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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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Several questions


Will there be:

1. Dual Wield Katanas

2. Shield and spears (please say yes I want to dress up as one LoL in warframe as pathion)

3. Ultra sword? (super giant heavyer swords)

4. new gatling gun

5. players able deploy turrets

6. players able deployable wall shield

7. Rocket fist weapons (a fist weapon use rocket blast either slide foward dmg or shoot out stright like glaive but don't bounce at all)

8. Rainbow laser (sarcastium joke for retexture of the laser guns)

9. New pets? (I mean its not only doggy around, we could have giant cats, lizards and something else like pet like)

10. New stealth kill animation? ( For real I mean I don't want jump down and stab the guy, I want just kill him above when I land on top of him or be under him and he is near by top edge of me, I would like drag him down and kill him, not magically appered behind him)

11. need turret warframe. Not really need mesa when she auto kill NPC.

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With the introduction of Parkour 2.0 and the increase of hangtime that we see in many frames will warframe powers be reworked to support this movement?


a good example would be Trinity having to have her feet firmly planted to use her entire kit.


Also: Ash returning to his previous position during bladestorm and falling immediately to the floor.

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Will we see requirement adjustments for the exilus adapters?

What do you think of relay NPC interactions? Banters between the present individuals and such.

Why do the syndicates send assassins at the Tenno?

Are any quests related to more familiar NPCs coming? Like Darvo, the syndicate leaders or even Baro.

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Chat 2.0. When?

The chat has always been a weak feature of the social interaction within the game. It works, but is no where close to many of the standards large multiplayer games hold today.

A standard agreeance I see among players is that:

-The tabs are clunky.

-It is difficult to perform trades and recruit others.

-There is little support for things like clan moderation/unbanning for accidental bans.

-Much of the poor behavior in public chats is due to the inability to create private chats between friends.

Since there are plans of adding social features to the Relays, what is the current progress on the next larger step?

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Ok here are my questions.

1. Can you add Archwingmissions similair to Sharwing, where we can go from an archwing into a ship, leave the ship and use archwing again? I think it would make Archwing way more enjoyable.

2. Anything on Kubrow commands/Kubrow 2.0?

3. Will we get the Obiter anytime soon? or maybe somework in progress of it

4. Eta for Valkyr Pre-Corpus Skin?

5. How is J3 Golem going?

6. Will we get somekind of scarfs?

7. Going to implement the chinese exclusive weapons like nunchaks?

8. Something about Umbra excal and Umbras in general?


Edited by tstz_vito
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Hi all


my questions:

1. attachments for weapons, laser pointers, scopes (IR, night vision, etc)

2. Torid, can be a charged straight shot, and frag impact like kulstar?

3. Stealth missions, not just a extra hito, full stealth missions, we can do that alone, but with a squad could be good, not all people play that way, many on them just do fast runs, and that make the mission bored, thats no play like ninja, is more like soilder.

4. syndicate armors?

5. Trade Broker?

6. Lure enemies, throw something, an object or a little bit of the power to lure enemy and allowing us to perform a stealth kill or pass throught them without be seen, that could be useful.

7. the sprint can be more like ninja? including weapons


(sorry for my bad english :P)



Edited by Senekis
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DE can you guys do something about trying to melee crawlers and shield drones?  Maybe like how you did for exalted blade where you can aim our sword swipes.  Also how about some power interactions like volt and Hydroid pairing to increase the damage of each others powers and comboing powers like zephyr increasing the power of tailwind and dive bomb (which should be merged together and be one move) while turbulence is active?  

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QUESTION 1: What's the status of Catbrows and the Sol System rework?


QUESTION 2: What can you tell us about the planned system rework?


QUESTION 3: Any chance we might see a Codex rework that allows us to control the camera?


QUESTION 4: Any chance for small changes like Lotus no longer mentioning ship raiding in Settlement Survival runs, or explaining Excavation missions after insertion like she used to?


QUESTION 5: New Oddities when?


QUESTION 6: An Ordis or Lotus hologram decoration for the Liset that speaks to you instead of the communications windows would be cool. Kind of like Simaris in the Sanctuary (or Cortana in Halo). Would that be possible?

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Will you release and keep up to date a timeline - even rough or completely "this is subject to change in six seconds" sort of thing? I can understand not wanting to do this, but as a player it would be nice to see, at a high level view, of what the next few sprints are going to be spent on. Even if 90% of the feedback will be whining and complaining.


When is the next big story push going to be? How much agency will the players have in determining the outcome?

-Natah was a great quest in this regard, even if it was relatively short and contained to one area.


On the subject of player agency: How can we players help you (DE) out, over and above 'buy plat/prime access' and 'report bugs'? In all things, power comes with responsibility. Given greater player agency, we must take greater player responsibility in the story and meta of the game.


Horizontal wall running comeback? Because the hops just aren't as cool.


More than 3 loadouts possible on a frame/weapon? Renameable loadouts on frames/weapons?




Echoing others:


Stealth 2.0?


More syndicate weapons?


More 'standard' mod slots - up to 10/12 from 8?

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Will we ever see an increase in weapons switch speed, so that we can more easily create combos by using multiple weapons?

For example: freeze an enemy with a Glaxion and finish it of with a sidearm, or stun an enemy with Castanas and then finish it of with a quick headshot from a sniper.

An increase in switch speed may also make it faster to swap to your sidearm instead of just reloading your primary.




Now that shotguns have seen a general improvement, will we see a similar change to sniper rifles in the near future? If so what would the changes be?

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Can we get the option to turn off the hard landing we have now and have the old rolling back just like you did with vaulting?

Some folks were fine with the old rolling and saw no reason for the change.

The same goes for the previous alt fire\zoom key functionality. Can you provide the option to link those two again?

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First of all, thank you very much for that last 17th update. I'm loving the new game the parkour 2.0 has created, and the amount of cinematic awesomeness that all this gliding, jumping and shooting is providing is unbelievable. I think I've never heard so many (that was so cool!) on voice-chat for ages (and most of them were mine :P). I'm really, really grateful, and my most heartfelt "thank you" to all the teams and all the hard work  involved.


And now the questioning ^^


Given that now you have give some love to arch-wings:


could it be possible to have a better range of mods for the whole section.

There are some weapons mods that could be already applied to arch-weapons with small, if any, modifications  (i.e. Terminal Velocity for Grattler....). Right now the variety of mods is appallingly low.


could you add some regular Archwing missions to fill the gap between the Saturn (Pandora) Exterminate lv 19-20 to the Uranus (Caelus) Interception 27-29?

Making the jump for a mid lvl ranked Archwing to Caelus is always too hard, and most of the times it makes the newcomer to leave Archwing entirely out of their gameplay time .


Also, could you add other type of Missions? (even following the same ground missions types)

 -Excavation: You could defend several consecutive drilling Titan Extractors from random meteorites

 -Capture: You could capture a escaping flying target

 -Highjack: You could protect a captured OGMA or escort a Liset.

 -Defence: Defence an engine, or a Satellite or antenna from hordes of enemies  a bit like the new Uranus Defense missoins

 -Spy: recover data from different ships, or parts of one ship...  


Or you can invent new ones:

-Escape: Speed up run from point A to point B being followed by a space-ship engine explosion. You have to leave the ship before the explosion wave crushes you.

-Courier: Same us before, but in open space, and you need to transport a VIP or deliver a message passing by a conflictive zone. That meant timed mission with a lot of hit and run situations.


Could be added any "void" Archwing mission?

An Archwing assault to a new discovered vessel, or even better, a Derelict with the corresponding void or infested version of enemies.


So many options, and I'm not talking about making a real six degrees of freedom space simulator, where you can face your enemies upside down (though in space there is no up or down). That would probably meant to rewrite all the code for Archwing. But at least give it some variation. Right now leveling on Archwing is not as slow as it used to be, and it seems that more people is playing it, but still I think it could be done much more to it.

Edited by kirune
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Will we ever see a new flamethrower or a flamethrower rework? they can achieve alarming ranges for what they are supposed to be

actually flamethrowers have a huge range.

the M2 Flamethrower used during WWII had a range that went up to 40 meters. Thats 132ish feet range.

but the flamethrower in game is a more short ranged spread one by the looks of it. for its range it needs to be more like compressed fire. er something like that

Edited by Sithalo
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My questions are a bit of a mixed bag:

- About the relays, will the "lower limit" within the relay's main room be removed ? This limit made sense when we did not have means to get back up to the concourse level in case we fell, but with Parkour 2.0 this obstacle to exploration is no more. on the same matter, do you plan to add the glide/stick-to-the-wall feature in the relays ?

- Do you still have plans to implement the "full" Orbiter module of the Tenno ships ? If yes, could you tell us an estimate of the implementation time, maybe a little sketch of how the room(s) will be organized or a bit of the inner concept arts ?

-Do you plan to add some Warframes based on the concepts given by the most skilled fans ? Some of them appear to be very well designed, like Arma, Typhus or Silk.

- Have you found ways to adapt other types of "classic" missions to the archwing setting (beside the current Exterminate, Sabotage and Interception) ? And/or do you plan to add entirely new types of missions to this setting ?

- On side note to the previous question, do any of you listen to some "space theme music" while playing archwing missions ? Personnally, I like to have the soundtrack of Freespace 2 or Strike Suit Zero on.

- You made a Dragon themed Warframe. If you were to make another Warframe based on a mythological creature, which one would you select ?

- Same question as the one above, but this time with a Warframe based on a mythological Hero.


Thank you all at DE for such a great game and a wonderfull attention to players.


P.S: The forum seems to have a bit of an issue with the copy/paste feature,as well as reactuating pages when not asked.

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