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Tenno Against Jedi


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I know in the sci fi it can't be cut, but with a big enough bomb it would kill anything hiding in it or using it as a suit. Why cut stuff up when you can just blow it up.

I thought we were talking about Jedi vs Tenno. Obviously if the Tenno had a big enough bomb they could blow up the Jedi.
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i go with Heman " The Master of the Universe "and his Catbrow with cool-looking armor..full mounted sword swinging underwear guy...

Heman will attack tenno and catbrow will attack Jedi :) Game Over

unless Megatron decided to join the fight,,or Peter Griffin..idk..this things gets unpredectable sometimes :P

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actually that's not correct even in SW universe, I.e. mandalorian Iron can't be cut by a light saber.

Space Marine (or eldar) would own them both. All hail the Emperor of Mankind

I don't think Space Marines can slice through bullets shot from point blank LMG's.
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Saryn -> Press 4 -> GG Jedi :/

It depends on the universe the fight takes place. In Warframe universe = Saryn wins. In Star Wars universe (including the non-canon EU) Jedi would win. They got Protection bubble for just such a reason and that works even in a Vacuum. Heck, in Kotor 2, your Jedi has to go into a bar filled to the brim with toxins and gas and used the same skill in order to not die off.


Oh and if the Jedi were fighting Valkyr in Warframe universe, it would depend on the location. If they fight near any pits.... Valkyr is done for. Nothing but force push off the ledge each time she tries to Hysteria.


Finally, lets not bring back up Warhammer 40k into the topic again. We already know they would win so stick with groups that can either put up a fight or get squashed, ok?


As for that one person long ago in that last topic who mentioned the whole "1000 tenno fully modded" scenario, I see your tenno and raise you the Tyranids. While your tenno are defending certain parts of the Solar system, the nids are nom nom noming every other sector and adapting their swarm with all that Eximus goodness. At least 1000 nids to 1 tenno and each one an eximus. Then you got the Genestealer stealth units who would get upgrades from the Manics and their claws already tear through Terminator power armor like it was rice paper. The tenno might survive for a while, but in the end even they would be added to the swarm and then their powers would be used against the rest.

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Comes down to a lot of factors really.

Example: What good does invulnerability do if you honestly believe that the other Tenno are actually your enemies now. Plus ranged weaponry is pretty darn useless against em.

So yea...without specifics this question cannot be answered. Can it be the most powerful Jedi from Jedi history or do they have to be from Timeline X? Do they have to be the mainstream Jedis or are things like the grey Jedi/Jedi that use Sith style powers also allowed?Will Warframes be immune to mind tricks? (Judging by PvP WF standards...no they're not immune)

Personally I'll say Jedi any day...Warframes are powerful in the Warframe universe...but on a cosmic scale the Jedi universe has an overall higher power level.

If we try to explain Tenno into the SW universe...their powers would likely be linked to the force, but seeing how they only have a pool of it that can easily be depleted and in most cases actually need to refill it manually via the use or physically present energy orbs or other machinery...they're pretty #*($%%@. 
Putting the Jedi inside the WF universe imposes certain limits onto them but they still end up with a bunch of superior powers that give them a tactical advantage. 

So unless you gave the Warframes a BUNCH of favorable conditions it doesn't look too good.

Edited by Shehriazad
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That really just comes down to if Warframes are immune to mind control/mind tricks. Seeing how they're vulnerable to it in pvp even when just used in their own version...I'd say Warframes could be pretty #*($%%@. 

What good does invulnerability do if you honestly believe that the other Tenno are actually your enemies now. Plus ranged weaponry is pretty darn useless against em.

So yea...without specifics this question cannot be answered. Can it be the most powerful Jedi from Jedi history or do they have to be from Timeline X? Do they have to be the mainstream Jedis or are things like the grey Jedi/Jedi that use Sith style powers also allowed? And like I asked before, will Warframes be immune to mind tricks? 

Without those specifics it cannot be answered...but personally I'll say Jedi any day...Warframes are powerful in the Warframe universe...but on a cosmic scale the Jedi universe has an overall higher power level.


Probably shouldn't use gameplay elements to decide the limit and potential of Warframes, especially since we aren't doing that with Jedi. We have to go off of weaponry, powers, and physical capabilities. Void powers can be god-like if not limited by gameplay; especially for certain Warframes like Limbo, Nova, Volt, and Mag.


Mind control shouldn't be a deciding factor either since a person that has a strong mind could resist it.


- Both can block and reflect projectiles with their weapons.


- Both have powers.


It would probably be equal, depending on the Jedi's powers, but ultimately the Tenno would have a much better advantage.

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It depends. I mean, Most Jedi can not only block Gunfire,but they can and will mind control enemies. They control the Tenno and bang.

If we take into account EU...Siths would just win them all. I mean..Emperor Vitiate ATE a whole planet, killing everything on it. I think no Tenno could survive that.

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It depends. I mean, Most Jedi can not only block Gunfire,but they can and will mind control enemies. They control the Tenno and bang.

If we take into account EU...Siths would just win them all. I mean..Emperor Vitiate ATE a whole planet, killing everything on it. I think no Tenno could survive that.

With a quick wiki check, it took 80,000 sith and 10 days to perform that planet eating maneuvers.

If we channeled 80,000 tennos void powers to one excalibur, its excalted blade could destroy several planets with one slash.

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Depends i guess. Are we considering expanded universe as well? I dont know a whole lot about the expanded universe as i have only watched the movies and played some star wars game but i do know they can do more stuff with the force than in the movies.

Certain Tenno does however have powers which i doubt Jedi would able to do anything against. I havent seen any force powers related to temperature so they might be unable to do anything against frames like Frost or Ember.

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If we take into account EU...Siths would just win them all. I mean..Emperor Vitiate ATE a whole planet, killing everything on it. I think no Tenno could survive that.


This is assuming the Tenno even have force that he can eat from them. He still needed the combined powers of others to do that too. Limbo would still be capable of surviving an event like that, especially if his powers had zero constraints.

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Mesa would probably have the most trouble because Jedi really aren't concerned about ranged weapons, especially projectile ranged weapons.


Well, blaster bolts from Star Wars actually only travel at about 130mph, something you could deflect with training. Compared to physical bullet speeds, though, you couldn't block them.

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Well, blaster bolts from Star Wars actually only travel at about 130mph, something you could deflect with training. Compared to physical bullet speeds, though, you couldn't block them.

they likely could block them, but void enhanced bullets like those from mesa's peacemakers (remember they can be shot and kill enemies in another dimension) and also her ballistic battery could likely ignore the blocking a jedi would do with a light saber.

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