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Connection Issues (Chat, Game Launcher And Server) [Megathread]


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So just logged in and game failed to create a session when I tried to access navigation.  After retrying it I was booted to login screen where I could not log back in.  I thought this had been fixed?  I saw that the megathread for it had been locked earlier so is anyone else still having these issues?


The timing on this couldn't be worse.  We're in a double credit weekend, with Baro, and with special alerts.  I really hope they extend alert times or something for this.  It's not fair to the people who want that weapon but can't get it because of server issues.  Same thing with Baro, he needs to stick around longer.

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I completed this Alert Mission about 5 minutes before posting this and I didnt receive anything... When I was on the Mission Complete screen the Wraith Vipers didnt appear but I wasnt too surprised about this as it happens a bit with Void missions too.

But after leaving this screen I noticed that nothing had gone up in experience..
So I checked the Last Mission rewards again and saw how many levels I went up and everything else I should have gotten.. I received nothing..

A clan mate says this just happened to him as well :/ So im assuming this has happened to a bunch of people?

(screenshot of the after report of the Alert)

Edited by LoneWolf7007
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Got kicked to login screen in the middle of a mission. Check.

Lost primes and rare mods from all this. Check.

Key was consumed. Check.

Didnt got either exp or credits. Check.

Happened TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Check.

Cant login or load chat. Check.

Got to use script blockers to be able to post in a forum that uses the same system as other 3 I visit. Check.

Wont get anything in return for all I lost or the rage. Check.

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DE doesn't have hamsters anymore, they have acquired a new, state of the age server:




I had finally found a team to go with me to the Pluto alert and I got disconnected and can't log back in because my info is "wrong".

thats not how you install ram, thats gotta be the problem

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...at a guess if it was normal server(s) issues im sure DE wud have posted a msg on it, I'll bet they are in a DDoS some wankers wanting to give heaps and spoil evry1's day...


“ There is nothing wrong with your monitor screen. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear.  You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits. ”



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