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Is The Snipetron A Joke?


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Can't wait for the Wraith cycle to be over so we can start getting the Vandal weapons... perhaps with a few new Vandal weapons thrown in like Vandal AkSomati's :)


Of course this means Snipetron Vandal, and NOT Braton nor Lato Vandal... but who knows since China got the Braton Vandal....

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your really dont know how to mod weapons in this game if you think Snipetron is bad. the gun is the 2nd best sniper ( first being the other version of it) mine has only been redone once and already is doing very well against every thing, it is a very great gun and i am one, sooo happy they let us have a 2nd chance at a great weapon, my only issue is how stupid OP the other version is. i will be wishin for a prisma or some other version to be made <3~

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Snipetron didn't age well. Just like the relatively recent change to Ice mods, Snipetron is a relic of the past. With that said, it's not too bad for a entry level sniper, the innate penetration is actually what most snipers should have but don't.

The innate punch-through was great, and made the weapon fun to use even if its stats were lackluster.  I might even formatato it just because trying to make that clipsize/reload work is challenging but rewarding when you do make it work.  

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Well DE chalks up most of the early names for things to Scott. He came up with names like "Slash Dash" in the beginning, so yeah. I'd say blame Scott.


I didn't actually get a chance to use the Snipetron when it was still around in the market so I don't know if they changed anything around or not.


Make Scott rename the Gorgon to "Dakkagun"

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Rank it up to 30 and delete it....


Then U18 hits, snipetron gets buff. whine about selling it. Demand to have another alert to get it. Dev says: nope, Raging on the forum. GGWP


That how you would be like when U18 comes out so...becareful, lol.

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Then U18 hits, snipetron gets buff. whine about selling it. Demand to have another alert to get it. Dev says: nope, Raging on the forum. GGWP


That how you would be like when U18 comes out so...becareful, lol.

It will probably make a return again... next year... or even be available for purchase after the rework on sniper rifles is done... but I'd give its reintroduction to the market a 9% chance. I mean, this IS the king of the Sniper Rifles. Not only does it have a very nice amount of innate Punchthrough, but that Punchthrough is so far reaching it also penetrates the lore :)

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Damage 2.0 guys..

Damage 2.0 killed this weapon as its main advantage relied on the old mechanics. The Lanka was already out so it makes sense that they never fixed it. The snipetron Vandal was king before they reworked the damage mechanics.

I'm keen to see how far they go with this for the Sniper rework.

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It's okay guys, let's all listen to Mogamu and go back to our Boltor Primes, because everyone listens to him alright. Yeah, I'm totally right, listen to me.


Real talk.


People can't really wait to talk about a game niche that's getting buffed pretty soon, ain't they?

Yeah, Thought so. Snipetron's a little bit better than Lanka judging by the fact that it's hitscan and has instantaneous punchthrough.

Snipetron's also good back then because Puncture/Serrated Blade damage. Right through armor the damage goes.

I certainly hope that they won't buff the Snipetron/Vandal like how they did with Boar/Prime.


Trash weapons, none of them are (Like how people dissed Kohm right after the rapid fountain of 'nerfs'). Trash players? The ones that calls weapons trash is one. As long as it kills something, it's still usable.

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Weakest argument I've ever heard

Braton and Buzlok in T4 Survival, survived scaling until 45 minutes.

Should I add more?


And again, saying this as short as possible. I'll go back to Mogamu's reviews just because he's always right about everything related to Warframe. Yep, totally. Still going to use my Kohm. Trashtier weapon it is.


No, don't ask me about weapons. I only use them, not call them trash or not. If I don't like it, I just throw it away and deem it junkie. If not, I'll save it for later occasions.

Edited by ViroVeteruscy
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With the obvious exception of Ignis. It's always been bad.

But most weapons are at the very least decent. Just the Warframe community often complains about weapons being weak because they can't one-shot a boss or higher level enemies with them.

It's also due to there being a more powerful option to those weapons. For example, the Dragon Nikana was among the best melees before the heavy melee buff. After the said buff, I began seeing some posts belittling the weapon with the excuse that the Galatine/Scindo Prime can do better.  I still love my Dragon Nikana anyways(katanas FTW) :P

Edited by Knightmare047
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Braton and Buzlok in T4 Survival, survived scaling until 45 minutes.

Should I add more?


Doesn't prove anything against them being low tier.

Nobody said you can't survive 45 minutes with a trash tier weapon.

Just takes more hassle to kill.


You're always talking about comparative performance when you're figuring out what 'tier' the gun is.

and Snipetron is exactly that, a low tier weapon.

Nothing more, nothing less, move on.


Since obviously you like to brag your xXxMLGSKILLZxXx while clearly all others in this thread are Mogamu zealots who suck and doesn't know how to aim.

Edited by Acidulant
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Doesn't prove anything against them being low tier.

Nobody said you can't survive 45 minutes with a trash tier weapon.

Just takes more hassle to kill.

If trash-tier weapons are serviceable to the end of supported content then what does that make the best weapons?  It's pretty clear that the forum community has inflated standards of what weapons should be and that weapons as a whole are much, much stronger than they need to be.  If trash-tier does the job, then something actually "good" is surely overkill.  

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