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Melee Is Garbage Now


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Thanks DE. Nofunallowed. 


You already couldn't kill people who were 1 inch above you. 


You couldn't kill anyone with faster sprint speed. 


You couldn't kill anyone with 90% of melee weps


And now you basically can only use glaive. 


Great change.


Where's my +50% damage to hitting people in the back?

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Thanks DE. Nofunallowed. 


You already couldn't kill people who were 1 inch above you. 


You couldn't kill anyone with faster sprint speed. 


You couldn't kill anyone with 90% of melee weps


And now you basically can only use glaive. 


Great change.


Where's my +50% damage to hitting people in the back?


Responding to the highlighted points:


It should be abundantly clear by now, that despite all of the amazing work DE has put into melee combo animations, these maneuvers were intended to be used against ground targets who didn't move around much. For 95% of melee combos (as far as I can tell, I don't use melee equipt ever!), you get locked into these complex swing animations that limit your mobility compares to a human player bullet jumping or rolling away.


Martial magnetism has always been a crutch mod to force these ground combos to track airborne targets and to force the mpbility disadvantaged combo animations to track human players.


If I am wrong at this point, please correct me.




The current combo and stances work for pve enemies and don't need to change for now. But crutch mod martial magnetism solution forced a square rod into a round hole. Tracking an airborne target with a slow galatine swing with your feet planted firmly 20 feet into the air looks unnatural and removes a huge skill component from the game.


My suggestion?


Bring back air melee attacks with proper hitboxes. Air melee served as a gap closer and a skilled anti air maneuver that is aimed.

This solution also coincides with a pve issue as well to not waste developer resources: without air melee, melee is once again ineffective against a simple corpus osprey or a camera sensor.

Edited by Pythadragon
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Im on console and I'm tired of being one shotted by people who get me with the 1-hit ground slam that is very selective in who it kills. I die in the air or when i think i've jumped away yet my jit kittag doesn't insta kill somebody who was basically directly under me...


Melee can get nerfed in my opinion... getting one shotted cause you don't win a melee quickdraw is stupid

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Responding to the highlighted points:


It should be abundantly clear by now, that despite all of the amazing work DE has put into melee combo animations, these maneuvers were intended to be used against ground targets who didn't move around much. For 95% of melee combos (as far as I can tell, I don't use melee equipt ever!), you get locked into these complex swing animations that limit your mobility compares to a human player bullet jumping or rolling away.


Martial magnetism has always been a crutch mod to force these ground combos to track airborne targets and to force the mpbility disadvantaged combo animations to track human players.


If I am wrong at this point, please correct me.




The current combo and stances work for pve enemies and don't need to change for now. But crutch mod martial magnetism solution forced a square rod into a round hole. Tracking an airborne target with a slow galatine swing with your feet planted firmly 20 feet into the air looks unnatural and removes a huge skill component from the game.


My suggestion?


Bring back air melee attacks with proper hitboxes. Air melee served as a gap closer and a skilled anti air maneuver that is aimed.

This solution also coincides with a pve issue as well to not waste developer resources: without air melee, melee is once again ineffective against a simple corpus osprey or a camera sensor.

Most combos are bad even in pve. That's why the nerf was unnecessary. The crutch was there so you weren't forced into using glaive. Melee was already countered by jumping and by just shooting them as they ran straight at you. Now it's high risk no reward. Multi-hit stuff still have their previous nerfs and now you'll only get 1 of those piddly hits to even connect. 


As for air attacks. That's like attempting to shoot a glaive before it hits you. Good luck with that. 


Idk, I can kill people just fine the same way I always did. The removal of Relentless Assault is the only thing I'm feeling.


slide attacks ftw

That's because you don't use melee other than for momentum. 


It's funny how most of the comments come from people who admit they never use equipped melee. 



Im on console and I'm tired of being one shotted by people who get me with the 1-hit ground slam that is very selective in who it kills. I die in the air or when i think i've jumped away yet my jit kittag doesn't insta kill somebody who was basically directly under me...


Melee can get nerfed in my opinion... getting one shotted cause you don't win a melee quickdraw is stupid

Slams haven't really changed. But now every frame gets the option of 100 armor which significantly hurts many of the melee weps because they are all slash

Edited by Kolos1001
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Its just so glitchy an unreliable though... Somehow a galatine combo kills me despite not touching me... and it takes me 2 ground slams ( both directly on the enemy ) to kill them... I really only used ground slam to punish melee only players as they'd mainly parkour whenever shot at and ground slam them for a counter attack but its just so unreliable for me despite me being ontop of the enemy... maybe the melee hitbox is just weird...


Im a 3.6 kda player and they keep changing everything so much i feel like I'm playing musical meta combat.


I think ground slams should do Half of a weapons melee damage to anything in its radius and be a knockdown ( goes for galatine's combo that everyone is spamming on console ) Hitting somebody once should hurt but instal-killing is just stupid... Why can't i channel my tenno energy to one shot people with my vectis? Oh right... screw precision weapons

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Its just so glitchy an unreliable though... Somehow a galatine combo kills me despite not touching me... and it takes me 2 ground slams ( both directly on the enemy ) to kill them... I really only used ground slam to punish melee only players as they'd mainly parkour whenever shot at and ground slam them for a counter attack but its just so unreliable for me despite me being ontop of the enemy... maybe the melee hitbox is just weird...


Im a 3.6 kda player and they keep changing everything so much i feel like I'm playing musical meta combat.


I think ground slams should do Half of a weapons melee damage to anything in its radius and be a knockdown ( goes for galatine's combo that everyone is spamming on console ) Hitting somebody once should hurt but instal-killing is just stupid... Why can't i channel my tenno energy to one shot people with my vectis? Oh right... screw precision weapons

Besides heavy weps the slam size is extremely small. 


And yea they "balance" things constantly...but never fix bugs that have been there forever. 

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I fear this day and here it is, people asking for the removal of martial magnetism and it was the only thing who makes melee more or less viable against players with high mobility.


You just cant nerf 90% of melee base damage with charge attacks as an excuse while removing martial magnetism, Hysteria is nearly useless now, at least Excalibur has some range...

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Just when I was having fun using Dual ether and Dex Darka in Conclave. My main strategy was to get people low hp with latron and stalk em down with melee when they try to run.

The new mod is a utter joke there is nothing stopping players from escaping mid combo. Even with martial law on I would score higher shooting than i would melee.


MY KD has gone to crap thanks to this. Since I started using mm 50/50 of my gameplay was pure melee. I now have to reprogram how I play.

Edited by BoyTitan
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I'm a melee specialyst and I can tell I've never been happier now that Martial Magnetism is gone, replaced by a better mod. However, the removal of ralentless assault, which gives the bonus as Martial Fury but passively, really bothers me.

While we wait for a possible "melee 3.0" to be implemented (if DE ever implements that) I propose giving feedback and suggestions for mod to help melee play vs gunplay. Mods are easier to patch and rebalance than whole stats across the frames or developing new combat system.

I started a post suggesting melee mods, check it out to give you an idea and start submiting your ideas for melee mods in the Forum, luckily DE will use something and melee will be back in the competitive scene. Just try not to suggest something utterly ridiculous or obcenely overpowered...

Anyway take example in this:


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Im on console and I'm tired of being one shotted by people who get me with the 1-hit ground slam that is very selective in who it kills. I die in the air or when i think i've jumped away yet my jit kittag doesn't insta kill somebody who was basically directly under me...

Melee can get nerfed in my opinion... getting one shotted cause you don't win a melee quickdraw is stupid

On PC slams do not one shot. Not sure for consoles.

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I'm kinda sad about the quick melee nerf from removing Relentless Assault but it's a fair price to pay for the removal of MM.

Quick melee slams with Jat Kittag and Kestrel were too stupid. Like you pick melee only to chain it with guns. I'm glad with RA removed. But playing "melee vs gun" is even harder now.

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People asked for MM removal, LOUDLY, they got their wish granted. 

But we DIDN'T want Ralentless assault removed, also we melee players have been asking for buffs/reworks to melee to justify the removal of that cursed mod. Guess which part of the equation got solved?


Oh and I think quickmelee shouldn't benefit from mods in Conclave, but that's my personal grudge.

Edited by Nazrethim
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people are complaning not because it is garbage, they are complaining because they actually need skill to use it now, its not cheap anymore, it was easy to just spam E without having to aim the target. those who were actually skilled wont even notice the diference because they dont needed the auto targeting to hit the target.

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I am curious, can any of you melee people effectively take advantage of heartseeker + dagger? It gives the same martial magnetism effect, even while not melee equip, but range limited to 1 meter instead of 2.

Daggers are actually garbage, maybe Dark Dagger could be used if you are a hardcore dagger user, but the short range combined with lack of gap closer combos+low damage makes daggers very weak. Actually Karyst (the strongest dagger in PvE and one of the most powerful in high endgame) is actually the WEAKEST weapon in Conclave.

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ITT: dey turk er autoaim!

Seriously, people. Melee players are already incredibly hard to hit because of the ridiculous animations, but that doesn't mean you have to use them. There's a thing called air attack, where you...guess what? Hit things in the air. It does almost as much damage as a slide attack, which is also an option.

Also, when considering balance, make sure you're in the right skill bracket. If you run into players like noctus, pythadragon, firemaelstrom, or myself, treat it as a learning experience, not a forum-warrior material-gathering experience.

Melee already does absurd amounts of damage, to the point that effectively once you hit, you kill. So why would you bother using melee when you're nowhere near someone, then complain that you're not hitting them? Melee is situational, and because of that it's been buffed by way of doing far more damage than anything else. Going sword alone in pvp doesn't work unless you are exceedingly skilled at parkour and utilizing all combos and attacks in your stance. This doesn't mean it needs a buff, it's just that...yknow, you don't pull it out when you're in a staredown with someone across the map. And when you do get to someone, don't just use ground combos! Melee still works midair, and if you keep on an enemy it'll only be harder for them to hit you.

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