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What Is Your Best Moment In Warframe?


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What the title says. What is your best moment on Warframe. Like maybe that time you finally killed that boss that's been giving you trouble for some time. Or maybe when you survived the Stalkers wrath when he fought you in low level equipment. Or maybe after surviving the games horrible RNG you finally got that prime part that you have been farming for an eternity for.

My favorite moment was when I finally got Ember Prime after relentless farming on derelict for the helmet which at the same time I endured the most defense waves I've done yet. (Wave 95)

Edit: Another time was when I first solo'd Stalker and won with fresh out of the foundry Ember Prime, Kraken, and Soma Prime. I had an unfair advantage as while trying to find a good cover spot he spawned in front of my and I kicked him into a corner with collision detection he had during spawn where he got stuck and I shot him to death.

Edited by (XB1)xXNovaFoxXx
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When I was very new (and MR7-8, or somewhere around there), I had Concealed Explosives drop while farming oxium with a much more experienced friend.


I was super-excited, but told my friend: "This is the high point. It's all downhill from here. I'll never be this excited about any drop in Warframe ever again."


I was right. I also have 5 unranked Concealed Explosives just sitting in my mod collection.

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So there I was with my best friend, the two of us farming for Pherliac for the dang Jordas quest. Stalker jumps us, and it's a wide-open room with no cover. I start running back to a place with better line-of-sight breaks, but I'm too far ahead of my friend and we're separated by the lockdown. Stalker does the Smokescreen + Hate thing, trying to stunlock me, but I'm quick enough and roll away. Two shots with my Hek later, and he drops Despair. Friggin' Despair, the thing my friend and I had been trying to get for months.

Oh, and the Juggernaut had been doing its roaring thing during this fight. He spawned in after Stalker dropped and dropped us a Pherliac BP after we took him down in a matter of seconds

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A year ago when I started warframe I was doing a grineer missions as Loki with a random rhino guy (Loki was still one of the starters back then). I got stuck on the wall and I couldn't get out no matter WHAT I did so I was stuck there. So my rhino tennomate came back and stared at me and I kinda felt stupid.


Then luckily I had enough energy to switch teleport and the rhino was stuck. Troll maximus. I left him there struggling (cruel yes, but at the time I was feeling so smug about it). I was soloing the mission when about 2 minutes later he came back. He tried to hurt me by shooting me with his boltor but of course it wouldn't work. Apparently some grineer troops came in and killed him and thats how he wasn't stuck anymore. But at the cost of a revive. After the mission ended he left squad with some bad language.


All because of one beginner loki



Edited by (PS4)AnishAnkit
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It was the day Mesa came out and everyone stayed up till 2-4ish in the morning trying to make the key. I joined a keyshare and after the host and I used our keys one guy left claiming he had to restart his computer(he pretty much f**ked us over.) The last guy said he'd still use his key but we all doubted we'd get the last part we needed but somehow....someway....some gesus blessed us with the last part. That was my happiest day playing this game. Finally getting the detron barrel after a year is 2nd.

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Soloing any and all content...except raids...because I'm not allowed to.



On a less bitter note, probably soloing Phorid way back near the beginning of open beta and finally obtaining my beloved Nyx.

Edited by Ailith
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Way back when I was a beginner, about MR2 or 3, these Warframe gods (at the time they seemed like gods, but they were probably MR 13 or so) brought me in to their credit farming runs. It was pre-GP Mag nerf, so it was me (the deadweight), a GP Mag, a Vauban, and a Mesa I believe.

I didn't even KNOW what they were doing back then; I thought we were going to run around and last as long as possible.


But by jove, it was fantastic.


They told me to stand on top of some crates and sit tight while they unleashed their awesomeness. After several DSD runs, I gathered about 250k creds and a whole lotta Morphics for a wee little noob to handle. The joy I experienced was INCREDIBLE; I didn't know such a thing was possible in this wonderful game.


Alas, now that I've gained experience and mastery of the game, the "luster" has gone out the door as I am familiar with most things of the game now. I'm still hooked to the game, but very few things excite me as much as my first night out with the pros.



Dear me, I'm getting emotional :')




Edit: Thank you OP, for starting this thread. Gives me a lot to look back on and to be grateful for :D

Edited by LoseUrself2Dance
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When I was 1st getting into Warframe, I had died after I Extracted From an extermination mission. The Game Went Black as if it was transitioning over to the Loading screen, But after a minute passed....and a quick trip to the Restroom, I came back to a dead Rhino, and no way to get back to my ship. I had to Close out the App, and Restart the game, along with the mission.

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My best moment was in a t3 survival.

My squad was just doing their own thing (we split up) but one of them got down so all of us rushed toward him and then we saw why he got down.

About 50 or so mobs (i know right -_-) So all of us used all of our supers and cleared the room. 1 guy revived him while me and another guy stood back to back defending. It was awesome. (I was excal so tons of slashing! :)

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Charging a group of seven lvl 61 bombards with Atlas at 12 health. No time to heal, no time to call for help. I thought, ' ah well' and threw my shield up, ducked my head, and charged. Staggered the first bombard with a blow and saw a tiny damage number go up, and then screwed my eyes up and spammed Landslide.



Lo and Behold, I managed to obliterate them all. With 3 health.

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Soloing any and all content...except raids...because I'm not allowed to.



On a less bitter note, probably soloing Phorid way back near the beginning of open beta and finally obtaining my beloved Nyx.


Just join a raid with 4 people and tell the other three to close app.  you will be in a raid solo.   have fun





Also mine would be when me and 3 of my clan mates finally beat the t4 surv 5 hour mark.  had been pre-scheduled by like a month to prevent any other things getting in the way.   practiced by doing 3 hour runs for days.

Edited by robertgk2017
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Building my first Warframe, other than the default one given to me. Once my Valkyr finished crafting after for waiting for 3 days was probalbly the most excited I've been over this game.


Other than that its like getting Ash Prime systems on your first try of T3S.

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Another good time was when I had Excalibur in Prisma skin and decided to walk a round in Vesper and at the time there were a lot noobs there. I walked around in Excal and I had a white color scheme to it so I looked liked Excal Prime. The noobs who understood the concept of primes thought I had the prime. You know happens then.

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