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Psa: Tenno Safe Trading Tips

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i never check my kubrow imprints that i bought(bought 6) and so far no backstabbers. Guess its good karma, but i never remember which symbol stands for what have this readily available helps.


Very lucky. There are quite a few scammer on PS4 that simply name multiple less valuable kubrows the same name as a bulky lotus print that they screenshot and count on people not checking the prints during the trade. I have seen it multiple times and even been told that my game must be buggy cuz "it's the same dog" and referencing the name again. 



Would be nice if they put the pattern like Lotus or Domino. Sometimes you can't see the pattern because of colors.


This would be great. 

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Watch out because after trading the items you got will occasionally disappear out of your inventory


If this occurs please contact support.warframe.com :) 


Watch out for mod rank, I saw someone claim to sell R7 mod, but put in R6 one.

Also watch out for broken version of mod.


Yes! This is a crucial thing to look out for. Thank you! 


How do you report someone for attempting to trade items outside of the game and thus violating ToU? What category is used for that, and is there an option to report without first being in a squad?


Let support know by selecting either "Trading and Gifting" (if you were affected personally) or "Report a player" ^.^ 


Platinum switching was a common one people use to do. Not sure if it still happens with the new trade system, but it's when the buyer first puts up X amount and reduces the plat to a smaller amount(e.g. puts 200p then reduces it down to 2 or 20).


This is also very common and definitely something to be noted. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another thing to note is with Syndicate mods and weapons. There have been a couple times where I make a post selling a syndicate mod or weapon and someone accepts or says "inv". I purchase the mod/weapon and go to my dojo and then invite them.  Then I get the message saying that the User is not accepting invites. Upon messaging them I find out that they are ignoring me, which means that I am stuck with an extra mod or extra weapon that is taking up a weapon slot.


Second time it happened I took a screenshot of the chat, but I'm not sure how to recover XB1 screenshots on the computer to submit a ticket.


I was still able to sell the mod and weapon but I had to reduce my price that I would have sold it for.


I'm not sure how you prevent this sort of thing as it mostly relies on trusting the other person.  


Maybe we can have it so that you can select syndicate items from the trade chat without having them in your inventory and then once the trade goes through, your standing is taken away?

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We best thank DE for the incredibly useful changes to the trading stations. Prime part lists and notifications in trading make it so that changing items at the last second and full sets offered will not be mistakenly overlooked, or at least it's far more difficult to overlook.

Plus, who doesn't love that new extra trade slot?

Edited by (XB1)elite 44444
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It'd be nice if imprints contained more information on them anyway. Like the breed name next to the symbol and the name of the fur pattern. Sometimes the colors come out in such a way that you cannot discern what pattern they have without actually seeing it written out. I bred a Lotus patterned kubrow and didn't know it until it matured as the coloring was poor. I sold it for cheap, and had to take every measure I could to ensure the buyer that this was indeed a Lotus pattern (not that they were unreasonable, I took these upon myself to be 100% sure they knew they were getting a legitimate Lotus pattern).


Those are the big things, though it honestly can't have too much information for my tastes. The less guesswork a buyer has to do to tell if this is the kubrow for them, the better for everyone.


Having all that info in the imprint would be great.    For Now I have to take 3 Different Pics whenever I'm trying to sell a dog.    4, if you include the Pic of the Main 3 Colors that you can no longer see......(If there is a way Somebody tell me please)  For now I go to Attachments and click Copy Main colors.    See Below:






Didn't have the 3rd pic of this one......but yall know what I mean!!!

Edited by (PS4)HyperInfestation
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When trading Prime parts do not build the prime part that you would like to trade. Only unbuilt prime parts are tradeable to other players mastery rank 2 and above.

We can trade built prime warframe parts.....Wow where have I been.....


NVM - Hooked on phonix did NOT work for me apparently.......   Where is the Delete Button?   LOL

Edited by (PS4)HyperInfestation
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A user tried to give me 50 plat instead of the 500 plat agreed upon.

I didn't fall for it,and he imediatly left and used the ignore function.

I didn't even get the chance to tell him anything...So i know he did it on purpose...

Since I don't have a video of this,is there any point in reporting him?

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Someone also tried this on me today. He was really insistent on a fast trade because "he has to go", waited for me to selected all the parts I wanted to trade before trying to sneak in 50 plats instead of 500 plats. Unfortunately no video and screenshots since he canceled the trade quite fast before leaving the dojo. Since name-calling is frowned upon, I suppose I'll just have to make sure I take screen shots next time.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Trading with your fellow Tenno is a large part of the Warframe experience. While most players use the trading system with honest intentions, there are some players who do not. To help protect yourself from scammers, please be aware of the following:


  • GENERAL RULE OF THUMB: Always double, triple check that you will be receiving what you and the other player decided upon. It never hurts to be extra cautious, Tenno! 


  • Trading UI Changes: With the release of U17 on consoles, you may have noticed a few exciting changes to the Trading UI. From now on, if a player changes something you will notified instantly. You will then be prompted to either accept or deny these changes before proceeding with the trade. 


  • “Platinum Glitches”: A player might offer to host a “Platinum Glitch” with the promise that it will double your Platinum. They will ask you to enter the desired amount of Platinum you wish to double in the Trade UI. Since “Platinum Glitches” do not exist, the player may complete the trade and leave with your platinum. 

  • “Founders Codes”: Codes to unlock Founders' content in Warframe do not exist. Refrain from trading with players that are offering items/codes that have not been announced or made available by Digital Extremes. 


  • “Ancient Cores” vs. “Legendary Cores”:  Unlike Legendary Cores, Ancient Cores do NOT have the ability to maximize the rank of a mod. Keep this in mind as players will attempt to trade “Ancient Cores” as “Legendary.” For reference:



Non-Warframe Item Trading: Trading in-game items for non-game items (including cash) is a violation of the Terms of Use/EULA, and can lead to your account being banned. If the items can't be traded within the Trade UI, it is not a supported trade. 


Kubrow Trading: Please be aware that it is possible to check the breed and visual qualities of a Kubrow imprint you are receiving by selecting the "VIEW OFFERED IMPRINTS" option in the trade menu. Always be sure to check the imprint you are receiving in a trade is the correct one before completing the trade!  The various icons and the associated Kubrow types are listed in the spoilers below: 

SIkcQk7.pngSunika Kubrow

KQqOYjp.pngHuras Kubrow

j9zHLtM.pngSahasa Kubrow

4wkKxT2.pngRaksa Kubrow

9ie2caF.pngChesa Kubrow


If you run into any of the above please contact support with details and screenshots of the incident. 
Thank you, Tenno! Happy trading :)
*Note: We've opened the thread! Please let us know if there are any other trade issues that should be noted. 






I saw this issue on console PS4


Heres how the scam works


Scammers post wtt a coveted mod like Buzzkill


When you ask they say WTT Buzzkill yup!!


Then off to dojo.


Once at dojo scammers want three entire warframe sets in exchange for the coveted Buzzkill mod.


So the innocent players put up a coveted entire warframe set like Frost Prime (expecting that after three warframe sets they get a buzzkill? right?)


The trade is done and a second coveted warframe set like Ember Prime or Trinity Prime etc is put up for trade.

The trade is done.


The innocent player tries to get the scammer to do the third trade to get a Buzzkill mod from the scammer.


But alas! the scammer after getting two entire sets of coveted warframes goes offline and the innocent player gets nothing! no buzzkill , nada.


Sorry if I sound angry but players getting scammed upsets me greatly.



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Somebody tried to scam me yesterday I was buying a Arcane Aura Helmet and the player tried to get me using the chat function so that it would block the item in the first left slot of the visitors section. He put a speed boost aura in there but luckily my chat box was slightly to the side so that I could see it.


For example the chatbox covered Mag's BP





I think that there should be a place designated for the chat box or alternatively there should be a pop up that goes on top of everything before the trade is finalised reviewing all the parts like what happens with Baro Ki'Teer.



Edited by viperveteran
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