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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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I'm really curious what the community thinks on this one, as feedback threads are very scatterbrain in regards to what the community as a whole wants.


Some questions to ask yourself:

-Which Warframe do I use the least?

-Which Warframe do I find overly-situational?

-Which Warframe is lacking compared to others?

-Which Warframe do I think needs a much-needed update?


So let's see it: What warframe does the community think needs a rework? You only get one vote, so make it count.


Also, thank you for participating!



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I personally say Vauban. His Bounce is basically built-in to our suits now, so we don't need "Bounce Pads". to get to where we need to go.

His Bastile feels relatively useless unless there's multiple spawned, and Vortex/Tesla is situational at best (Infested territory, or by Doors/Chokepoints.)

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I voted for everyone in the Strawpoll.

Stop being a renegade.

But definitely Limbo. Also why so much hate for Broberon? He's a well balanced frame. Why does everyone expect him to be better than every frame then consider him weak because he isn't?

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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I'm stuck between Limbo and Zephyr too. I played Limbo today and people left me stranded in an ODD even though I was doing most of the damage and work with an augmented Rift Torrent/Cataclysm/Sonicor combo, but played Zephyr well enough (though I still want that 2 gone and replaced).

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I can agree the Oberon is all around frame and his skills/stats are good enough to playing hard missions aswell but of course cannot be race in specific abilities with other frames.


I feel mostly the Limbo needs this but I say tweaks instead full reworks because there is not completely useless frames just lesser used and most used.

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I voted Hydroid before I remembered about Limbo. And with Limbo in mind, I think between the two of them it's a tie; they both need drastic overhauls. Limbo is just about good for a couple of Spy vaults, and Hydroid really doesn't do anything right except MAYBE have a halfway-decent 1 power

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Limbo and Vauban. Ever since the bullet jump update I've been anticipating a rework of Vauban. Bounce is useless, and Vortex is more or less rendered obsolete by the Simulor. You lose the ability to ragdoll living enemies but you have a MUCH larger pool of 'energy' to work with. Also they explode. Tesla is neat and I feel an ability to alter the shock tics would be all I'd call to change for that ability. Bastille is beautiful and should never change.

As for Limbo, I think it's safe to say the shrinking Cataclysm is the horrendous downfall of an otherwise clever frame.

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Yeah, as a Limbo user and him being one of my favorites, I too find him needing tweaks.


His 2 riftwalk casting needs to be much faster because to make use of his abilities I keep switching back and forth a lot. I'm thinking it should be as fast as Ember's Accelerant.


His third ability should give him buffs in both the rift world and normal world. Like extra damage while not in rift, extra damage reduction while in rift.


The fourth ability should not affect drops and hack terminals. I should be able to pick up drops while in the cataclysm bubble or hack something. Enemies and anything in it basically counts as being in the rift, so if they die and drops are there, it makes little sense how the drops cannot be picked up. For this move, I feel there should be an exception in drops with it.


Basically the fourth ability is now too trollish. A limbo can keep recasting his ultimate and prevent users from picking things up because of cataclysm. They can stall some mobile defense missions by placing it directly on the objective, so nobody can hack it.

Edited by ivlr3vil
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Hydroid - Limbo, Mag, Banshee, Oberon etc one new power away from really clicking and a prime version to buff some stats will really increase viability. Hydroid though? Everything he has someone does better... his powers struggle to even synergise with each other.


I also felt Rhino was overdue a loot and least played is Saryn but both of them are being reworked anyway.

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