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If U Had 1M Plat....


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I'd buy all the rank 10 mods I've been too lazy to farm and max.

Then I'd buy affinity boosters, rush Forma and polarise all my weapons. Again.

Then I'd build myself a massive dojo with all the spare rushed Forma.

Then I'd rush all the research that matters.

Then I'd spend what's left on Kavat stuff.

And then


I would retire


I already have my plan, now I just need that plat...

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Make more stasis room for more kubrows.

And spend a part of it, to fund the research for biotop for those kubrows.

Bribe a dev into giving me the ability to take two kubrows on my missions.

Paying this dev some more, to add the ability to increase that number even further.


Never enough kubrows (ಠ_ಠ)


Dev doesn't need plat. Dev MAKE plat.

Ok, I didn't post mine yet, so here it is: 


I'd buy all the colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky


And all the faces of the frames that pass me by


And all the scarves and armor, because why not


And finally have a copy of every mod at every rank (blind rage rank 1, rank 2...rank 10)

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I would open the first bank of tenno, where I would allow everyone to "Invest" thier platinum by giving it to be where it would gain 2% interest and double every 36 months. 


once I had everyone's platinum I would build my own relay i the void and warfleet, take over the origin system, and declare myself Emperor of everything

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1m plats.. hmmm..


i will:


Buy Uncle Hek's terra frame... upgrade it and make it my archwing.. or


by myself a zenuka put my max prime mods on it, and unleash it to hunt the corpus.. or


buy many oxium from market and build my self a Fomorian.. or


invest on darvo's store..



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I would complete my weapon and mod collection.

Then I would work on forma'ing every single weapon in the game and leveling every mod in the game. My ideal dream account would be to have every weapon and to have every weapon modded for maximum use. Meaning that I could pick any gun and make it work in end game still.

Then I would just buy every single cosmetic in the game.

Then I would become a hoarder of Prisma/Wraith/Event items weapons and artificially skyrocket prices by me essentially removing the supply from the market.

Then once prices reach unreasonable levels - I will start my own clan, and use giveaways as incentive to lure new players. Essentially, I will become a Warframe God.

Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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