to get further!
Now the mechanic where electronic things around him explose is super nice but it sucks to need to rely on that. it's much better if it's there just as a complement rather than a required thing. If the damage is going to be based on how many electronics are around volt then they better make a massive explosion or something better that cc's the enemy a lot more.
And the damage let's not forger that...either the damage is boosted a lot more or there is a guaranteed stun with this skill that can help with crowd control at very high level.
Alternatively we could sit in the same area emitting a lot of electric waves with high damage output (as said in the codex...)
Overall, all animations could use some better, BIGGER lightning effects?

"Big gamble(changes) rework"

As I said before, this is more on the "excalibur rework" side with new skills added and conbined mechanics.
I still need to shape this more but I have a couple concepts in mind:
4-Overload:  A skill that allows volt to absorb electricity from the surroundings as he goes in order to gain more and more damage for his other skills. It keeps growing and absorbing electricity from enemy shields and electronics around him. The skill has a limit and when it's reached you are "overloaded" so you explode releasing all stored damage in one big blast like the current overload (but with increased damage of course!) (and just like Equinox, we have that mechanic now guys!)
Similar to excalibur's 4 interaction with slash dash everytime volt casts shock or another skill it will be empowered with increased stats or different mechanics such as shock leaving electric shields around when hitting enemies (like frost's 1 does now!)
another concept came to me when i read the codex entry saying volt features an alternative gameplay to guns...i don't see how since shield is such a major addition to guns..so another idea is to give volt an electic railgun cannon like mesa/excalibur/valkyr 4th skill mode...it would shoot massive electric lasers? Lol!
more concepts...who has played Infamous? yup there's a lot of cool concepts to be taken from that game such as the electric pushing wave,  electric grenades (i'd love to see that one personally) or the almighty thunderstorm calling!

Also I'd like to point out how in our current Damage 2.0 system electricity has a very reduced effectivity vs most targets...so volt's damage really needs a buff if he wants to live up to his codex entry! lol
Side note: volt's passive: electric attacks against you have a chance to fill some of your energy? all electric weapons equipped have a 30% damage boost. amphrex, synapse, prova, serro, etc.

Another idea for Volt's Overload Rework:

We already agreed that volt's skill set is pretty much ok as it is, except Overload... most people just want a rework for overload since it really does need to be better if it wants to be on par with the rest of frames.


First of all, while we could take a plain buff to damage that wouldn't solve the problem of having the wave travel to reach enemies, having the far away enemies shoting at you while it reaches them is no fun.


So why don't we get instead:


-an electric blast/explosion centered on volt that covers the range area instantly instead of slowly expanding.


-all the targets within the range radius have lightning/thunders fall on them for the damage of overload


little animation:



As for the current "requirement" of electronics to be around if you want to deal good damage...It really limits volt...a lot...something needs to be done about this. He can't be as usesul in maps that don't contain them and he can only use them once. Instead of a "requirement" it should be a bonus. That or change his interation with them instead of destroying them he could drain from them to empower himself...


The electric charges system:


After seeing Saryn rework and how you need to stack procs on targets and build up the combo for miasma to be deadly I thought...what if volt had the same thing?


If everytime a target is struck or gets an electric procs (from Volt only, be weapons or skills) an electric charge is added to said enemy. These electric charges could be dependant on power duration and would add bonuses to what volts skills do to them or just add plain damage or longer stuns.



(charges would or wouldn't be stackable depending on how complex we want the system to be)

For example: cast number 1 on a target he gets electric proc and shocked. a charge is added to them. volt casts overload and targets currently holding an electric charge are targeted instantly and take more damage.


When you cast volt's 2, speed you also add electricity to your weapon like toxic lash does to saryn and this electricity would again add a charge to enemies struck


For volt's 3, enemies that try to cross volt's electric shield while holding a charge are stunned or simply can't go through it..they are attuned against the shield energy. Or instead have it easier: bullets shot through the shield apply charges.


Then you'd have the big number 4, overload doing a lot of crazy stuff depending on the charges enemies have and proximity of several enemies having charges so it arcs between them or not.

Thanks everyone for your patience reading. Please do comment your opinions and ideas. I hope this thread makes it into community hot topics one day!
PS: I'm still developing this thread, this is just the beta version of it...might include a lot of gramatical errors and for that, i'm truly sorry!
PS2: OH JESUS STEVE IS READING THIS! my idol is reading my post? I should have made it better D: I probably left ideas out!
PS3: I'll try to do a bit of housekeeping with the thread from now on. Loving all the support for my ideas and the cool ideas people are posting!
Edited by Domaik
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Ah, i think every frames deserves a sugoi proto-skin, it looks too guwd.


Oh, his overload, once it was soo OP, but time has changed. I remember when I accidentally pressed 4 a corrupted bombard killed me with 2-3 missle hits xD. I was kinda angry... It just shows how... do I dare to say it? Useless overload is.


It definitely needs a rework... His other abilities are I guess, alrite.


Would love if his 4 was a multi-purpose abiltiy, like he gains energy while hit, enemies who melee him or shots him in close proximity are electrocuted. Something like that, yeah...

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Ah, i think every frames deserves a sugoi proto-skin, it looks too guwd.


Oh, his overload, once it was soo OP, but time has changed. I remember when I accidentally pressed 4 a corrupted bombard killed me with 2-3 missle hits xD. I was kinda angry... It just shows how... do I dare to say it? Useless overload is.


It definitely needs a rework... His other abilities are I guess, alrite.


Would love if his 4 was a multi-purpose abiltiy, like he gains energy while hit, enemies who melee him or shots him in close proximity are electrocuted. Something like that, yeah...


read my big changes rework idea for overload! you'd like it

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You have no idea how happy I am that someone yelling "buff Volt" isn't trying to scrap E.Shield in the process. To be fair the only things that I care about on Volt are his E.shield and Shock's chaining, one-handed stun; I don't care about damage.

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I will say it here again; i think Molecular Prime mechanic would be a good base to build Overload on. The duration for wave expansion max range would fit withe the current look of the power. Also, you could make the arc effect moddable (as in its range scales with range).

And last but not least, to complete the skill, have every target hit get stunned for the whole duration of the wave to add a nice CC effect. To prevent stunlocks you could also make the skill have a cooldown equal to a fraction of its duration, like half for example.

Other ideas would be to encourage inner sinergy (much like Frosty's current rework), as in adding some effects to Shock when passing through the Electric Shield. For example:

- make the Shock bolt turn into a big &#! lightning that basically acts like a cannonball and hits all targets in a cilinder for a fixed range, reinforcing the idea of alternative to gunplay (ie: the damage could be Shock base damage + the ES electric bonus and beneit from the crit damage booster, giving a total of 350*PS*2*(1+0.5*PS) damage)

- charge ES with a stun aura not unlike the one Shocking Speed gives

- make ES explode as a mini electric nuke


Edited by Autongnosis
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Usually Volt rework threads want to tear all his abilities to pieces and make him something he's not. 


But you. You get Volt. You understand that many of his skills are already good, or at least close enough to where they need to be that they could only use a tweak or two. 


Overload is the main culprit and you are focused on that. I like the ideas you proposed. 

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Great stuff OP. The pic in particular made my day. I just want to say-


Volt will always be useful for gunplay because of electric shield and rather not take that away.

However with a couple changes he could ALSO be played as a true alternative to gunplay if someone chose to.

If Volt's direct damage powers (shock and Overload) retained real damage into late game it would help his ability to be a caster type immensely.

Shock interacting with and bouncing off of enemy shields is a great Idea. Additionally if overload did what the capacitance mod adds inherently it would gain a use without needing to be too strong offensively.

Also, if shock would gain increased damage from going through electric shield like gun fire does it would really bring synergy to his powers.

Combine viable damage on his powers, the melee kills from speed, and shock getting bolstered by electric shield...

we would finally have the alternative to gunplay without loosing his current utility. 

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Just brainstorming:


- Damaging abilities deal more damage based on his energy pool

- Electric shield: The shield actually stays in front of you rather than staying where you put it.

- Overload rework: [initial cast:] Volt releases shock nova dealing damage in an AoE and stunning enemies [Energy drain:] Volt periodically (like every second; every 0.5 seconds with 200% duration) sends out arcing bolts at enemies dealing electricity damage.

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To be fair, I honestly want Overload gone entirely. Volt has always been about being a mobile damage dealer with high survivability. His biggest asset was always his ability to pick and choose when and where to fight, and nothing about being locked down for 2+ seconds in order to deal minimal damage across a wide area fits into that motif. During CBT, his ult was a monstrous damage dealer that cleared entire Exterminate missions with a single cast which is why his "no gunplay here" label exists. However, they nerfed that into the ground pretty quickly, and now that its only real component is gone (damage), it's simply useless in its current iteration. 

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Kind of surprised there are so few mentioning the fact that Electric Shield contradicts Volt's focus on mobility. I'm loving the new ideas for Overload and his overall kit posted by the OP, however that would make his Shield the only power in his kit that not only discourages mobility, but pulls away from him being "a potent alternative to gunfire". I think we need the ability to carry the shield as we run. This has been suggested for a very long time. Cast it once and it initially remains attached to you (make the mobile one a bit smaller perhaps, and give it the ability to ragdoll enemies that you run into), press it again and he drops it, causing it to expand to it's current size and it behaves as it currently does. And when you drop it, you can summon additional shields and use them in the same way. This would allow players to use it for their specific playstyles, as you'll be able to use Shield as it currently is, or maintain a lesser shield without sacrificing mobility. That, combined with the proposed changes to Volt's other power would give the entirety of his skill set complete synergy.

DE has yet to make am augment for Electric Shield. May be wishful thinking, but perhaps they're saving it for last so they can have time to work out the mechanics for such an augment. They did something similar with Radiant Finish, so hopefully they have something like this in mind for Electric Shield.

Edited by (PS4)ShuhanX
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For the people mentioning the shield and mobility. The shield does contradict the electricity never stops theme and makes him stay still in one spot contradicting the whole thing, yes and many of you suggested that shield should be mobile just like Odonata's shield....but over the years I've seen the idea fail and fail when it gets to DE; specially in the coucil... we all voted majority to that idea of an electric shield moving with volt...and somehow even if it was the most voted augment option DE never added it into the game...


but overall electric shield is a great skill and adds defense to volt skill set...it just needs to be consolidated as a defensive skill and for that it would be nice if electric shield also absorbed explosion damage, that way you would be willing to cast it specially in the void vs bombards...you knew they wouldn't damage you.



And thank you everyone for the great support!

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I use Volt in Raids and late T4D/T4S with no problem, he's actually one of the few frames in the game where every single ability can be useful time to time.

There is no reason to change him right now, you're just being entitled.

Edited by Matharl
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