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Hunting Memory Leaks


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Interesting. I'll definitely be monitoring this.
(I have all settings exept bloom, motion blur and hud movement either on or on max settings)

Did some testing, the Liset runs at a steady 440, with the exeption of Warframe Customization, at which it rises to about 480, but not much higher.

The Dojo runs the smoothest, with an average of 420.

When I went to a Crossfire, it skyrocketed to an average of 875. So far, I have not encountered any leaks yet. I will be updating this post.


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what are your settings? Im all on low. I have to stop and do other things now but was able to go up to 1030mb of ram with no sign of stopping

I play on a borrowed potato-top. Everything is low or disabled.


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I haven't had any crashes, but I've definitely noticed an increase in lag the last few weeks (post U17 perhaps?). And it isn't due to latency, because I only play solo. When I get a chance I'll see if this is the same culprit.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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Glad you explained why the RAM number in the game fps counter differed from the task manager number. I've been wondering about that for a while.


I'll keep an eye out for any memory leaks, so far, since the RAM usage was put in, I have never seen it keep climbing. I'll report back if I have any information.

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I think I got it. Its the energy color, if I keep going around with my mouse on the colors it keeps rising and rising, if I stop moving my mouse around it doesnt go up, but the more I go onto different colors it goes up. note this is on low settings


Can you please do me a favor and do a fresh boot of Warframe and try again? Because I just booted in, went to my frame's E-color and am fiddling around and not seeing it grow. Either it's something that happened earlier or perhaps your loadout -- a fresh boot would rule out the former!


Update: I cloned your account to the dev cluster and fiddled with color picker for frame e-color -- still no repro :(


This sounds like exactly what I saw _once_ and never could repro again.

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I'm curious because I haven't done any recording before, how much space is needed on average per hour of playtime? What software do you recommend? What resolution do you recommend recording at? Do you have any codec preference for diagnostics?


I use OBS for when I have NVidia GPU or am on Intel HD laptop; XSplit when AMD GPU. Usually record at about 5mbit/sec and a 3hr stream works out to be under 7GB.

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Personal experiences: Most common scenarios the memory-leak crashes happen to me are during:

1. Void T3-T4 Sabotage, especially if not only when there is Rare / Reinforced Orokin Container

2. Any Corpus-Defence/Interception-mission-tileset when there Infested around

Very commonly before the recent'ish Defence-flow-update following few fixed (aside for the occasional "lost lamb"-issue we currently have), the (normal-Void) missions tended to crash once the spawners started to spew out enormous amount of (Healer) Ancients.

The framerate-drops and memory-increases also very notice-able whenever the (New Loka) Ancients-Death-Squads are spawned.

By my deductions, in all the cases when the crash has hapened, there has been many Ancient-Healers around; we're talking of numbers geater than 2 of them.

Also worth noting is that the crash mainly if not only happens to players who are the host / "listen-server" at the moment (soloing or not).

9/10-times when the host crashes, the mission ends abtruply with no rewards+loot collected without even a sloght attempt for host-migration; whether this is counted as either of mission-failure or aborting, I've failed at noticing the increased number in those scenerios (although there has been some odd scenarios with Alert-Survival-missions, which were completed -> "time"-ran out before extraction -> host-disconnect -> accounts being updated without host-migration-attempt -> Alert and any other-reward given successfully updated accounts).

There is a crash related issue to "key-consuming-cycle-reward--missions-too, but this scenario simply has too many variables for me to list alone, at the moment.

Returning from the slight side-track: First priority in my opinion would be scanning through the Infested-models, especially he ones that have more visual particle-effects and such, alongside other "CPU"-taxing elements (E.G. the calculation of Damage-Soaking-buff from Ancient-Healers).

Oh, just in case: Yes, I try to play with as performance-optimized settings as possible, alongsode as being in Safe-mode as possible.

Ah, I also now remember another area becoming quite RAM-spiking alongside FPS-dropping at my end: "Slam-Spamming" during PVP / Conclave-matches, whenever there are more than two players going that in a full / 8-player-match.

Perhaps a related (but more of a latency-issue) also is that the slams (especially with Jat Kittag) can as far reaching to airborne-targets as +20-meters (in-game), which leads me to think the slam-detection-calculations going haywire due CPU-overusage and memory-usage-spiking.

Again, these are just according to my own personal observation, but still probably worth checking out just in case.

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Can you please do me a favor and do a fresh boot of Warframe and try again? Because I just booted in, went to my frame's E-color and am fiddling around and not seeing it grow. Either it's something that happened earlier or perhaps your loadout -- a fresh boot would rule out the former!


Update: I cloned your account to the dev cluster and fiddled with color picker for frame e-color -- still no repro :(


This sounds like exactly what I saw _once_ and never could repro again.

Rebooted, and was able to replicate it again. Im going to install a video recording software so you can see but I only have 130 GB of free storage so fraps is out of the question.

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Rebooted, and was able to replicate it again. Im going to install a video recording software so you can see but I only have 130 GB of free storage so fraps is out of the question.


Thank you -- I'm going to try turning off display settings now -- maybe something you have off is interfering.


I tried vsync hacks to go from 10fps to 300fps but no dice.

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Does it count as a Memory leak if it clears at a later point?


If i enter a regalia sigil properties menu, adjust the alpha (even a tiny bit), the memory usage starts to climb, It clears to normal when i leave the regalia menu. Importantly (i think) this bug stays; If i go to second frame and enter a regalia sigil properties menu, the memory will again start to climb, despite not changing anything with the second frame. Update: Watching back my footage, I don't think it stays as i described. Update 2: Tested again, it stays. moving to a second frame and doing nothing save looking at it's sigil screen causes memory to rise.


Looking at any customization in the regalia menu after adjusting the 'Alpha' value seems to exacerbate the issue.


This is after a few minutes just idling [Note: Both are from separate boots of Warframe - Banshee on first boot, Excal second]:






I have videos of both attempts if you want them....(though i will have to do something about the files sizes before i upload them).


p.s - I should note i run with an FPS limiter... It's supposed to be 120fps, though it doesn't actually cap at that....

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Thank you -- I'm going to try turning off display settings now -- maybe something you have off is interfering.


I tried vsync hacks to go from 10fps to 300fps but no dice.

ok so I got the video, but in the middle of recording after I hit about 500mb I got bluescreened. Ill try uploading it to somewhere, but the video is partially destroyed by the crash


edit heres the video



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