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So Base Damage Mods Are Getting The Axe, Too?


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There's this tweet by DE which has very grim implications - multishot nerf is supposedly just the tip of the nerfberg.

I feel that no weapon, or mod is safe from the nerf bat.

Cept they clearly said they are reworking the whole damage system, including how enemies scale




See that's the problem; I don't see any reason to touch either.

Base damage and multishot are not broken; no need to try and fix either. I don't see how it leads to a "better" experience.

So yes, Hek yeah I want compensation if their (IMHO) uncessesary mucking about nullifies all my investing in P. Point Blank.

You may not see a reason to touch either, but the forums disagree with you. All of the threads were saying "if you remove multishot you redo the whole damage system, because no more mandatory mods"

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Understanding problem, all yours. The issue is the necessity of building weapons for full damage, thus causing less build variety and freedom of choice.

If mandatory mods would be changed in any manner, we'll have hypotetically more slots to build the weapon with.

Actually we have nothing to "judge" from DE's work, since they said little to nothing over the fact they wanted to look for Multishot and the recent tweet about facing the problem.

Talking about base damage being touched doesn't mean it will be axed (your assumption), but reintegrated. Because Logic.


Also you write so many "I don't see..." that's exactly another problem of yours, not DE's nor this community's.

Please get informed before opening threads with no argument. There are some interesting threads around this topic.




Actually, I'd say Brimir has a very valid concern...


FWIW, the issue has nothing to do with building weapons for full damage as just the multi-shot change affects everything your weapon does.

The change does hint to a projected general lack of depth and scope on the game's part though (i.e. we can expect the game's levels not to change much for the regular star chart).

Reducing DPS relative to current content increases TTK which creates more challenge... Most games just expand their available quest content, Warframe re-treads theirs.


Were the game actually getting more challenging content,  the changes wouldn't be necessary.

Were the game changed to auto-rank down all damage and health relative to mob level this change wouldn't be necessary either.


So when someone complains that they spent countless hours acquiring a legendary unique and more countless hours to rank up that specific item only to find that the item is made useless in the process of game balancing they should expect reasonable compensation to their time and efforts.


Fortunately, DE has been pretty good about doing this in the past.

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Understanding problem, all yours. The issue is the necessity of building weapons for full damage, thus causing less build variety and freedom of choice.

If mandatory mods would be changed in any manner, we'll have hypotetically more slots to build the weapon with.

Actually we have nothing to "judge" from DE's work, since they said little to nothing over the fact they wanted to look for Multishot and the recent tweet about facing the problem.

Talking about base damage being touched doesn't mean it will be axed (your assumption), but reintegrated. Because Logic.


Also you write so many "I don't see..." that's exactly another problem of yours, not DE's nor this community's.

Please get informed before opening threads with no argument. There are some interesting threads around this topic.



TL;DR "That's just your opinion lol."


Well, and that in itself is somehow not just your opinion but an objective fact now, is it?

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There are no confirmed changes.  There has been no statement about taking things away without compensation.  Whole thread is just more forum mobbing.  Get your pitch forks boys, someone may be thinking about doing something we might not like.  Best be prepared.

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Whole thread is just more forum mobbing.  Get your pitch forks boys, someone may be thinking about doing something we might not like.  Best be prepared.

Sometimes it helps reading a thread before replying.

No-one is saying anything of the sort.

And yeah there are no confirmed changes. Hence why the thread title is in the form of a question.

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I think right now DE is just getting the players ready for some major changes.


Once they have have some details I'm sure they will share them and will be addressed in the next Dev stream.


If I were to speculate I would have to say the weapon itself will be the damage base and all damage mods are going bye bye.

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Sometimes it helps reading a thread before replying.

No-one is saying anything of the sort.

And yeah there are no confirmed changes. Hence why the thread title is in the form of a question.


-> "So yes, Hek yeah I want compensation if their (IMHO) uncessesary mucking about nullifies all my investing in P. Point Blank. "  Again, yours.


Also, actual Multi Shot changes have not been confirmed, only that changes are being made.  


Tell me again what point I missed?

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Lotta conjecture boys, suggest making the title of the thread "IF base damage mods are removed, what are the implications?", or something along those lines.


In the spirit of the topic though, DE is -always- more than fair about reimbursement, no?

Edited by Skaleek
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The only confirmed changes to Multishot is that it will be changed to properly consume the extra ammo as it was intended to do 2 years ago when they first introduced Multishot.


I love how people take 1 minor thing, that being a fix that has been 2 years in the making, and turns it into this whole dramatic episode about DE making major changes to damage and completely removing damage mods. 

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For anyone that hasn't seen it already, this is the Tweet in question that is spawning all of the thread traffic:


"Grineeer ‏@GooseDE  Sep 8
All this multi shot feedback has lead to a deeper dive on weapon levelling and required mods. Time to face some of the demons. #warframe"
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Well i think it is good they rework the whole system, hopefully it will bring balance and not making 99% of the guns just mastery fodder. Also i hope they put a cap on the ridicoulus damage and armor scaling of mobs (ive had lvl 40 corrupted bombards 1 hit me with their wierd knockdown)

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"All this multi shot feedback has lead to a deeper dive on weapon levelling. Time to face some demons" (direct quote from the tweet in question)


Somehow translated to:

"Serration and Primed Point Blank will be removed"


I like how you left out the "Nuclear bomb" response to how they were going to fix it.

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I like how you left out the "Nuclear bomb" response to how they were going to fix it.

Because it made no sense to me


fan: are you going to fix armor scaling/serration/all damage mods along with multishot too?

Goose: Nuclear bomb


Seriously, what? That comment only exists to spark a panic and doesn't actually make sense

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People thinking to compensation instead than a better game experience...

Dudes if you want a compensation for your work, find a job and start working hard... or put more effort in study...


I think a lot of people who play this game have  job.


On the side, I just hope they do it right. I don't want to get stuck with playing only one or two weapons to choose from again, when we have more at the moment. What I am saying is, I hope they scale things correctly.

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I love how people take 1 minor thing, that being a fix that has been 2 years in the making, and turns it into this whole dramatic episode about DE making major changes to damage and completely removing damage mods. 


Welcome to the internet?  LMAO



I do love the talk about "mandatory mods" like somehow they can make a change so that players stop finding the min/max ultimate.  Remove the so called "mandatory mods" we have now and something else will just become "mandatory", there's no point.  Happens in every game ever.  MechWarrior.  Everyone uses a gauss/dual PPC highlander.  Nerf that, people go to a new powerful build, nerf that....look at that, a NEW combo that is the best and only thing people use........well, let's nerf that.....hey, guess what.......?




If all they do is make multi-shot consume ammo, that's logical and makes sense, no real changes that really requires complaining.  And yeah, why don't we wait and see what the changes are they are planning for the damage system before assuming mods will be removed completely.  ;)

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