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Removing Primed Point Blank?


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I don't have a maxed primed point blank but its pretty high (it does 120% damage) so compensating it with only r5 cores is kinda cheap and lame. I don't say I should get legendary core but should get something else.

I don't have a maxed primed point blank but its pretty high (it does 120% damage) so compensating it with only r5 cores is kinda cheap and lame. I don't say I should get legendary core but should get something else.

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Ooohh yeah. 300 ducats is totally worth it. Espeacially when I can only spend it on the latest trash from Baro Shi'Tier,


I mean other than Primed mods he brings stuff that's really worthwhile for me.


Like Event mods that I already have, knockoff cosmetics that I have better ones and versions of weapons I already discarded for being garbage.

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Ooohh yeah. 300 ducats is totally worth it. Espeacially when I can only spend it on the latest trash from Baro Shi'Tier,

I mean other than Primed mods he brings stuff that's really worthwhile for me.


Like Event mods that I already have, knockoff cosmetics that I have better ones and versions of weapons I already discarded for being garbage.

As a new player, he brings things that interest me, cosmetics I like and things I somply don't have.


But hey ho, as said, figured wouldn't get anything, will deal and adapt like in any other game.

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It's a fair question to be sure. Perhaps more legendary fusion cores or the mid will be changed to a utility mod that's good for some weapons but not others. I hope they go with utility for most mod's though and create more damage types/resistances. It's create a lot more variety for builds. Who knows though. DE hasn't been exactly forthcoming with stairs as they work in it. I'm sure they'll do something reasonable though. I'll reserve my judgement until we have more information.

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Specifically, if they remove damage mods, including Primed Point Blank, that was a fairly recent item that lots of people got, being replaced with a Legendary Fusion Cores is all well and good, but will we get a refund of our 300 Ducats?


It seems a (further) kick in the teeth to lose the multiple hours of grind time on THAT, on top of all the credits sunk into raising it to a decent rank, etc.

IIIIIIIIIIIF they were removing it you could expect reimbursement like a Legendary Core for it...which is more than fair enough since Legendary core maxes ANY mod for FREE. 

So you really just get a free ride for the next FOTM mod.

More realistically, though they're gonna nerf all the base damage mods to shreds and buff up base damage of weapons a bit instead (or have a damage curve based on weapon level). 

Either way...whenever they F*** with something in the game that impacts players negatively...they generally reimburse.



I do not want an legendary core. Give me 800 R5 cores instead.


First of all, more like 500something. 2nd...why? Bronze to Gold is easy and cheap enough to max out and for Primed/Platin mods a Legendary core is superior in every aspect...(As credit cost as well as mod core costs are eliminated)

Edited by Shehriazad
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Just accept your pile of legendary cores and move on...

As someone who has invested alot in PAINFUL EVENTS, and hardcore grinding I demand something better than legendary cores. I definitly want Ducats equal to the value of the item I would be losing, and as for the event mods they SHOULD replace them with something of equal value like maybe new mods that are similar, but not identical and fitting to the new game play style. Since we did play obscenely hard, and painful events in order to obtain them. It would be just agonizing and hard to trust DE after wards if all they gave us was Legendary cores for something we worked hard to get in their hard to beat events, or hardcore grinding events.


edit: How do we know they won't back stab us with future event rewards if all they gave us was legendary cores? I don't want Legendary cores. I can easily get cores... cores aren't an issue. Its what the mods did, and the hardwork put into them that concerns me.


edit: for those still confused in wanting to bash me on this. Lets put it this way. If they don't give us something in exchange for the damage mods being removed... in order to compensate and allow us to function... WE WILL ALL DIE FROM THE OVERPOWERED ENEMIES IN THE GAME!!! Forget looting for what you need expect die, and repeat over and over... We need mods to compensate functionally for us to get back into the game and harvest the mods for us to function as a whole. Without the proper damage mods we won't do enough damage to farm the mods needed to function in the new system.


edit: not to mention be forced into SPECIFIC BUILDS!!! Which only geniuses of Warframe can design which means no one will be able to enjoy the game anymore...

Edited by Arlayn
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i would like another way of getting primed mods... not sure if alerts exist for it but having to wait 2 weeks in hope for a mod i really want but not really need is a bit disappointing when something like primed reach pops up... or even a very rare drop from orokin derelict or void... just a thought... plus with the 1mil min required to trade primed mods is something i dont even touch. im always broke just leveling up my weapons.

Edited by (XB1)Sierra 671
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As someone who has invested alot in PAINFUL EVENTS, and hardcore grinding I demand something better than legendary cores. I definitly want Ducats equal to the value of the item I would be losing, and as for the event mods they SHOULD replace them with something of equal value like maybe new mods that are similar, but not identical and fitting to the new game play style. Since we did play obscenely hard, and painful events in order to obtain them. It would be just agonizing and hard to trust DE after wards if all they gave us was Legendary cores for something we worked hard to get in their hard to beat events, or hardcore grinding events.


edit: How do we know they won't back stab us with future event rewards if all they gave us was legendary cores? I don't want Legendary cores. I can easily get cores... cores aren't an issue. Its what the mods did, and the hardwork put into them that concerns me.


edit: for those still confused in wanting to bash me on this. Lets put it this way. If they don't give us something in exchange for the damage mods being removed... in order to compensate and allow us to function... WE WILL ALL DIE FROM THE OVERPOWERED ENEMIES IN THE GAME!!! Forget looting for what you need expect die, and repeat over and over... We need mods to compensate functionally for us to get back into the game and harvest the mods for us to function as a whole. Without the proper damage mods we won't do enough damage to farm the mods needed to function in the new system.


edit: not to mention be forced into SPECIFIC BUILDS!!! Which only geniuses of Warframe can design which means no one will be able to enjoy the game anymore...

Get real please.  The amount of time needed to grind for any particular primed mod is negligble over 2 weeks if you run the right keys, especially since they were often the only things worth buying from the void trader.

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Honestly what I want ?

NOT legendary cores for sure, since DE is removing most R10 mods and R10 mods tend to be offensive or defensive in nature.

So what so use do I have for a legendary core ?


The solution is simple, anyone who has a R9 or R10 mod. Just compensate them in rare 5 cores instead.

So if he maxed a legendary core, return him 520+ rare 5 cores and 2 million in compensation.


Most players would have more used out of a bunch of rare 5s instead of 1 legendary core.

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