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Kunai Prime Or Spira Prime?



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IF there comes a nikana prime, pls not with this lill red flags =)

i guess there will be no nikana prime soon because of its MR 8 level


as well as why not the first prime weapon where a certain MR level is needed


Um, there's a Nikana Prime, that will come with that large red cloth.... Not really sure what you're talking about.

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People do know that spira means spiral, right?









lol. Besides the clear visual correlation between the Spira daggers and these Prime throwing daggers, there is also the fact that spira is essentially Greek for spiral. But Rebecca's word is Gospel truth so providing actual support for our claims isn't going to do any good. I mean, there's even a guy above who is trying to relate "ninja" with China.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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It's Spira Prime.

They rush released Spira so that China Founder could release Spira Prime on time for their package.


Likely we might get Spira Prime soon as well.


Um, what? China has already had both the Spira and Spira Prime for a while now.

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lol. Besides the clear visual correlation between the Spira daggers and these Prime throwing daggers, there is also the fact that spira is essentially Greek for spiral. But Rebecca's word is Gospel truth so providing actual support for our claims isn't going to do any good. I mean, there's even a guy above who is trying to relate "ninja" with China.


It's not just Rebecca's word is gospel. Here's my comparison:


In favour of Kunai Prime:

  • Stats are buffed version of Kunai; dramatically different from Spira
  • Rebecca calls it Kunai Prime
  • Spira is a brand new weapon, Kunai is a legacy item, which is more commonly primed
  • Many Prime variants have no physical similarities to their vanilla forms - just look at Lato Prime or Skana Prime



In favour of Spira Prime:

  • It bears a physical resemblence to Spira



I'm supporting my opinion with facts, and not some arbitrary observation. The only substantial support of it being Spira Prime is perhaps the Chinese name of the item, which I'll admit I don't fully understand - but doesn't seem to be conclusively Spira Prime. No need to get defensive on the subject.


EDIT: Okay, I did some research on the names, and it's sort of ignorant since I don't understand Chinese but: this supposed "Spira Prime" does not contain all the same Chinese characters as found in Spira's name. Interestingly, the "Spira Prime" does contain the character for Spiral (Spiral throwing dagger) but vanilla Spira does not contain the character for Spiral. They're just called Xiao Li Flying Daggers.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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Spira is not brand new. Just because it's brand new to the Global Build, it doesn't mean it's brand new. It's been in the International version for a while. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand.


As for the Chinese and English names: They aren't the same. The Chinese name their weapons differently, in a way that their audience will understand. Excalibur Umbra Prime is called "Shadow Sanctuary Sword" (it's not a direct translation). The "Kunai" Prime (according to Rebecca, who also didn't know that the pictures we've seen were of Excalibur Umbra Prime, mind you) is called the "Sanctuary Spiral Flying Edge". Just like the Nikana Prime is called "Sanctuary Samurai Blade." I've already explained the Chinese naming already.


The fact is, Rebecca didn't really have many facts when she made that thread.


1) She didn't know that she was looking at Excalibur Umbra Prime, not Excalibur Umbra.

2) She didn't know that there was an Excalibur Umbra Prime, even though the ChangYou website clearly said that.

3) She didn't have any details on exclusivity, being unfamiliar with the website.


That said, why should we automatically assume that Rebecca was right about the name, when she merely restated weapon names that the community had already started throwing around when finding that website (the community was calling these weapons Kunai Prime and Nikana Prime before Rebecca even put up the thread)? Not only that, but the name Spira was only conceived for the International build, as the ChangYou build isn't using English names of stuff. So how are you even sure that the weapon has even been given an English name yet?


But, you know what? It doesn't even matter. This entire discussion is pointless. DE will name the stupid weapons whatever they choose. No point in us debating over a name.

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Spira is not brand new. Just because it's brand new to the Global Build, it doesn't mean it's brand new. It's been in the International version for a while. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand.


It's not hard to understand - you're correct that Spira has been around in China for a while now. However, Kunai Prime has been around just as long (or even longer I think?). 



But, you know what? It doesn't even matter. This entire discussion is pointless. DE will name the stupid weapons whatever they choose. No point in us debating over a name.


Eh, that's the point of the thread actually. And it hasn't been locked, so I'd disagree that it's entirely pointless.

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doesn't make sense for it to be spira prime, and have worse stats than the regular spira



means it would do less damage per blade, more heavily weighted to puncture (a distribution closer to the kunai)

and it would have traded this damage for a fire rate and reload in line with the kunai, despite being the heaviest of the thrown secondaries

and it would have traded crit for status, despite being the crit variant of the thrown secondaries

Edited by Ixpellia
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