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The Ignore Function And Its Abuse


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Tbh i would blame it on trading chat.


Ppl simply arent interested in haggling yet they are pretty much forced to use this archaic system for trading.


Some just take it further to save their own time.

Edited by Davoodoo
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i fail to see a problem. if someone decides to Ignore you, that's their discretion.


i don't see why you have any reason to get butthurt that someone else has Ignored you. there's thousands upon thousands of other Players out there.

seriously - you have no right to decide that everyone else is poo and a dummyhead because you don't like that someone Ignored you. they did, get over it.


i can't outline it any clearer. you want to defeat the purpose of an existing feature just because you got your feelings hurt by something that wasn't offensive at all. get over it.



if someone decides they want to ignore all Users that exist - i fail to see how that affects YOU.






- there is already a menu that lets you manage your Ignored Users.

- there is already a 'Report' feature in the game - however you can only use it on Players which are on your Recent Players List. obviously should be something you can use anywhere.

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Half the problem is ignore doesnt reauire a second click half of them are accidental

Only anyone with a brain notices this, and just unignores them and says "Sorry accidentally ignored you".


Again, the feature is working as intended. If they meant to ignore you, they can. If not, they can correct this mistake easily.

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I prefer the ignore list the way it is. If I ignore someone for whatever reason I don't want to interact with them in future, that's my choice to make, I wouldn't ignore someone unless I had a good reason, and i wouldn't want that person to be able to contact me at the end of a time limit. If I ignore you, I'm done with you, for good. There is no reason to restrict a players ability to avoid others they do not want to interact with.

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Only anyone with a brain notices this, and just unignores them and says "Sorry accidentally ignored you".


Again, the feature is working as intended. If they meant to ignore you, they can. If not, they can correct this mistake easily.

this whole situation could simply be avoided with 2 lines of code and a 5 minute graphic design for the dialog box not much to ask for considering the you know -looks around his arsenal- yah that.

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^ why should we report them when we can just ignore them?


Reporting is not going to make the guy telling me to kill myself stop for quite a while. The ignore button solves the issue in an instant, then I report him and let the devs take care of him.


I shouldn't have to report him, then wait for them to do something before he finally shuts up

The idea is that it functions doubly so its instant block for you but it also sends a ticket saying "this person is toxic" it not just one its both. it just tags accountability to it.

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The idea is that it functions doubly so its instant block for you but it also sends a ticket saying "this person is toxic" it not just one its both. it just tags accountability to it.


Being toxic is not a reason for moderation, though. For example, I usually ignore people whom I find annoying - leechers, trade scammers, chat trolls, spammers, keyshare ninjas and some other special cases. Only a few of these are moderatable offenses and only in some cases. However, if I invited someone to a T4D and they proceeded to AFK half of the match without reason, I probably don't want to play with them anymore. That's what the ignore function is for.


It's not specifically for preventing harassment, so using it for other things is perfectly ok.

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this whole situation could simply be avoided with 2 lines of code and a 5 minute graphic design for the dialog box not much to ask for considering the you know -looks around his arsenal- yah that.

You're vastly underestimating how coding works. Besides, even if it was that easy (seriously, it's nowhere near as short as "2 lines of code") it's still wholly unnecessary. There is a confirmation EVERY time you ignore someone already, so it already tells you when it happens.

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PM offer and the bargain guessing game and such where it's not straight forward is pain in the rear. Buyers hate when sellers come in saying offer, I've seen so many trade chat warnings from buyers stating you'll get muted or ignored if you say OFFER. And this actually works the other way around as well for sellers. Some people value their time, so I'd say your price or trade right upfront and leave the guessing game out of the equation.

Capping how many you can mute on the game's chat? No, that place can be a never ending cess pool of villainy.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I actually would not be for the reporting feature being along with the ignore feature. Then we'd have people just reporting people "cause he was mean" and it would clutter the reports DE get's and make the actual claims where someone broke a rule harder to find. Not saying we already don't have one but having this in game I can see THAT being abused but the ignore feature ? Really ? We are obligated to keep in contact with everyone now in game ?


Nah. If I find someone annoying and they don't take a hint that ignore feature is my bread and butter.

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If someone wants to ignore you because he/she wants to ignore you. What's so hard to understand that?! It's not even the right of the ignored person to call it abuse when it does exactly just that.

I guess then they can start reporting. Report:"DE, this person is harassing me and I can't ignore/my ignores are out/capped". Lol.

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Nothing wrong with the ignore system. Working as intended.


Although, I wouldn't have ignored the OP in this situation, I probably would never have PM'd him to begin with. I've always assumed that if an item is allegedly for sale without a price, then the present owner really doesn't want to sell it.


Trolling for prices looking for a sucker is considered bad form and that perception was probably what caused this situation to shake out like it did.

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ignore is working as intended


i.e. wts heavy caliber maxxed 250 platinum and bro if your struggle for platinum is real then do not bother with a pm


foolbuyer999 responds with a pm bro? umm 35 plat and a bo prime ornament? k ?


I respond with no! platinum only! 250 platinum wts firm price


foolbuyer999 responds with 50 plat and five fusion cores !!! totaly worth it bro


I use the ignore button and it says

you are now ignoreing foolbuyer999


working as intended.

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No, I know EXACTLY how the OP's conversation went:


Jigoogly: WTS Arcane Avenger PM offers!

Random: how much for Arcane Avenger?

Jigoogly: I just said PM offers...

Random: but how much u want for it?

Jigoogly: ..... offer me

Random: fine...10plat

Jigoogly: LMAO wtf 10 plat you SRS BRO?

Jigoogly: Make me a REAL offer....

Jigoogly: Hello?

Jigoogly: u gonna b srs or wat?

Random: This user is ignoring you.


(Edited for sarcasm...this is not from a chat log or anything)

Edited by Thaumatos
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 I'd say iit is abuse because it is using a function intended to negate forms of harassment instead being used because they do not like your offer. its the mentality of "il block everyone who doesn't fit my every whim" instead of being used as intended..... That's why I think it is abuse. It is coupled with the same playing field of give a child everything they ever want and you can  expect all hell first time you tell them they cannot do something. I think players should have the ability to block everyone and anyone they want but I'm starting to think the community shrinks within itself every day people are allowed to segregate themselves away from the rest of the community shearly because they didn't like that one offer you gave them over a year ago.



If they're gonna ignore you just because they don't like your offer, then they were probably gonna try and lowball or do a highway robbery on you anyways.  You're better, and if a person really really really doesn't want to talk and/or play with you, trying to make a system to force them too is just gonna make things worse.

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I think your issue has to do more with trade toxicity. From my experience with trade chat the word "offer" is abused alot. People try and get other people to offer first because they hope they don't know the price and want to take advantage of them. If there was a auction hall everyone could buy and sell stuff and see current prices without worrying about getting taken advantage of. My point is that the ignore function is working as intented but you should go with one of the first 2 examples. Sell something with your price in mind and allow offers or if you keep getting low ball offers then sell it for a fixed price.






WTS: Blind Rage 30p or PM offer(price in mind but willing to go lower depending on number of people messaging you)<---fair


WTS: Blind Rage 25p Fixed price<--- you know current prices a feel that is competitive to what most people feel its worth and dont want any less(Still fair)


WTS: Blind Rage, Offer: Someone may be unlucky with RNG and feel this is a very hard drop and offer 100p, Praying off of ignorance of not knowing prices the other person accepts without telling the person the current value. (Its like a scam)

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Waste people time with "offer?" crap - get ignored. Working as intended.


Waste people time with "offer?" crap - get ignored. Working as intended.

HAHA I was thinking the same thing, there are actually a couple of folks I would ignore just not to have to deal with them in trades.



I certainly disagree with the OP this is some sort of abuse, it appears he wants to force people to read whats he is typing.

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I think your issue has to do more with trade toxicity. From my experience with trade chat the word "offer" is abused alot. People try and get other people to offer first because they hope they don't know the price and want to take advantage of them. If there was a auction hall everyone could buy and sell stuff and see current prices without worrying about getting taken advantage of. My point is that the ignore function is working as intented but you should go with one of the first 2 examples. Sell something with your price in mind and allow offers or if you keep getting low ball offers then sell it for a fixed price.






WTS: Blind Rage 30p or PM offer(price in mind but willing to go lower depending on number of people messaging you)<---fair


WTS: Blind Rage 25p Fixed price<--- you know current prices a feel that is competitive to what most people feel its worth and dont want any less(Still fair)


WTS: Blind Rage, Offer: Someone may be unlucky with RNG and feel this is a very hard drop and offer 100p, Praying off of ignorance of not knowing prices the other person accepts without telling the person the current value. (Its like a scam)

while this is the primary type of instance I was refering to I think it is merely the most obvious bruise that everyone can identify with. I however believe that the issue as a whole is like an iceberg. While it can be obviously seen in trade chat it is the stuff that we cannot easily see that is the real issue.

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If someone wants to ignore you because he/she wants to ignore you. What's so hard to understand that?! It's not even the right of the ignored person to call it abuse when it does exactly just that.

I guess then they can start reporting. Report:"DE, this person is harassing me and I can't ignore/my ignores are out/capped". Lol.

The idea was that the "or" was actually a rhetorical question. the idea is that instead of the ignore button being where it is - instead have the report button there. also upon use of the ignore button it acts as the ignore function does. However it also flags them with the appropriate tag of harassment or any of the other options. 

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