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It seems like everything is being constantly nerfed, Some of these nerfs were necessary and unnecessary. I apologize in advanced for bringing another "please nerf this weapon because i find it too OP".  Please nerf Latron or any weapon that has Latron in it. I unfortunately find this weapon being constantly used for OP reasons and its obvious that it is. I cant get close to one or even try to take him out from a FAR distance. What is it 2-3 shots kill someone? Sure as hell feels like it...Those of you who use it just admit it, its OP af, especially for those of you that like to use aim assist. And dont tell me it doesn't make a difference because it does ....Sorry for the salt, keep er goin  >_>

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Someone sounds a bit butthurt for not owning one.

Tell you what m8, spend 2 years in this game get a weapon you really like sink 7-8 forma in it and have it nerfed cuz a butthurt guy like you posts S#&$ like these. How would that make you feel?

Just shut up and play the game, learn to be patient and in time you will be on the other side of the reticle. None of us started with OP weapons you know it takes time and effort to get them and if you don't want to invest that time and effort don't ruin ours!

Have a nice day. :)

Edited by dubstep774
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It is quite hard to hit anyone with a semi-auto in pvp, if you are getting hit by a latron you might consider improving 
on movement and bullet jump to keep yourself off the enemy fire.

Since any full auto will most likely rip apart a sitting duck faster than a semi-auto.


Latron is Designated Marksman Rifle/ Battle Rifle

the main purpose is to deliver precision fire with increased damage.
at the trade off of higher recoil and slower rate of fire.

Next you might be complaining about Lex family because high powered pistols are what kills you next.

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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Latrons aren't OP, they used to be pieces of crap (if my memory isn't one), they get buffed I-don't-even-remember-when, and now I found them perfectly balance, pretty solid weapons but they need a lot of love to outclass the other.







But if you want to talk about an OP weapon, I'll just say... Boltor Prime

*flies away*

Edited by TrickBox
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Someone sounds a bit butthurt for not owning one.

Tell you what m8, spend 2 years in this game get a weapon you really like sink 7-8 forma in it and have it nerfed cuz a butthurt guy like you posts S#&$ like these. How would that make you feel?

Just shut up and play the game, learn to be patient and in time you will be on the other side of the reticle. None of us started with OP weapons you know it takes time and effort to get them and if you don't want to invest that time and effort don't ruin ours!

Have a nice day. :)



Latrons are highly accurate weapons. their counter? movement. always keep on moving, jump around like crazy, do something. 

I can handle it against a 1v1 match but once i have to worry about 3-4 user with with a latron and jat kittag or any heavy malee, S#&$ gets real. 

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It seems like everything is being constantly nerfed, Some of these nerfs were necessary and unnecessary. I apologize in advanced for bringing another "please nerf this weapon because I find it too OP". Please nerf Latron or any weapon that has Latron in it. I unfortunately find this weapon being constantly used for OP reasons and its obvious that it is. I cant get close to one or even try to take him out from a FAR distance. What is it 2-3 shots kill someone? Sure as hell feels like it...Those of you who use it just admit it, its OP af, especially for those of you that like to use aim assist. And dont tell me it doesn't make a difference because it does ....Sorry for the salt, keep er goin >_>

Seen most of players here disagree and most good arguments have been said. I'll just add why should a whole weapon series because just 1 player thinks its OP? On the other hand, why not reducing aim assist sensibility instead of nerfing a weapon series? If latron gets nerfed, vectis + quickscoping will be what follows (quickscoping is way too easy on both, mouse and controller) and vectis will be nerfed and pvp will fill on aim assisted controller players (there's no such problem on pc, option doesn't even exist anymore andconnecting a controller just to make it appear and use it with mouse doesn't make a change. Tested by myself). Finally,as most of players said before, buff your skills and learn how to deal with any "annoying weapon"

just a personal random point of view on a pvp match

Personally hated opticor in pvp until a match against Nighttide + -CM-igo when i realised how easy it was avoid it. Ichigo killed me many times while dodging Nighttide's opticor but it doesn't matter, had fun, learnt something and I was guilty for not being able to deal with this couple of highly skilled players (instead of cryingin the forums about how 2on1 shouldn't be allowed on matchmaking and asking for a nerf to what... their skills?

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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Heh...I'm pretty sure I'm actually one of the worst Opticor users in PvP.

I'm pretty sure you haven't seen me trying to use it, let's add the fact that you can listen when it starts getting triggered (in cqc) and see where the beam will hit, all you need is counting (or knowing how it sounds right before being shot) to time your dodge (harder to do when opticor is used from a distance, where you can't hear it and you start counting when you first see the beam) this and basically trying to stay away from enemy line of fire should be enough to stay safe from any weapon (unless kubs and sentinels added to pvp. Waiting for it to never happen again)

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my only issue with it the fire rate, they fire almost as quick as mk-1 braton and have puncture base and high base damage and clip size, with their only down being CC lack


if u ask me, when it was originally released it was perfect, the it go over buffed, nerfed to dust, then buffed again and then to its current state, personally I don`t find a reason for changing it from first place, it was balanced, 5-6 shots to kill, needed aim and is not spray and pray....


while I understand the point of u guys saying half snipers, but main part of sniper is big punch for low effeceincy, latrons have both, fair damage, high fire rate, big clip, accuracy, so I can`t let it be called a half sniper, it is a semi automatic rifle, and rifles shouldn`t be this devestating if u ask me

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The Latron Prime takes 3 body shots or 2 headshots to kill. If you use Roar, then subtract 1 shot.


Like others have said, just strafe sideways. I have used the gun myself and the best counter to it is sideways movement. If you charge at the person, you are pretty much running into the shots and speeding up your own death.


At long range the aim assist does nothing so move sideways and they won't hit you. The gun itself also has enhanced zoom so getting close will give them tunnel vision. It's only at mid range, that it's truly devastating.


If you want a gun that hits hard but don't want to deal with the single fire, then try the regular Braton.

Edited by (PS4)Double991
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