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Fat Warframe...


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Well, Oberon is kinda chunky...



There is a reason most characters in video games aren't fat, they have to be able to run around. In Warframe movement (such as jumping, sliding, wall running, etc) is key. So no it would not work...



Maybe it would have a roll animation isntead of a sprint animation...

Edited by VorpalReaper
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There is a reason most characters in video games aren't fat, they have to be able to run around. In Warframe movement (such as jumping, sliding, wall running, etc) is key. So no it would not work...


They could always make characters like Bob from Tekken 6. He is fat, fast, and badass.


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There is a reason most characters in video games aren't fat, they have to be able to run around. In Warframe movement (such as jumping, sliding, wall running, etc) is key. So no it would not work...

Coach was pretty fat, and he was still fit enough to climb 30 flights of stairs just to kill zombies

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There is a reason most characters in video games aren't fat, they have to be able to run around. In Warframe movement (such as jumping, sliding, wall running, etc) is key. So no it would not work...

Another is that they exercise.

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Coach was pretty fat, and he was still fit enough to climb 30 flights of stairs just to kill zombies


He actually looked pretty fit for his age. Just has a slight gut to him. He looks like a military vet now that I think about it.



Edited by Ionus
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1st ability: Fat Roll - the frame rolls around squashing all enemies in his path, as well as being a travel utility

2nd Ability: Cannibalism  -frame eats corpses of enemies to regain health.

3rd ability: Bulletproof Blubber - while active, any bullets that hit will ricochet off, explosives are caught and safely detonated inside flab, and melee attacks bounce off, sending the enemy back.

4th ability: Belly Bounce - all weight is thrown into a dive that upon hitting the ground, causes a massive shockwave that kills all nearby enemies.

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There is a difference between lazy fat and fit fat. I've seen some people that could almost be called morbidly obese that could lift 100+ lbs from the floor with one hand... 


There was a video i saw once of a fat guy pushing 250 lbs passing some military obstacle course. Can't seem to find it tho, probably saw it on FB or Vimeo or some such.


If i was the Tenno or Orokin, i wouldn't see much sense in designing a frame that was restrictively obese. Rhino is probably as heavy a frame we're going to get. All the advantages of a sumo wrestler with few of the drawbacks.

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1st ability: Fat Roll - the frame rolls around squashing all enemies in his path, as well as being a travel utility

2nd Ability: Cannibalism  -frame eats corpses of enemies to regain health.

3rd ability: Bulletproof Blubber - while active, any bullets that hit will ricochet off, explosives are caught and safely detonated inside flab, and melee attacks bounce off, sending the enemy back.

4th ability: Belly Bounce - all weight is thrown into a dive that upon hitting the ground, causes a massive shockwave that kills all nearby enemies.


I could actually see something like this working... The Devourer frame. 

Edited by VorpalReaper
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There is a reason most characters in video games aren't fat, they have to be able to run around. In Warframe movement (such as jumping, sliding, wall running, etc) is key. So no it would not work...


He wouldn't need to be super agile. Every time he kicks off from the floor or wall, he would simply move the entire map around him. Simple.

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Picture a sumo, budda, big slobby fat warframe... what are your thoughts... abilities. Or just a dumb idea

I was actually wishing the same thing, a warframe with the physique similar to KINGPIN. We need diversity here, we aleady have medium bodies like ash/excal, very muscular like atlas/rhino, and thin like limbo. (Btw hydroid isnt big enough)

Please give serious comments, OP was not trolling

Edit: image


Edited by reedknoll
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I could see it. It's a fantasy game so as long as the motions didn't look too weird while moving, my willing suspension of disbelief could be maintained. DE have done a good job of representing different body types so far.


Theyd have to give him some custom parkour animations...

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