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Why Does Everyone Hate Chroma?

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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unconstructive circle jerk thread



also his 1 is awful at best with only super niche usability (LOL XDDD killing hordes of lvl 1 enemies XDDDD no)

2 and 3 are okay

4 is situational and bad for regular gameplay it barely does anything and it doesnt instant stun on pop either, fix the stun and make the "de-activation" not cc the frame itself his 4 would be "decent" but definitely not worth a 4, but thats just my opinion


he needs a completely new 1 and toxic/green needs a huuuuuuuuuuge touchup

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He's just an ugly frame. I couldn't get past the aesthetic. I don't remember the name of the helmet, but one of those helmets looks so bad that I can't believe that it ever got into the game. It looks like a mutated horse got into a bag of lemons.

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I don't care much for or against chroma at this point, but i imagine those who don't like him probably feel that way since he's not a very useful team frame. he does very little in the ways off cc, what buffs he has are aimed at solely himself (there are the wards but their range restrictions make them not viable for team play), and he doesn't dish out massive levels of damage either to make up for lacking in the prior, which does create a level of disapproval from those who encounter him in team play. To put it simply, he lacks any form of team synergy. 

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Reason why I love Chroma:

- 2k armor

- godlike at high levels

Reasons why I hate Chroma:

- pieces of scrap metal welded together

- not a dragon

- only dragonlike skill is useless

- two skills (which are the core skills) are passive-like


4/10. Meh. Boring AF but useful at endless runs.

Reasons why I love Saryn:

- invasion speed runs

- theme

- Regenerative Molt

Reasons why I hate Saryn:

- arguably braindead ult

- press 4 to make teammates feel useless

- not good at high levels

Verdict: 7/10. Good for fun and lower levels, fun up to a certain point.

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I don't think it's exactly hate, so much as distaste from overuse for some.  I love him, but I gotta swap frames every so often or I get stir-crazy, but that's my ADD more than anything.  To this day, Chroma is the only one I've bought platinum for specifically to buy him because he looked so cool, and I don't have any regrets in the slightest.  He's SUPER tanky, I've only used his vex armor a couple of times, but that's because I love how cool his other abilities look, not because vex armor isn't massively powerful.  Remembering I actually has vex armor actually made one mission go from really difficult for me to almost a joyride because Chroma, with knowledge of what you're doing, WRECKS things.

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He's just an ugly frame. I couldn't get past the aesthetic. I don't remember the name of the helmet, but one of those helmets looks so bad that I can't believe that it ever got into the game. It looks like a mutated horse got into a bag of lemons.

Yoh critized about the stereotypical look on chroma's current helm and you critized the greek-like look on chroma's alternative helm


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We were originally getting the drac helmet standard but people did not like it and basically forced DE to give him a new helmet. But, after a few days everyone was like the original helmet is better and it's behind a paylock. The community just messed themselves from getting an awesome helmet to kinda mediocre helmet.

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We were originally getting the drac helmet standard but people did not like it and basically forced DE to give him a new helmet. But, after a few days everyone was like the original helmet is better and it's behind a paylock. The community just messed themselves from getting an awesome helmet to kinda mediocre helmet.

Agreed I love the Drac helmet. #paid.

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I don't hate Chroma, I just find him boring to play.

Buff buff shoot.

Same story with Mirage, FWIW.

Don't hate Saryn either, but she has: A skill that has a poor effort->reward scale. An escape skill. A self buff. A radial nuke.

Also boring.

Edited by Chroia
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