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Atlas Discussion..


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I'm honstley kinda disappointed in DE. They are making Atlas have almost the same powers as other frames..nothing new.

1st move: Slash Dash

2nd move: It's Ok.

3rd Move:Spectral Scream Stone Version

4th: ...Shadows l the dead....(Ai Sucks)

What are your thoughts?

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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For me, Atlas is going to be 6k points, and then to the trash bin. Was expecting an actual brawler frame, as I LOVE mele, but yeah ... geodude not my dude.


I'm actually excited about the Monkey King frame thats not coming till a month or two :(

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I'm fking pumped.

First off, with armor and customization, he'll look bawse.

his 1st ability has a chaining effect slash dash doesn't, and looks cooler.

2nd move is awesome, all of the Indiana Jones references pls.

3rd ability is MUCH better than spectral scream.

and his rock golems are very different from shadows of the dead, sure it summons things, but they're their own unique units, not things you killed, and the stronger you make them, the bigger they get. Which is cool.


And I've been waiting for a geomancer frame for quite a while, so I am very hyped.

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His 2 is a bit overpowered.  I think they should remove the boulder effect or at least make it more active.  Also, maybe they could take a look at his 4.  People just spam the rock monsters and afk to victory.

don't see how you can consider his 2 to be overpowered this early, and as for his 4 unlike area room clearing attacks, the golems can't take out everything at once or take all enemy aggro so you still will get shot down if you afk.

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1. He punch enemies, not cuts.

2. Can Volt throw his shield at enemies? No. Indiana Jones Simulator ftw.

3. He turns enemies into stone.

4. Can these Souls grow? No! Can they punch enemies with huge fists? No! They depend on amount of killed enemies? No! And they gonna murder everything, not hide like Souls.

It's Warframe from XX.5 update. You know they can remove it and you gonna wait for U18.

Edited by MrDar1o
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Well the only skill i don't like is the third one,(Mainly due to the visual effect and the casting animation) would have prefered something more brutal and dynamic with the same effect. but as far as i'm concern i'm hyped about him anyway^

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I'm mainly disappointed by the fact that for a so-called "Brawler", Atlas has only one brawler-type ability. I would have loved for them to stick with the Brawler theme, let people like myself enjoy pummeling things to dust with his fists, and left the earth-related abilities for another Frame down the line.


Or release the Earth-based Frame first and give us a real Brawler down the line.


I'm definitely bitter about it. I expected him to be somewhat of a burly boxer due to his codename. In the end, he's just another elemental. Which is fine on its own, but it was very misleading. His first ability doesn't even really match the theme of his other three except for perhaps the one that turns enemies to stone, but that seems to have more synergy with his second ability than anything else.


Gameplay-wise—from the footage—Atlas seems a bit sluggish. I'm sure some fine-tuning will be done by the time he's released, but he surely came across as being very slow and having little impact.

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I`m kinda disappointed that Atlas is not the Monk class I was assuming we were getting, but I always wanted an earth elemental. I think some of his powers could use some readjustment or outright new abilities in general, using the same elemental. His golems probably shouldnt be like goofy and slow Rockbiter, and should instead just be bigger stone clones of the frame itself, and using whatever melee you happen to be using at the time.

The rock shield should absorb damge and become more powerful from it when launched.

The spectral petrification scream should be faster(So should Chroma`s after a rework) and instead of just turning enemies into stone, you should also be able to hit them and make them explode in a flurry of shrapnel. Or perhaps even make them run into enemies and do that.

His number one should also be usable without targetting enemies(in fact, this should be the case with other warframe abilties that only work when targetting an enemy.), just instead of simply dashing forward when not targetting, you get a different ability, such as the time-limited ability to stealthly travel underground like a mole. It would be activated by holding down the command, you can quickly cancel out of it by releasing the button.

Now about his appearance, I`m not really digging Atlas`s model. The helmet is awful and looks like a cheap textureless concept model. The torso is too long and the dangly bacon bits are so poorly modeled with Atlas`s posture.
I hope some touch up is being done to all that to make it look more presentable.

Edited by UrielColtan
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