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What's With All The Complaining?


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I'm troubled by the amount of people demanding that volt should be reworked, especially his 1st ability shock.

This is one of the best on-demand stuns in the game and I really don't understand why people are complaining that it is too weak or its cc isn't reliable enough.

When realistically Ember or Saryn could do with reworks far more than Volt.

DE can rework their frames until no end as long as we have a "certain special" mass of players which tune their frames for nearly no moves as well as spamming with no end ...

btw, you MR 19 and more which do only one thing, moving and spamming by using only keyboardbutton 4, it looks strange when you appear with all your wonderful golden and colourful stuff and not playing warframe at all with all its possibillities, i know you dream about absolute power, i can promise you, you have absolute power (in your overstressed dreams) over warframe and its players, in your toilets by holding your head ... (no zynical meaning, just facts) XD

Edited by LEEV_
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Grand Master, tell me: how usefull and used are her 1st and 3rd powers? They are some of the least used ones in game, you have to be very precise in the 1st to hit the spores, while under fire so you will get hit, and doesnt do enough damage or procs Viral fast enough when you could just kill the mob with your gun, her 3rd costs a lot of energy for the small benefit of adding toxic melee damage and low duration.


As I said, contagion (her 3) is bad. Awful. Nobody's going to defend that, but fixing one skill isn't a rework of a frame. As for venom, if you think that's a bad or hard to use skill, you're doing something wrong. Press 1, shoot in the general direction and viral procs all round! A useless effect when you could just kill the enemies with a gun? So is every other ability in the game then. At higher levels, halving a heavy's health is a very welcome tool in my opinion.

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As I said, contagion (her 3) is bad. Awful. Nobody's going to defend that, but fixing one skill isn't a rework of a frame. As for venom, if you think that's a bad or hard to use skill, you're doing something wrong. Press 1, shoot in the general direction and viral procs all round! A useless effect when you could just kill the enemies with a gun? So is every other ability in the game then. At higher levels, halving a heavy's health is a very welcome tool in my opinion.

I gave it a few tests after I made the post, Venom doesnt seem to expand aside from the first target (hitting another infected target doesnt make the spores spread more), each spore doing 10 damage and Viral proc'ed occasionally, but not enough to make a difference and the explosion of the spores is not effected by range mods, if it had a higher proc chance and maybe some stun, I would use it... maybe I'm complaining because it doenst have much imidiate ultility like Fireball that can make enemies panic, Freeze which... freezes, Shock stuns, Soul Punch knocks down in a small AoE, Smite knocks down and rad proc's...

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Volt is next in line for the whole rework thing so Volt gets a rework.

I'm guessing it's like that even though lots of other frames need reworks.


Ember, Saryn have some rather ignored abilities.

Nekros could FINALLY get rid of his status as a stationary loot dispenser and be made into a more mobile loot dispenser 2.0.

Limbo could I dunno read more data from allies like who needs more energy etc etc and the rift needs a rehaul as it's a bit more of an annoyance than a benefit. For example like being able to gather loot while in the rift could be a start and making it so your pet/sentinel gets dragged into the rift with you.


And then there's Hydroid who needs everything reworked so hard he could just be replaced woth another frame.

Edited by Ziegrif
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As I said, contagion (her 3) is bad. Awful. Nobody's going to defend that, [...]


I will defend it.  But before I do, can I just say that I find it ironic to create a thread titled confusion over people complaining in general only to state that there are issues with another frame instead of the one of the OP's choice?


For those who don't like an ability - I wonder if they have tried using all the Augments available to that Warframe.  The Contangion augment works well enough for me that I started using it regularly once I tried it out a few times.  It may not have a wide AOE, but it works well enough for me when I am being mobbed I activate it.  I play Saryn as my Infested Frame, thanks to Rage and Regenerative Molt helping keep me alive better than any other frame could handle (what with all the energy draining Eximus amongst the Infested).  Given that the Infested are primarily a melee-mob enemy, using Contagion (with the augment) just before plowing into a mob can help with leaving the brief toxic around as you try and take out all the enemies in your immediate surrounding.  It's ideal for stopping those pesky little insects that pop out of the Brood Mother (?), who will die instantly upon entering the cloud before they can latch themselves onto you, while also doing extra health damage on the remaining enemies you are charging through.


To the original post - I don't feel like Volt needs much of a re-work.  Quite honestly, I don't think frames need a rework at all (at least, none of the ones I have played).  They operate as advertised to me, whether or not it fits my playstyle.  On top of that, grabbing the Augments can make lesser favorable abilities all that more rewarding to use.  Just because something is not favorable, doesn't mean it needs to be "fixed."  But that's my view.

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I will defend it. But before I do, can I just say that I find it ironic to create a thread titled confusion over people complaining in general only to state that there are issues with another frame instead of the one of the OP's choice?

For those who don't like an ability - I wonder if they have tried using all the Augments available to that Warframe. The Contangion augment works well enough for me that I started using it regularly once I tried it out a few times. It may not have a wide AOE, but it works well enough for me when I am being mobbed I activate it. I play Saryn as my Infested Frame, thanks to Rage and Regenerative Molt helping keep me alive better than any other frame could handle (what with all the energy draining Eximus amongst the Infested). Given that the Infested are primarily a melee-mob enemy, using Contagion (with the augment) just before plowing into a mob can help with leaving the brief toxic around as you try and take out all the enemies in your immediate surrounding. It's ideal for stopping those pesky little insects that pop out of the Brood Mother (?), who will die instantly upon entering the cloud before they can latch themselves onto you, while also doing extra health damage on the remaining enemies you are charging through.

To the original post - I don't feel like Volt needs much of a re-work. Quite honestly, I don't think frames need a rework at all (at least, none of the ones I have played). They operate as advertised to me, whether or not it fits my playstyle. On top of that, grabbing the Augments can make lesser favorable abilities all that more rewarding to use. Just because something is not favorable, doesn't mean it needs to be "fixed." But that's my view.

Or just press 4 to do the exact same thing but less hassle and less worry. That's why Saryn is getting a rework. 1 and 3 is just plain bad because it gets overshadowed by her ult. In short, press 4 to win.

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No hard feelings. I threw you under the bus on purpose. Many people call "ability spam" the issue, but is it really? Warframes such as limbo use their abilities constantly, but aren't in the same category as a saryn who spams her abilities. Why? I honestly don't have the answer. It alludes me of why people are so zealous about ability spamming, but quickly jump to defend, again, frames like limbo. Yes, limbo spams 4 too. 


I fully support reworking the quite bland warframes like saryn, don't get me wrong. I was just making a point. 

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Or just press 4 to do the exact same thing but less hassle and less worry. That's why Saryn is getting a rework. 1 and 3 is just plain bad because it gets overshadowed by her ult. In short, press 4 to win.


I don't always have the 100 energy to spend on Miasma, so why not use something that costs 50 instead, if I have that?  Or maybe instead of using the full 100 on Miasma, I would rather use 50 on Contagion and 50 on Molt.  I find more enjoyment in making use of more than just a single ability, especially since they are designed that way.  And yes, I know I could throw on efficiency mods, but if I can utilize that space for other things and still run effectively, I don't see why I shouldn't.

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I don't always have the 100 energy to spend on Miasma, so why not use something that costs 50 instead, if I have that?  Or maybe instead of using the full 100 on Miasma, I would rather use 50 on Contagion and 50 on Molt.  I find more enjoyment in making use of more than just a single ability, especially since they are designed that way.  And yes, I know I could throw on efficiency mods, but if I can utilize that space for other things and still run effectively, I don't see why I shouldn't.


Because properly modded Miasma costs 25 energy and packs a wallop.

Edited by Ziegrif
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It's true overload is definitely something that needs tweaks, but its those who complain about shock's damage. ITS NOT MEANT TO BE SUPER OP its just a nice way to protect yourselves while reloading with a little bit of damage, Utility>Damage


And also name some other 1st abilities in the game that do damage into lategame?

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And then there's Hydroid who needs everything reworked so hard he could just be replaced woth another frame.


so true. sad, but true. i even potatoed him, but he just still sucks


op: volt has a really good toolkit, except his 4 doesn't do anything except it gets you killed if you try to use it

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its actually kinda hard to think of a volt 4 ability because everything i think of, another frame has.  

make him a moving arctrap? when he activates overload, it goes off of a short duration (or could be a channeling ability) and he is capable of firing his pulses at a much more rapid pace.


I think to really put volt over the edge, his passive is a unique one. the longer he goes without using a power, the stronger it can get, to a cap of course. it's kinda like something is charging too much power with nowhere to discharge it and once it's released, it blows in an explosion of power

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It's true overload is definitely something that needs tweaks, but its those who complain about shock's damage. ITS NOT MEANT TO BE SUPER OP its just a nice way to protect yourselves while reloading with a little bit of damage, Utility>Damage


And also name some other 1st abilities in the game that do damage into lategame?

did u by any chance read the volt discription?

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In response to the Topic Starter. 


This is the internet. This is 4chan and this is 9gag and failblog all in one. People complain and rant and behave as they would never do in real life. So why get pissed? You believe Warframe communities are above the internet in ethics and behavior? 

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