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[Pvp]What About A Bonus For Those Who Don't Spam Abilities.


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as a player that focus on shooting targets with my gun instead of spamming abilities and since DEVs don't seem to having plans on lowering the energy access on conclave i think some players like me deserve a little help, mostly because many players use abilities just because everyone else does.


My suggestion is a single mod, this mod will increase your shields by 20 and lower your power efficiency so powers will cost the triple... or something similar..


yes yes i know, 70% of the players will dislike this idea because they use abilities, but some players that actually like to play for fun will sure enjoy this mod.


and please, if you are a ability spammer and don't like this idea please don't come here spreading salt.




a probably even better idea from KingTaro:


For instance, 50% resistance to all powers at the cost of not being able to use powers yourself.
Edited by JeyciKon
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 this mod will increase your shields by 20 and lower your power efficiency so powers will cost the triple


Holy balls this is incredibly poorly thought out. You seem to want to punish players who use abilities more than anything else. 


Lets look at the mod, that 20 shield will barely let you take another hit before dying, and -200% power effciency just means that you will literally never use any of your abilities except your number one power. 


I dislike this idea not because I use abilities, but because I like having the option to use abilities. And I can't even understand why someone would trade ability usage for 20 shields.

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Holy balls this is incredibly poorly thought out. You seem to want to punish players who use abilities more than anything else. 

O want to push some players into using guns instead for powers. there is almost no fun facing energy spammers.


 And I can't even understand why someone would trade ability usage for 20 shields.


i totally would, is rare for me to use habilities and i wouldnt mind using none for 20 shields.



You do get bonuses: self satisfaction and a feeling of superiority

you are totally right, but i'm talking more about statistic bonuses.

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 And I can't even understand why someone would trade ability usage for 20 shields.


Simple answer to a simple question. People don't need them. I never use powers, sometimes if I happen to have 100 energy on me Ill occasionally cast avalanche. But my power use along with my melee use is very low and I do great in my games regardless of that. It would be nice if a player like me can trade the powers I never use for something more useful to compliment my gunskill.

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Abilities should be in Conclave. Warframe is a mix of shooter and RPG. The PvP should encompass both elements. Right now Conclave becomes more and more shooter oriented completely leaving RPG part left out.


If you really want that mod, then there should a counter part mod. Power efficiency at cost of weapons damage.

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Generally, I don't mind people relying on powers. And let's phrase it this way, calling it "spam" just gives it a bad spin for no reason. Players of tanky Warframes with weak powers are "spamming" their powers, too, only they don't affect the outcome as much.


You're obviously talking about powers that make a real difference, otherwise you wouldn't bother.


That said, I think your suggestion of gaining some extra survivability for a really significant downside is a good one, the two (minor) nitpicks I have with it is that people would obviously use it only on the tankiest Warframes with the weakest abilities, i.e. it wouldn't be a real option for all Warframes. Also, it doesn't address the real issue which is energy availability.


I don't use the powers too often. Mostly to finish that Dexterity Challenge.

But I'd trade all the powers for good bonus stats.


For instance, 50% resistance to all powers at the cost of not being able to use powers yourself.


Again a good suggestion, but has the same flaws as the first one. I'm not sure what the mean energy-damage-ratio is, but how about this: you're still able to use powers yourself and 50% of damage dealt by powers against you is draining your energy instead of your shields/health at a rate of 1:2 (two points of energy for one point of damage).


That way you'd still get a bonus, but only as long as you yourself have energy, and energy would be used up at the same time.


Similarly for the original suggestion: When recharging shields, you can gain up to 30 overshields paid for by energy at a rate of 1:3.



And here's a suggestion of my own, although it's unfair to weaker Warframes as well: introduce mods for some weapon types which use a small amount of your own energy on each hit (should probably be proportional to damage dealt) to remove 1/3 that amount of energy from your target.

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Generally, I don't mind people relying on powers. And let's phrase it this way, calling it "spam" just gives it a bad spin for no reason. Players of tanky Warframes with weak powers are "spamming" their powers, too, only they don't affect the outcome as much.

You're obviously talking about powers that make a real difference, otherwise you wouldn't bother.

That said, I think your suggestion of gaining some extra survivability for a really significant downside is a good one, the two (minor) nitpicks I have with it is that people would obviously use it only on the tankiest Warframes with the weakest abilities, i.e. it wouldn't be a real option for all Warframes. Also, it doesn't address the real issue which is energy availability.

Again a good suggestion, but has the same flaws as the first one. I'm not sure what the mean energy-damage-ratio is, but how about this: you're still able to use powers yourself and 50% of damage dealt by powers against you is draining your energy instead of your shields/health at a rate of 1:2 (two points of energy for one point of damage).

That way you'd still get a bonus, but only as long as you yourself have energy, and energy would be used up at the same time.

Similarly for the original suggestion: When recharging shields, you can gain up to 30 overshields paid for by energy at a rate of 1:3.

And here's a suggestion of my own, although it's unfair to weaker Warframes as well: introduce mods for some weapon types which use a small amount of your own energy on each hit (should probably be proportional to damage dealt) to remove 1/3 that amount of energy from your target.

I agree with everything. the last one is also good u could stop ember from using her 4th or frost 4th. I would rather like this mod to suck energy from ur opponent and add it to ur own pool.
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What would you suggest as a downside, then?

energy effieciency at -100% maybe (for ppl rarely using powers) or reduced shields by 20 for ppl who like using powers. So u have 2 kinds of this mod. Guys im not saying it should be like this all ideas welcome ofc not trying to gimp any kind of frames. actually there are like 4 categorys as i see it. Fast tanks. Caster tanks. Casters and support casters like equinox and nyx. Edited by Lord_Noctus
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No, because those frames that rarely use energy can also equip it and leave caster frames without energy.

Its actually weird at the moment we have cast tanks like rhino frost we have fast agile tanks ash valk. Casters volt ember support casters nyx equinox (great in teamplay) its just a thought u can call it bs if u like
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Again a good suggestion, but has the same flaws as the first one. I'm not sure what the mean energy-damage-ratio is, but how about this: you're still able to use powers yourself and 50% of damage dealt by powers against you is draining your energy instead of your shields/health at a rate of 1:2 (two points of energy for one point of damage).


thats a good idea but even power users will benefit from it if you think about it, unless it gives a downside like:


energy effieciency at -100%


but since it has a downside, is should be at a rate of 1:1(1 point of energy for one point of damage), or maybe even 2:1(1 point of energy for 2 points of damage).

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but power efficiency may not be the best downside, it will create 2 problems:

Heavy melle channeling users will benefit from it.

if it increases your power cap just like Heightened Reflexes, it may become a problem because people will die with large amounts of energy and drop it for someone else to use.


An option: instead of power efficiency it will decrease energy earned from any energy sources, that will solve both those problems.

Edited by JeyciKon
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but power efficiency may not be the best downside, it will create 2 problems:

Heavy melle channeling users will benefit from it.

if it increases your power cap just like Heightened Reflexes, it may become a problem because people will die with large amounts of energy and drop it for someone else to use.


An option: instead of power efficiency it will decrease energy earned from any energy sources, that will solve both those problems.


That's why my suggestions involve using energy to get a bonus. Energy has to be used in the process so it won't be available to someone else at a later point. Power efficiency alone doesn't do that.


Also, the cost/benefit of such a mod needs to be about on par with the weakest abilities so it will always be a sidegrade at best.


Reducing the amount of energy gained is certainly an good idea as well, but that way energy would still accumulate. That's why I think paying with energy for a passive bonus would be the better solution.

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If you really want that mod, then there should a counter part mod. Power efficiency at cost of weapons damage.


Sure, why not?

We are not asking for a weapon buff, we are asking for a small extra defense for the cost of barely being able to use powers.

an actual counter part for it would be a little extra buff on powers at cost of a very significant defensive nerf, like for example: +25% power efficiency and -75% shields, this is similar to the mod "Hastened Steps" that takes away 50% shields for 20% sprint speed, and lets be serious here, 25% power efficiency is way better than 20% sprint speed so -75% shields sounds just right.

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