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What Is This Dissatisfaction With Volt?


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We all see you don't like Volt (Note: I didn't say you suck at playing Volt. I don't know you and I've never seen you play so I can't make that call). I don't care enough to waste my time or energy to convince you otherwise. Different people like different things and play differently so why don't you accept that. You can voice your opinions all you want, but being unnecessarily rude and confrontational will not get people on your side here or in real life.

This is neather about skills, nor about liking him or not. He is just much weaker then any other option. The constants in his kit kill his potential.

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If a few specialist frames are the thing to go then warframe would be content with just a handful of frames.


Volt could use some extra power though.


Shields could be picked up for example for strategic purposes (with some other limitations for balancing)


While Overload is flashy and cool to cast, it is really not much else and suicide at worst. I feel, considering warfames evolution over the years, from todays perspektive an ultimate based on electricity theme could be so awesome.


He could get an extra stance like excal/valkyr, massive aoe burst, EMP that jams the weapons of enemies... there is so much that could be possible, DE just needs to want it and do it, like they did with excal.

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The one thing that I dont want to happen, is for Volt to get turned into the latest spammable noob frame for draco. This would make me so sad.


I'm of the same mindset here.  Volt is, at the moment, both quite effective and provides a more diverse type of approach to combat due to his array of skills.  He's not even moderately a weak frame (rather being one of the strongest), however at the same time he's a bit trickier to get the jist of than some due to lacking the painfully obvious specializations held to by some others.


In other words, players generally don't give Volt enough of a chance to really see where the frame shines.  Instead they hold Volt to some personally decided standards based on what they assume Volt should be, rather than taking the frame for what it is.  For those players who do get Volt, they're not ever in a situation that doesn't have an effective answer.  Volt is the proverbial multi-tool of Warframe, and that's why he's one of my favorite frames and has been throughout my entire playtime.


Seeing a "rework" on Volt would be likely a tragedy since he genuinely doesn't need one.  Some QoL or small tweaks would be alright, but even without stuff of that nature he's not a weak frame.

Edited by Bobtm
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I'm of the same mindset here.  Volt is, at the moment, both quite effective and provides a more diverse type of approach to combat due to his array of skills.  He's not even moderately a weak frame (rather being one of the strongest), however at the same time he's a bit trickier to get the jist of than some due to lacking the painfully obvious specializations held to by some others.


In other words, players generally don't give Volt enough of a chance to really see where the frame shines.  Instead they hold Volt to some personally decided standards based on what they assume Volt should be, rather than taking the frame for what it is.  For those players who do get Volt, they're not ever in a situation that doesn't have an effective answer.  Volt is the proverbial multi-tool of Warframe, and that's why he's one of my favorite frames and has been throughout my entire playtime.


Seeing a "rework" on Volt would be likely a tragedy since he genuinely doesn't need one.  Some QoL or small tweaks would be alright, but even without stuff of that nature he's not a weak frame.


Speaking from the heart *high five*

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Recently you have helped me understand how good Volt can be when used properly (previously I used him quite effectively but in a different way).

So I agree that any sort of "rework" beyond improvements would be a tragedy.


However...I have an issue with these two statements.

 however at the same time he's a bit trickier to get the jist of than some due to lacking the painfully obvious specializations held to by some others.

I find that most of the frames in warframe are both rather versatile as well as having a specialization or two.

There are only a few frames that are almost entirely a specialist in one thing. And in some cases it is not their intended design  yet they get used that way based on what actually functions in tougher content. Exmp: Saryn is not supposed to be a miasma bot. She actually has a versatile skill set but her mod builds are counter intuitive to it. 

That in mind-

I don't think Volt is trickier because of his versatility..I think he is trickier because of the skill floor to some of his powers.


Example: Overload is actually one of the most damaging 4's in the game if used on clustered enemies. So why is killing large enemy groups any less one of Volts specialization than other frames capable of something similar? I suspect the real issue is that people don't know to make overload that damaging because it takes more effort to pull off. 


  Instead they hold Volt to some personally decided standards based on what they assume Volt should be, rather than taking the frame for what it is.  

I'm not sure one can place a clear point of where the assumption is.

How do you differentiate between what is a "persons opinion" of what Volt should and what is a player understanding what DE was after?

How do you differentiate between "what he is" and where he is not performing as intended?

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The only changes I would make would be to boost his normal energy level closer to Volt Prime (250 or so) and to allow Overload to create area denial pulses several seconds after it ends. They can get the same damage bonuses as Overload does now with stacking enemies and electrical equipment. I'd also shorten the cast time of overload. Besides that, I'd allow melee weapons to get an electrical damage bonus if Volt runs through his shield, and for Speed to increase weapon swap, reload, and (further increase) ADS movement speeds. I might add further changes to speed depending to affect Parkour 2.0, but without using it I can't say for sure that would be best.

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I want to say I agree with the Poster, Ezariel, and others:


Volt could use a slight increase in damage and ability duration on shield.


Please consider our community's insight, Devs. Love you guys btw. Ty, peace out.


:: Gang signs ::



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Watching this post evolve is so fun. :3


I mained Volt Prime all day today, even took him into my clan's NM Raid as the backup battery carrier/emergency stunner.

We did good, even though most people say Volt is bad for Raids.

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Watching this post evolve is so fun. :3


I mained Volt Prime all day today, even took him into my clan's NM Raid as the backup battery carrier/emergency stunner.

We did good, even though most people say Volt is bad for Raids.


Oh man... so much this! Hes the only thing Ill bring to a NM/raid. I run his as a primary carrier team in the first section by buffing a teammate with speed and picking up on drop, and console runner for the puzzle section where im usually the last to step on a pod,  and then ill plant myself center stage on the third section with a few shields and my lanka guarding and buffing the runner from door to door, and calling out changes in the field.


That last part only works if you are a good shot, but for any raid, I wouldnt leave home without volt. Such a beast! The speed augment makes it even easier.

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That in mind-

I don't think Volt is trickier because of his versatility..I think he is trickier because of the skill floor to some of his powers.


What you're saying here is actually a more accurate version of what I'm trying to say.


The problem (why I tend to say something more obscure and less accurate) is that people get oddly bent out of shape if you tell them they aren't playing something to an appropriate level of skill.  Thusly just to avoid unnecessary arguments I just say that "the versatility makes him tricky".  By this I'm alluding to the fact that Volt doesn't have such an obvious goal as some other frames can have with certain builds, such as;  EB forever Excalibur, Slow/Fast Nova, PeaceMesa (AKA Shooty Mc'Bot), EV Trinity, and many others.  Basically saying there's not some obvious "simple" win button type of thing for Volt, ergo being a roundabout way of saying he's got a higher skill entry level.  All in an effort to avoid players shouting the claim "I'm skilled enough" instead of acknowledging the mistakes they make and improving upon them, or choosing a frame which better suits their own playstyles.


I'm not sure one can place a clear point of where the assumption is.

How do you differentiate between what is a "persons opinion" of what Volt should and what is a player understanding what DE was after?

How do you differentiate between "what he is" and where he is not performing as intended?


That's fair for sure, even what I feel isn't something which can be called "technically correct" on this particular manner.  What I have backing me is what functionally works and has for a long, long time.  The effectiveness of Electricity as a damage type has wavered, but even when it was tougher Volt's always been very powerful at granting players a wide bit of utility.  Since these traits have been a part of his kit for the longest standing time, and up to being what has worked for him in the toughest of runs, well that's just what makes sense to me.


Another reason I have for feeling this way is a more loose notion based on the general pattern of frame powers and their innate design traits.  While there are outliers, on average male frames tend to be more obtuse, indirect, or defensive in nature.  Female frames however have generally more direct abilities and more often have clearly offensive styled traits.  Volt, being an early male frame, hits this niche dead on in a big way while still posessing a fair bit of direct offense in two of his four powers.


While I can't say I'm any more right about DE's intent in any way.  I can very safely say that, based on Volt's current and real effective usability, that many players just use him wrong.  It's here where I drew that statement;  They're assuming he's good at X or Y, when he's really actually good at T.  Or in other words, he has a very competant and effective role in any team setting, but players expect him to fill roles which he's not suited to currently.


What the real endpoint is though, is that the "majority" want Volt to become a mindless damage dealer.  This would be a rather tragic loss for the game in terms of having an intriguing and more skill-reliant frame.  So it's why I stick to my preconcieved notions as to how Volt operates.  It's also why I'm hoping that in the near future we see a female Electric frame with a more clear offensive skew, to satiate the lightning wielding superbeing desire that folks want to play with.  Ala the Direct Current counterpart to the Alternating Current which Volt is now.

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Volt used to be one of the most powerful Warframes. Then Damage 2.0 happened and his effectiveness across all factions was cut down severely. He still has a lot of utility but he's just not the same anymore. Plus, his kit is quite lackluster.

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What the real endpoint is though, is that the "majority" want Volt to become a mindless damage dealer. 


a more clear offensive skew, to satiate the lightning wielding superbeing desire that folks want to play with.  Ala the Direct Current counterpart to the Alternating Current which Volt is now.

I'm against mindless anything but I think Volt has a clear offensive skew already. All four of his powers either do damage directly or they increase the damage he can do with his weapons. Does the fact that he can throw up a shield and make everyone run fast mean he doesn't have an offensive skew? Or does it really just mean that he has more to his kit than JUST damage. Well....Most frames do. Even the frames that a lot of people treat as mindless one trick ponies weren't designed that way. Frames usually have a versatile kit. Don't get me wrong, Volt;s more versatile than an almost absolute purist Like Ash. But even ash is a combination of stealth, damage and mobility......despite some people just looking at him as a Bladestorm bot he is more than that.


So why do so many people think Volt isn't supposed to be a direct damage based warframe? Well....I think what's really happened is that because his direct damage powers don't do that much damage in the harder levels folks have sort of decided that they just weren't meant to. As long as it stuns it still has a use...is a common sentiment. I think it's a mistake in this case.


To be perfectly blunt-The damage powers in warframe fall off way too hard. DE knows this. They have mentioned it. It's not intentional. So every time someone uses the argument: a power that doesn't do good damage must not be meant to do good damage.....It's inherently ignoring the very real possibility that it is actually meant to do good damage but is another victim of unintentional damage fall off.


I think that is what happened to Volt's shock and Overload. they are supposed to be solid damage powers (like they sue to be) but have fallen off. That's all. IMO It's not an intentional slant away from direct damage or anything like that. It's unintentional.

Shock is at least fast and quick to use. Overload is honestly a lot of work for a pretty limited pay off. It kinda feels like artificial difficulty.

Edited by Ronyn
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I'm against mindless anything but I think Volt has a clear offensive skew already. All four of his powers either do damage directly or they increase the damage he can do with his weapons. Does the fact that he can throw up a shield and make everyone run fast mean he doesn't have an offensive skew? Or does it really just mean that he has more to his kit than JUST damage. Well....Most frames do. Even the frames that a lot of people treat as mindless one trick ponies weren't designed that way. Frames usually have a versatile kit. Don't get me wrong, Volt;s more versatile than an almost absolute purist Like Ash. But even ash is a combination of stealth, damage and mobility......despite some people just looking at him as a Bladestorm bot he is more than that.


Oh don't get me wrong here, Volt's definitely got an offensive style to him.  But it's more of an indirect one rather than the direct route taken by a frame such as Ash or what is more clearly intended of Ember(her defensive trait was outright removed).  How I see it is the vibe between the directness in a given frame's kit.  I should've worded that more clearly.


Basically I don't want Volt to become a "direct" frame, or one which is painfully obvious in use.  We know he's one which is up for an eventual look sometime.  For now and till that point I'll keep beating the proverbial dead horse I'm beating on this front.  If DE proves my thoughts here wrong by turning Volt into a damage type frame then I'll immediatly drop this argument and move on to suggesting the addition of a new Electric frame which is then indirect.


As far as Ash, that's probably the one frame I absolutely despise more than any other.  Playing Ash makes me feel like I'd rather take a nap or outright close out of Warframe (powered through for the Mastery) but at the same time I like that Ash exists.  The fact that there are very direct frames is awesome, since it plays to the favor of players who enjoy direct character designs/traits.


So why do so many people think Volt isn't supposed to be a direct damage based warframe? Well....I think what's really happened is that because his direct damage powers don't do that much damage in the harder levels folks have sort of decided that they just weren't meant to. As long as it stuns it still has a use...is a common sentiment. I think it's a mistake in this case.


To be perfectly blunt-The damage powers in warframe fall off way too hard. DE knows this. They have mentioned it. It's not intentional. So every time someone uses the argument: a power that doesn't do good damage must not be meant to do good damage.....It's inherently ignoring the very real possibility that it is actually meant to do good damage but is another victim of unintentional damage fall off.


From my standpoint it's an issue of two things which are in total opposition to one another.  If for instance Volt's attack abilities, being 1 & 4, were improved in terms of raw killing potential and that the scaling of damage based powers was somehow rectified, where would that really leave Volt?  Going by this it's safe to assume that him being a "damager" would insinuate that his two attack powers would have the ability to either badly harm out outright kill targets within a minimal number of casts.  Giving those powers the ability to do that (in Overload's case rather reducing the timing/skill needed to line it up) would effectively invalidate the tactical usage they hold now.


If it's gonna kill something outright, why would it need to have other traits?  Basically I just don't see how Volt can remain as he is while also gaining more killing power.  That same killing power additon (ease for Overload) would literally override the current capabilities held by the 1 & 4 and practically rewrite how the frame is played currently.


As for the damage power scaling side of things, that's just an issue where I'm at a loss.  For damage powers to be allowed to scale up to raid level (it's the only non-endless "cap" we have to go by) would be just odd at the moment.  This is due to either the radial nature or genuine ease of use and accessibility of the powers as they are.  If they can kill, everything is going to stay extinct up till an excessively high level foe is present.


The only thing I can come up with which would let them scale to a degree without turning everything into even more of a cakewalk would be to have a sort of "gate" placed on enemy HP.  With something like that abilities would be allowed to deal a greater percentage of damage to foes' health but it would eventually cap off and just stop working altogether.  If the easily cast abilities can kill all the things, they will kill all the things.  Of course there is the alternative of drastically reducing the spammability of our powers in a general sense.  But everytime steps are made towards this "the sky starts falling" so it seems less and less likely to happen with each passing week.


To equate it to something else;  Our weapons.  They have killing power and, in some cases are capable of doing more obscure things like allowing CC or inflicing statuses upon foes.  However since they indeed have that killing power any of the other things they do are massively overshadowed.  If you can kill it, why bother stunning it?


Of course none of any of this means it can't work.  It's just that I can't see it working.  That's really all my longwindedness in this part boils down to.  Killing things is and always will be top priority.  When that ceases to be an option CC becomes king.  When both fail it's time to either stall for time or dodge everything till something favorable can occur.  This tends to apply to lots of games, not just Warframe.

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Oh don't get me wrong here, Volt's definitely got an offensive style to him.  But it's more of an indirect one rather than the direct route taken by a frame such as Ash or what is more clearly intended of Ember(her defensive trait was outright removed).  How I see it is the vibe between the directness in a given frame's kit.  I should've worded that more clearly.

I believe I understand what you're saying. 


From my standpoint it's an issue of two things which are in total opposition to one another.  <snip for space> That's really all my longwindedness in this part boils down to.  Killing things is and always will be top priority.  When that ceases to be an option CC becomes king.  When both fail it's time to either stall for time or dodge everything till something favorable can occur.  This tends to apply to lots of games, not just Warframe.

Ah I see your concerns. I think I should clarify two things. 


1: I don't want to see something like a few casts of shock kill a group of level 80 enemies outright. That would be too much.

But right now, you could have Volt prime with full energy, cast shock on a level 80 heavy repeatedly until you ran out of energy, and the enemy would barely show any loss of health. It's so little it may as well have done no damage at all. That is just....so wrong. There absolutely has to be a reasonable medium somewhere between near useless and killing in a couple shots that we could be aiming for. In that proper medium the tactical usage remains but it still has a relevant impact on the enemies health pool.


2: The scaling in the game right now is so wonky that it's hard to make any simple statements about how to fix it.

All I can say is that if and when DE get's around to whatever "blanket approach to the damage scaling problem" they settle on.

The end result should be that damage powers always do reasonable amounts of damage. So it is a viable role to take on along with Crowd control, healing. etc.


I have a rule regarding power design.

If it's not supposed to do damage-take the damage component off of it.

If it is supposed to do damage-keep that damage relevant at all levels.

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What you're saying here is actually a more accurate version of what I'm trying to say.

The problem (why I tend to say something more obscure and less accurate) is that people get oddly bent out of shape if you tell them they aren't playing something to an appropriate level of skill. Thusly just to avoid unnecessary arguments I just say that "the versatility makes him tricky". By this I'm alluding to the fact that Volt doesn't have such an obvious goal as some other frames can have with certain builds, such as; EB forever Excalibur, Slow/Fast Nova, PeaceMesa (AKA Shooty Mc'Bot), EV Trinity, and many others. Basically saying there's not some obvious "simple" win button type of thing for Volt, ergo being a roundabout way of saying he's got a higher skill entry level. All in an effort to avoid players shouting the claim "I'm skilled enough" instead of acknowledging the mistakes they make and improving upon them, or choosing a frame which better suits their own playstyles.

What the real endpoint is though, is that the "majority" want Volt to become a mindless damage dealer. This would be a rather tragic loss for the game in terms of having an intriguing and more skill-reliant frame. So it's why I stick to my preconcieved notions as to how Volt operates. It's also why I'm hoping that in the near future we see a female Electric frame with a more clear offensive skew, to satiate the lightning wielding superbeing desire that folks want to play with. Ala the Direct Current counterpart to the Alternating Current which Volt is now.

I don't want just "a mindless damage dealer". What Voltites want:

1. A 4 that enhances/synergizes rather than hinders the rest of his kit.

2. A way to utilize his speed for melee/movement that doesn't get him quickly killed (100 armor is not the solution).

For some it's higher base speed. Higher damage coupled with quicker animations. Cool passive augments for damage mitigation and survivability that scales...etc.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Common dude, dont just troll. Play a few games with me


On topic:

If you observe Trinity's Energy Vampire skill, this scales nicely with enemy HP on most occasions. Something similar should be added to other abilities.

Edited by EirwynTelyn
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I believe I understand what you're saying. 


Ah I see your concerns. I think I should clarify two things. 


1: I don't want to see something like a few casts of shock kill a group of level 80 enemies outright. That would be too much.

But right now, you could have Volt prime with full energy, cast shock on a level 80 heavy repeatedly until you ran out of energy, and the enemy would barely show any loss of health. It's so little it may as well have done no damage at all. That is just....so wrong. There absolutely has to be a reasonable medium somewhere between near useless and killing in a couple shots that we could be aiming for. In that proper medium the tactical usage remains but it still has a relevant impact on the enemies health pool.


2: The scaling in the game right now is so wonky that it's hard to make any simple statements about how to fix it.

All I can say is that if and when DE get's around to whatever "blanket approach to the damage scaling problem" they settle on.

The end result should be that damage powers always do reasonable amounts of damage. So it is a viable role to take on along with Crowd control, healing. etc.


I have a rule regarding power design.

If it's not supposed to do damage-take the damage component off of it.

If it is supposed to do damage-keep that damage relevant at all levels.


I think I understand what you are going for here... But when is enough actually enough? If not level 80.... then level 100? If not 100... then 150? As it stands right now, shock is more than effective enough for any enemy in a normal mission in the solar map. Only raid missions start with level 80, and its meant to be hard. Most people arent even seeing that level of enemy unless they start a raid mission to begin with.


Some people here understand that Volt's abilities can be effective at levels much higher than that. However, there is a point where player skill must take over and apply that effectively to the abilities. This point will be reached at some point for everybody at some time no matter the situation. That point will also occur at a much different time from player to player. Everything before that point is considered the frame simply doing the work for us.


For example, some people quit at 20 min in a T4 survival because to go 40 min is too hard or is considered "not worth the effort".  That means somewhere between 20 and 40 min, that transition point occurs where skill must take over for them to progress further. For others, that point may occur between 40 and 60 min. When we reach that point, its up to us to push ourselves and keep learning new skills.


What we want to be careful of as players, is requesting a change that merely extends the period of time where the frame is still doing the work for us.

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I think I understand what you are going for here... 

You really don't.


But when is enough actually enough? If not level 80.... then level 100? If not 100... then 150? As it stands right now, shock is more than effective enough for any enemy in a normal mission in the solar map. Only raid missions start with level 80, and its meant to be hard. Most people arent even seeing that level of enemy unless they start a raid mission to begin with.


Some people here understand that Volt's abilities can be effective at levels much higher than that. However, there is a point where player skill must take over and apply that effectively to the abilities. This point will be reached at some point for everybody at some time no matter the situation. That point will also occur at a much different time from player to player. 

I am not chasing the infinite enemy scaling of endless content. At the same time the star map is not the full breadth of the game.

Raids are we face the highest level enemies in the developer custom built content. See, I did not choose level 80 arbitrarily.

I chose it because it is the most logical "end point" to base end game balance around. That is what the "hardest" relevant content is meant to be.


For something to be hard means the player should be using all the tools they are given, for what they were made for, with few mistakes.

That is what player skill is meant to be. I understand how to make Volt effective well beyond the point where his direct damage falls off. By relying on his direct powers primarily as CC and using his weapon boosting powers for damage. However when the powers meant to do BOTH damage AND CC, has damage so inconsequential that it acts only as a CC, it is no longer doing what it was made for.


I am talking about retaining the purpose of a power. Not just accepting that warframe becomes CC frame due to unintentional damage fall off.



Everything before that point is considered the frame simply doing the work for us.


For example, some people quit at 20 min in a T4 survival because to go 40 min is too hard or is considered "not worth the effort".  That means somewhere between 20 and 40 min, that transition point occurs where skill must take over for them to progress further. For others, that point may occur between 40 and 60 min. When we reach that point, its up to us to push ourselves and keep learning new skills.


What we want to be careful of as players, is requesting a change that merely extends the period of time where the frame is still doing the work for us.

You're making a hefty assumption there about WHY people might feel going farther is not worth it.

Yes, some folks give up because they don't like how things get harder.

Some folks give up because they don't like how various aspects of various frames fall off.

The game get's more and more homogenized and some frames loose access to a certain role on the team.

It becomes too much about CC and not enough about the other aspects.

No, that doesn't require more "skill" or make the game "hard".

It simply changes the tactic from one thing to another.


There is a lot of room between that point where pressing 4 kills everyone on the screen and that point where it's easiest to resort to extreme CC tactics where the goal is to make the enemies blind/stun/or floating long enough to kill them with our guns.

This isn't some binary choice between P42W and a shooting gallery



Also, I am extremely tired of the accusations and/or insinuations that asking for a power to retain its damage component automatically means I don't know how to make the frame work in hard content or that I want the frame to do the work for me.

It's unwarranted and dismissive. 

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Also, I am extremely tired of the accusations and/or insinuations that asking for a power to retain its damage component automatically means I don't know how to make the frame work in hard content or that I want the frame to do the work for me.

It's unwarranted and dismissive. 


Im sorry, I meant that as a more general statement. A lot of the OTHER suggestions here merely turn volt into a draco power spam frame. This is something we dont want.

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Im sorry, I meant that as a more general statement. A lot of the OTHER suggestions here merely turn volt into a draco power spam frame. This is something we dont want.

Ah alright then. I see.


Personally I'm not much concerned with how a frame performs on Draco.

Now I don't personally approve of AFK farming tactics but I can't balance things around the fear that people might use something for that.

This is a game where hordes of enemies rush us. So unless we are going to just do away with damage based powers that hit multiple enemies....

there is no real way to balance the frames for raid level content and still somehow prevent them from being strong enough to simply wade through mid level game content. Trying to avoid that is like....biting off our nose to spite our face.

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