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What Do You Guys Think Of Being Able To Build Your Own Weapon In Game?

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Every weapon you have built and ranked to 30 allows you to use the skin and mechanics of the weapon.

You can customise the firing mechanic of it by beam, hit scan, shot gun burst etc.

Allocate points to slash, puncture , crit etc.

Stats can be allocated based on a pool of points you can freely distribute.

Higher MR = more points to use and more skins to choose from.

Basically it's a mix and match of skins and mechanics of existing guns to create something truly unique. Balance can be sought by limiting the weapon attribute point pool. Certain abilities have a higher drain on your pool. E.g. hit scan drains 10 points, energy bullets drain 7.

Soma prime with supra skin build pure damage

Sancti Tigris skinned vaykor hek crit build

Dual twin viper wraith with spectre beams.

That would make me play the game for another 1000 hours.


I think with the new tenno gen skins from the steam workshop, this is even more crucial. Imagine all the nice skins on the weak weapons like the gorgon.

Let us create our own weapons and use the upcoming beautiful skins on them :)

Edited by --Q--Ascended-Seraphim
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but with this idea why would DE release a weapon ever again?

With this idea, new weapons introduce new skins, mechanics, and mastery rank fodder.

Which improves your mastery rank and translates to more points you can use on your customised weapon . Giving meaning to both existing guns and a reason to level up in rank:)

Currently most new weapons cureently only serve as pure mastery fodder which doesnt mean a thing and a sad waste of art assets :(

Edited by --Q--Ascended-Seraphim
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this sorta reminds of the thing fallout 4 is going to do, where you have parts of guns and u literally make your gun and can find what other randomly generating guns have been made allowing for a gigantic range of weapons to find and choose from, btw i also really like this idea, i could finally make another semi auto single shot gun, similar to the latron prime/ the reason i like that so much is cause i was a huge fan of the DMR from halo back in those days before warframe xD

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I would love a 100% slash damage hit scan minigun supra for a corridor of mince meat for my heavy gunner temple guardian rhino thank you.

Or a 100% fire damage braton prime with plasma bullets to create charred bodies all day for my accelerant ember.

Please make this happen DE ♡

Edited by --Q--Ascended-Seraphim
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Oh yes yes, I'd lust for a custom Hek that would fires charged explosive shells, alt fire will just fire a cluster**** explosion into a crowd 'causing pure discord and havoc. Holding down RMB will just discharge all of the mag, just a big bang that would crash computers and melt your GPUs. Aesthetically, it would look like a bastard child of the Hek+Tiggy with some mashing of the Sobek/Boar into it.

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I think this would be an amazing idea, and before concerns of "balance" are raised, the custom guns could be implemented for newer specific missions, or DE, if they wanted to, could just buckle down and balance/ limit various weapon mechanics and dmg for the created guns.

Really a fun idea.

INB4 you have to use a weapon extractor to dismantle a level 30 weapon just to get the parts/mechanics XD. Oh and argon...

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