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Still No New Info On Umbra?



China already got another exclusive...why is china getting treated better? is it because he's the child that gets Straight A's? 


Cant we just be told new information regarding him already?



-puts a heavy bookshelf in front of his door-


oh dear god the founder salt army should be arriving soon...

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why did we received ninkondi and spira then?


Because we did. Because DE and players wanted to introduce it to our build. Posting same topic "when umbra when umbra pls??!!?" won't make it come any sooner. There have been notes from few DE representatives (including Danielle who was mentioned in post above) that it is coming but date is unknown. 

It is coming. That's all you need to know. When the time is right they will post all necessary information.


My initial reply was a remark on your "why is china getting treated better?" part. Their build should not be of any concern of yours. If you like how china warframe is being developed you can go play it.

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If you like how china warframe is being developed you can go play it.


People keep looking at the Chinese exclusives with such hostility as if DE's giving preferential treatment to GlobalWF's Chinese players or something. They're not.

The Chinese version is a completely different game with a completely different community. I totally understand being hyped about content that gets there first that we'll see later, but if they get something first, or if they get a true exclusive that we'll never see, you know how that'll affect GlobalWF's gameplay?

Spoiler: It won't. At all.

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China already got another exclusive...why is china getting treated better? is it because he's the child that gets Straight A's? 


Cant we just be told new information regarding him already?



-puts a heavy bookshelf in front of his door-


oh dear god the founder salt army should be arriving soon...

>umbra excal is literaly a chinese knockoff, version have you seen the chinese trailer ? nowhere near the DE's standard of quality, some work may be needed.


>Wukong is from a CHINESE MYTH


What else can i say, we are still geting 99% of the content first, not to mention the terrible reputation of the chinese devs, the global build will get them soon enough, no need to be upset, the chinese need something "excusive" to be attracted, it would look like a letdown otherwise.

Edited by nononimous
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Because we did. Because DE and players wanted to introduce it to our build. Posting same topic "when umbra when umbra pls??!!?" won't make it come any sooner. There have been notes from few DE representatives (including Danielle who was mentioned in post above) that it is coming but date is unknown.

It is coming. That's all you need to know. When the time is right they will post all necessary information.

My initial reply was a remark on your "why is china getting treated better?" part. Their build should not be of any concern of yours. If you like how china warframe is being developed you can go play it.

Don't tell where to play, son.

Why is the date unknown they can easily plug it in a hotfix. Why the wait? New name for this game should be WAITFRAME

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Why is the date unknown they can easily plug it in a hotfix. Why the wait? New name for this game should be WAITFRAME


What you don't seem to get is the fact that we already know its exclusive to the china server for quite a few months (Over a year if I remember right) Witch means if we do get Umbra he is a long way away.


And on that note with what I'm hearing your not likely to get him anyway.

As there is a possibility he will get swaped out in place of Excalibur P for the current founders then all you guys get Excalibur P available to you.


Just did some research and it seems the weapons (Nikana P and kunai P) are only eclusives to china server for 30 days so we could get them at any time


As for Umbra still unknown.


Even more research done.

It seems Excalibur Umbra Prime (Chinese founder frame) and Excalibur Umbra are two very different frames and from what I can gather we will never get Excalibur Umbra Prime he is an exclusive to their founders (And possibly ours if they swap) but Excalibur Umbra is coming just unknown when as he is part of a list of planned Umbra items and frames.


This is everything I can find nothing on dates not even a year mentioned just that they are coming........

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And on that note with what I'm hearing your not likely to get him anyway.

As there is a possibility he will get swaped out in place of Excalibur P for the current founders then all you guys get Excalibur P available to you.

Founders already paid for the totally exclusive excal prime, there has been a lot of threads talking about how exclusive it is, there has been stayed many times to all players that it won't come back nor be publically released, so there's no reason to give them exclusivity on umbra now. It would ve really unfair for non founder players that excal umbra was founder exclusive, even if it meant excal prime being released. I guess there're more chances of it being added as a supporters pack, similar to founders but available to all players who didn't have a chance to get the first one.

Btw, i think (maybe it has even been stated in other threads but I'm not sure) DE is looking for a lore-wise way to add umbras to game.

PD: The only difference between our umbra and the chinese one is the "prime" label (or at least that's what has been said by DE) that was given to chinese version in order to turn it into the equivalent of the global build excalibur prime just to avoid breaking its global founder exclusivity

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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Founders already paid for the totally exclusive excal prime, there has been a lot of threads talking about how exclusive it is, there has been stayed many times to all players that it won't come back nor be publically released, so there's no reason to give them exclusivity on umbra now. It would ve really unfair for non founder players that excal umbra was founder exclusive, even if it meant excal prime being released. I guess there're more chances of it being added as a supporters pack, similar to founders but available to all players who didn't have a chance to get the first one.

Btw, i think (maybe it has even been stated in other threads but I'm not sure) DE is looking for a lore-wise way to add umbras to game.

PD: The only difference between our umbra and the chinese one is the "prime" label (or at least that's what has been said by DE) that was given to chinese version in order to turn it into the equivalent of the global build excalibur prime just to avoid breaking its global founder exclusivity


1- Excalibur Umbra Prime actually has better base stats than Excalibur prime that I have. Atleast that's the info I'm getting no numbers unfortunately so I have no idea by how much.


2- And the idea behind the possible swap is this. You then have all primes available and all Umbra frames then the founders get Excalibur Umbra Prime and everyone is happy you guys don't miss out on much at all and us founders have our exclusive frame.


I would be quite happy with getting Excalibur Umbra Prime I think he looks cool and it would definitely improve the game by swapping.

Edited by Torsa
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1- Excalibur Umbra Prime actually has better base stats than Excalibur prime that I have. Atleast that's the info I'm getting no numbers unfortunately so I have no idea by how much.

Just a bit more energy, that's been shown up to now through chinese wf screenshots

2- And the idea behind the possible swap is this. You then have all primes available and all Umbra frames then the founders get Excalibur Umbra Prime and everyone is happy you guys don't miss out on much at all and us founders have our exclusive frame.

Why giving it for free to a few who already paid for something when it can be sold to a great part of the community? That's not the way you get economic support to your dev team, and without this support, you can't improve the game (sad but true)

Besides, most of community has accepted excal prime as exclusive and sees umbra as their chance to get an exclusive frame (and waiting for it to be public instead of exclusive)

I would be quite happy with getting Excalibur Umbra Prime I think he looks cool and it would definitely improve the game by swapping.

you think that, but I think not (and i could bet most of community agrees on me, this keeping in mind that founders are just a minor part of it), and also making profit helps improve the game, while that swap would only keep special cornflakes (or was it snow?) Behaving like children who don't care about anyone else using "their" old toys as long as they can keep exclusive use of the newest ones. Edited by -----LegioN-----
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This doesn't make sense. All China-build exclusives are temporary, and the build is usually way behind global-build, in general, so priority remains here. I understand the salt withdrawals are brutal, but stahp pls.


From what I can gather that is correct. With the exception of Excalibur Umbra Prime that seems to be a china exclusive.

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why did we received ninkondi and spira then?

Because China's version of Warframe is their own and they share whatever they make with DE (and then us) just as DE shares whatever they make with the China team and they in turn share with their players. 


China Warframe and Canada Warframe aren't run by the same company, it's a partnership between two so they both profit from the game and artists.


So while we do get access to whatever China has (and they get access to whatever we have) it wont be a fast process.

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What else can i say, we are still geting 99% of the content first, not to mention the terrible reputation of the chinese devs, the global build will get them soon enough, no need to be upset, the chinese need something "excusive" to be attracted, it would look like a letdown otherwise.



I am well aware that what chinaframe does, has nothing to do with us, and that they having this item or that item doesnt affect us at all. 


But for all of you that deffend the argument based on that, why the ?=$? you follow with "China needs some exclusives to feel attracted" ?? 


It has to be exclusive for them? Us not having it makes them feel more attracted ? So... how does the global build affect China ? Dont you guys see the contradiction on your own words? 

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What we know about Excalibur Umbra:


- Coming months down the road (probably thinking of a lore-based introduction)

- Excalibur Umbra and Excalibur Umbra Prime are the exact same frames(They only differ in name).

- Stats are equal to Excalibur Prime with the exception that Umbra has 50 more energy than prime(will probably be changed into a sidegrade to Excalibur Prime for global WF).

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I'm really sick of these China is treated better posts. NO THEY AREN'T. Do you know that every time they dye something they have to paid 1.25 USD ($10 RMB)? Do you know their founder packs all other packs are extremely over price to the $400 USD level? How is that even treated better? That's called Business, they just launch recently and it's called a token of friendship to give your business partner some advantage and benefits in China, That's the way DE tell China "We appreciate and happy doing business with you," if you don't know business or Chinese content please stop crying and saying they are being treated better, trust me wait for the next year, it'll be the Chinese player complaining slow updates and US exclusive contents, that's the way how the MMO business work, you are F-ing lucky that DE get Umbra and Wukong to Global server because technically that means China got NOTHING exclusive, we got their ninkondis and all other stuffs, and founders here could still suck on their Excalibur Prime that even I cannot get my hands on.


Kids these days are so impatient, and always cry about the smallest things.  

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>umbra excal is literaly a chinese knockoff, version have you seen the chinese trailer ? nowhere near the DE's standard of quality, some work may be needed.


>Wukong is from a CHINESE MYTH


What else can i say, we are still geting 99% of the content first, not to mention the terrible reputation of the chinese devs, the global build will get them soon enough, no need to be upset, the chinese need something "excusive" to be attracted, it would look like a letdown otherwise.

DE makes all the content for the China-Build. The poor quality you speak of is the marketing trailer that had, what was at the time, a umbra excal prime skin essentially on a U15 version of Excal. 



I'm really sick of these China is treated better posts. NO THEY AREN'T. Do you know that every time they dye something they have to paid 1.25 USD ($10 RMB)? Do you know their founder packs all other packs are extremely over price to the $400 USD level? How is that even treated better? That's called Business, they just launch recently and it's called a token of friendship to give your business partner some advantage and benefits in China, That's the way DE tell China "We appreciate and happy doing business with you," if you don't know business or Chinese content please stop crying and saying they are being treated better, trust me wait for the next year, it'll be the Chinese player complaining slow updates and US exclusive contents, that's the way how the MMO business work, you are F-ing lucky that DE get Umbra and Wukong to Global server because technically that means China got NOTHING exclusive, we got their ninkondis and all other stuffs, and founders here could still suck on their Excalibur Prime that even I cannot get my hands on.


Kids these days are so impatient, and always cry about the smallest things.  


And this^

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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I'm really sick of these China is treated better posts. NO THEY AREN'T. Do you know that every time they dye something they have to paid 1.25 USD ($10 RMB)? Do you know their founder packs all other packs are extremely over price to the $400 USD level? How is that even treated better? That's called Business, they just launch recently and it's called a token of friendship to give your business partner some advantage and benefits in China, That's the way DE tell China "We appreciate and happy doing business with you," if you don't know business or Chinese content please stop crying and saying they are being treated better, trust me wait for the next year, it'll be the Chinese player complaining slow updates and US exclusive contents, that's the way how the MMO business work, you are F-ing lucky that DE get Umbra and Wukong to Global server because technically that means China got NOTHING exclusive, we got their ninkondis and all other stuffs, and founders here could still suck on their Excalibur Prime that even I cannot get my hands on.


Kids these days are so impatient, and always cry about the smallest things.

Finally someone who knows their sh!t. Thank you for just being blunt.
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I think that OP, really wants is for DE, just to post that old post, with updated information, at this point alot are bealiveing and myself, that they are refusing to talk about it, and they are saying Excal won't come out for so odd mouths, so we forget about it and no longer care, but that's not the case here.


I whuold assume it will come along with U18, as meny people think, so, but if not, then there is going to be some issues going on on the forms agien. its just bad for business and very rude and unpoitle to leave us players in the dark like this.

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