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Melee Still Not Viable In The Late Game


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The only real problem melee has as of right now, is the parry system that got nerfed to all hell. Melee had a chance to become really REALLY good thanks to them removing stamina and making parry viable for soloing into late game. But they decided to make it even worse than it already was instead. If they had just removed stamina and been done with it, it'd be fine. But they decided that instead of doing that, they'd make it so that even with a channeling efficiency build, a Volt Prime running Primed Flow will still run out of full MP in under 3 seconds. And that's with a weapon with a channeling cost of 1. You can't get lower than 2 channeling cost if you want to use life strike, like you should.

The damage on melee is fine as long as you're using a decent melee. The survivability when using melee weapons can't say the same thing, as only a small handful of frames can survive using melee unless being supported by other players using frame abilities.

Edited by (PS4)Onyxflamegod
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Well it depends on the frame you're using....



...depending on the frame you use.



My brother is using Chroma...



I have no problem soloing 1h survival with loki and ...



I've been using scindo valk..



Are you crazy or something?? Melee is THE ONLY WAY to kill a rank 3000+ faster enough...


"Posting a vid of bansh"



If you guys still don´t get it: posting very specific setups where the frame you used is more important than the melee u used (and even here i only see the 2-3 top tier weapons) doesn´t even scratch on the remark that melees in general are not as powerful as guns.

Edited by VoidNomade
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If you guys still don´t get it: posting very specific setups where the frame you used is more important than the melee u used

Okay man, do any run that is longer than 1.5 hours without specific setup. If you want to go lategame, even with guns and such, you would need specific setup. Just because. And you do use specific setups as you mod for damage !


By the way, trinity tank + excalibur EB on T4Survival can keep up to 2.2 hours

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Okay man, do any run that is longer than 1.5 hours without specific setup. If you want to go lategame, even with guns and such, you would need specific setup. Just because. And you do use specific setups as you mod for damage !


You don´t understand. Saying melee is fine when in fact we are talking about using the same 3-4 frames and the same 3-4 weapons. That says absolutely nothing about how effective melee weapons are in general.


The real statement is though that in general melee weapons are not playing in the same powerlevel as guns do in general. And that statement is absolutely true when i just look at how melee works and compare the stats of the weapons.

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If you guys still don´t get it: posting very specific setups where the frame you used is more important than the melee u used (and even here i only see the 2-3 top tier weapons) doesn´t even scratch on the remark that melees in general are not as powerful as guns.

There's always a specific setup especially for endless missions, 4 CP's are kinda mandatory if you plan on going past the 60 minutes mark regardless of your frames or weapons. Now obviously some frames will shine with a melee weapon because that's what they were sort of made for, ex: valkyr, chroma etc, melee is viable, you just have to use the right frames. You can't expect a glass cannon or a CC frame to survive in endless missions when facing enemies level 100+ with only a melee weapon, because that's not their 'job'.

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There's always a specific setup especially for endless missions, 4 CP's are kinda mandatory if you plan on going past the 60 minutes mark regardless of your frames or weapons. Now obviously some frames will shine with a melee weapon because that's what they were sort of made for, ex: valkyr, chroma etc, melee is viable, you just have to use the right frames. You can't expect a glass cannon or a CC frame to survive in endless missions when facing enemies level 100+ with only a melee weapon, because that's not their 'job'.


Saying that melee is viable when in fact the most important part of that statement is not the melee, proves that melee is viable? Aha.^^

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Well it depends on the frame you're using, i have no issues on ex: t4 survival with an eternal war valkyr+scindo prime, and when there's a corrupted heavy gunner or bombard that I can't take down fast enough i cast paralysis and do a finisher on them.

Well my clan leader can survive longer than a Valkyr and Chroma and go over an 2 hours solo, heck he looked like he can go on forever if he wanted to, with his Rhino Prime just by jumping around and firing Tonkor grenades all over the place with his Iron Skin on, while the rest of us got rekt.

But the fact is, is that melee still falls behind guns and ranged weapons. I don't mind melee being overpowered at this point, one shotting mobs with melee feels good.

Edited by Goddo
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Well my clan leader can survive longer than a Valkyr and Chroma and go over an 2 hours solo, heck he looked like he can go on forever if he wanted to, with his Rhino Prime just by jumping around and firing Tonkor grenades all over the place with his Iron Skin on, while the rest of us got rekt.

But the fact is, is that melee still falls behind guns and ranged weapons. I don't mind melee being overpowered at this point, one shotting mobs with melee feels good.

We're not discussing if a rhino with a TONKOR is just as viable as a valkyr with the SCINDO, as you said your clan leader was jumping around avoiding enemies and killing them with a grenade launcher, while in my case i was face tanking them with just the scindo prime, Totally different playstyles. I could go on forever too in an endless missions with my kulstar and ember prime. Unless i kill myself with it..which happens sometimes :( kulstar OP. Lol Edited by (PS4)EvilFlowerChild
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We're not discussing if a rhino with a TONKOR is just as viable as a valkyr with the SCINDO, as you said your clan leader was jumping around avoiding enemies and killing them with a grenade launcher, while in my case i was face tanking them with just the scindo prime, Totally different playstyles. I could go on forever too in an endless missions with my kulstar and ember prime. Unless i kill myself with it..which happens sometimes :( kulstar OP. Lol

Lol I'm saying we should make melee stronger than a Tonkor or a Kulstar! Read the rest of my post!

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It's the fact that a Rhino with a TONKOR is more viable than a VALKYR with a SCINDO PRIME AND A CHROMA! That makes melee unviable end game since you can go much further in T4 survival with a ranged weapon like the Tonkor on just about any warframe. So my point is that melee weapons should be equal or greater than the Tonkor.

So what I am suggesting is bringing back armor ignore for all melee weapons!

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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My nikondi has 99% status and blast proc. no formas.


It may not kill end game bosses in one hit but it tosses them around, forcing them into knockdown or ragdoll which is both funny and helpful because you can then finish them up with your primary or something.  

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My nikondi has 99% status and blast proc. no formas.


It may not kill end game bosses in one hit but it tosses them around, forcing them into knockdown or ragdoll which is both funny and helpful because you can then finish them up with your primary or something.

Love those weapons.

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It's the fact that a Rhino with a TONKOR is more viable than a VALKYR with a SCINDO PRIME AND A CHROMA! That makes melee unviable end game since you can go much further in T4 survival with a ranged weapon like the Tonkor on just about any warframe. So my point is that melee weapons should be equal or greater than the Tonkor.

So what I am suggesting is bringing back armor ignore for all melee weapons!

That totally depends on how skilled you are as i said I don't have any issues with my valkitty and her scindo prime.

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When you compare the amount of guns that works in lategame, unrelated to any frame - and compare them to the amount of melee weapons that works in lategame unrelated to any frame.. doesn´t you guys find any correlation to the statement that melee weapons are not as strong as guns in lategame?

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Im having a blast with Dnikana excalibur, got arcane strike on him too. Max efficiency build, then power and range and things just melt and i can be in perma 4 mode. Draco and T4 feel like im on Mercury killing lvl 1's or something.


Might need to take 1 mod out of nikana and put a lifestrike and just.....never lose hp. Atm its 50k hits from 1 E press(not channeling either), without any team mates. I think 4 forma on excal and 2 forma on dnikana.....and i wasn't even a fan of melee until now :D


Anything is viable if you sink enough time and plat/effort in :P

Edited by kiteohatto
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I think melee is fine as it is. The deciding factor is what you're doing besides tanking an enemy for the sake of getting close, there more ways to get to an enemy besides running right them as they shoot you.

Bullet jump, aim glide, double jump and ground slams help greatly to minimize damage done to you. The point is to use everything at your disposal to eliminate your enemy.

"A true master needs only his natural abilities, for his tools of war are simply different methods to achieving the same result: Death."

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