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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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Another reason for me to move on and find other games to play. Just what I needed at this point. 


Seriously, I mean the above. I have NO desire to EVER participate in PVP. However, knowing there are PVE mods available that I can never access, despite all the hours I like to put into Warframe, is a good way to just drive me away from the game. 

Prior to today none of these mods were available in PvE and somehow we all still managed. Just the fact that these mods exist, pretty much all of which are extremely niche or borderline worthless, makes you want to stop playing the game?

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The type of mods that you can use aren't damage-based anyway. They're straight up utility, and if you're honest, would you really trade a damage mod for holster speed, accuracy while sliding, a very meager damage bonus to an already crappy weapon, or even possibly the most useful, reloading a weapon while holstered? These mods really don't have a place in pve anyway, and the only people who would benefit from them are the type of people who are already playing pvp and applying some of those skills to their pvp game. Your average player who plays pve only wouldn't need nor take advantage of mods which change their gameplay style to be more mobile and active.

Edited by PhaseShifted
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No, the title's quite accurate. There's now PvE stuff which is only available through PvP. That's not a good thing.


Why not? Why does it matter? Tons of games have "things" only available in special ways. Your Warframe experience is not being crippled because you don't have "everything". I could give you copy of each of those mods, and you will STILL never use them on a gun, because obviously, your guns are already working without them.

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Why not? Why does it matter? Tons of games have "things" only available in special ways. Your Warframe experience is not being crippled because you don't have "everything". I could give you copy of each of those mods, and you will STILL never use them on a gun, because obviously, your guns are already working without them.


The type of mods that you can use aren't damage-based anyway. They're straight up utility, and if you're honest, would you really trade a damage mod for holster speed, accuracy while sliding, a very meager damage bonus to an already crappy weapon, or even possibly the most useful, reloading a weapon while holstered? These mods really don't have a place in pve anyway, and the only people who would benefit from them are the type of people who are already playing pvp and applying some of those skills to their pvp game. Your average player who plays pve only wouldn't need nor take advantage of mods which change their gameplay style to be more mobile and active.



Nope, DE is planning to add a aug mod slot(like frame's parkour mod slot) and very sure those function mods will be using in these spc. mod slots.  



so they will never be acceptable to be "only can get though PVP"

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why everyone is making such a big deal about it now?


these mods werent usable in PvE before, so why are you complaining now? oh is because NOW those mods can be used? Play PVP


Dont like PVP? use the trade channel, dont like to trade? BE PATITIENT


im pretty sure the devs will put those mods on the drop tables somewere, eventually...

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why everyone is making such a big deal about it now?


these mods werent usable in PvE before, so why are you complaining now? oh is because NOW those mods can be used? Play PVP


Dont like PVP? use the trade channel, dont like to trade? BE PATITIENT


im pretty sure the devs will put those mods on the drop tables somewere, eventually...

PvP stuff mixing with PvE stuff has always been a big deal in Warframe. Its just now more and more people have been accepting pvp things to seep into pve part of the game. 

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It rubs me a very bad way that i am being told i NEED to PvP in order to get some PvE mods, some that i would need too...that mod for the extra damage on the Daikyu is meaningful to me because i love bows. 


Im flat out not interested in PvP, please dont force me :/ veeery uncool DE, strongly suggest you do not go down this fork.



With regards to all the people going "you aren't 'forced' to do anything', that's a terrible counterargument. No-one is 'forced' to go through any content at all due to the prevalence of player-driven progression in whatever form it takes (collecting mods or items, placing on leaderboards, defeating certain enemies) so to insinuate that 'you aren't forced to' is a valid rebuttal to stop whatever other people want to do is simply uncool.


The issue is with content that affects PvE being gated behind PvP. Not wanting to PvP is a choice, but missing out on those PvE mods due to their exclusivity to PvP, a different system entirely that others may not want/be familiar with is undue punishment for a choice that, as has been noted previously, has been accepted by DE saying that the two systems will remain separate.


To those saying the problem can simply be solved by buying off other players, this isn't nearly a weak an argument as above, but is still missing the point; whatever can be done to get around the problem should not be mistaken as a solution to the problem. Sure, it's a valid workaround, but the intention to gate PvE content behind PvP is troubling at best for the reasons described above. You may be thinking to draw parallels between different syndicates (i.e. being forced to choose one over the other), but changing syndicates does not inherently change the parameters of the game you play as PvP does.


Please, let there be a PvE-based way to obtain these mods. Transmutation at the very least, rewards from reworked missions even better. This would give both PvP and PvE players a chance to drive their own progression, at least in terms of this as content.


- snip -

You are anything but what your name suggests.


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The only way it would be a problem - is if it actually had some adverse effect on the other PvE players.

Which it doesn't - hence no problem.

It already has an adverse effect on PvE players.  You have to PvP to get it.


There's your adverse effect.  End of discussion.  No, "well they suck" is not an argument.

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Do people really have nothing better to do than whine about something so insignificant? How is this any different than anything else in the game? If you want these horrible subpar mods suck it up and PvP or buy them. I've never pvped in this game bc well I'm just not much of a pvper, don't care for it, but if they added a mod that I really liked I'd have no problems rolling up my sleeves and diving in. I've had to do a million things I didn't particularly enjoy to get specific items. It's no different than the raids. If you want arcanes do the raid or buy it. I don't see people crying that it's the end of the world bc they don't like doing raids but want arcanes. Not to mention the fact that doing a raid is significantly harder with the need to put together a good group before you can even try and some arcanes can have a huge effect on gameplay, way more so than the crap PvP mods you're all crying about. Some more examples: duel stat mods are locked behind spy, many frames are locked behind bosses some of which people hate farming (vey heck, golem, lephantis). And as many people have said they are overhauling the mod system and star chart so there is a very real possibility those mods will be obtainable by other means.

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Do people really have nothing better to do than whine about something so insignificant? How is this any different than anything else in the game? If you want these horrible subpar mods suck it up and PvP or buy them. I've never pvped in this game bc well I'm just not much of a pvper, don't care for it, but if they added a mod that I really liked I'd have no problems rolling up my sleeves and diving in. I've had to do a million things I didn't particularly enjoy to get specific items. It's no different than the raids. If you want arcanes do the raid or buy it. I don't see people crying that it's the end of the world bc they don't like doing raids but want arcanes. Not to mention the fact that doing a raid is significantly harder with the need to put together a good group before you can even try and some arcanes can have a huge effect on gameplay, way more so than the crap PvP mods you're all crying about. Some more examples: duel stat mods are locked behind spy, many frames are locked behind bosses some of which people hate farming (vey heck, golem, lephantis). And as many people have said they are overhauling the mod system and star chart so there is a very real possibility those mods will be obtainable by other means.

Out of all your examples, only the J-3 Golem fight is even remotely similar. Do you know why?


For me though this is just another item on the list that DE has gone back on their word on. That's the only reason I'm upset. That after all the 'Don't worry, Tenno, it has no effect on the normal game.' it finally does.

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People say this, but never explain why.

People is afraid of changes. Complaining is much easier than adapting or waiting for other change (like adding these pvp mods to transmutation pool, mission/alert rewards what would still getting complaints about RNG and blablabla)

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People say this, but never explain why.


As far as I can tell, and I like this change, is that DE once upon a time promised that PVP will not affect PVE. Players have been comparing that promise to the promise about Excal Prime when that promise was an assurance that things currently in the works are not looking like you fear, I.E being "forced" to play content you do not like.

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Maybe now they look like useless mods... but remember, they are reworking weapons to remove multishot, serration and family.... this means that this mods can become useful... 

I hate pvp, I hate when was put in the game... now they want force my to play this Sh*t of game mode... yeah They can be traded... but how much platinun? This is a bad move...

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Maybe now they look like useless mods... but remember, they are reworking weapons to remove multishot, serration and family.... this means that this mods can become useful...

I hate pvp, I hate when was put in the game... now they want force my to play this Sh*t of game mode... yeah They can be traded... but how much platinun? This is a bad move...

Nobody is forcing noone to nothing. I'd bet you can live and play perfectly without these mods, and I'd even bet that they won't be a big gamebreaking stuff after the weapon rework. They'll be just utility stuff, like arcanes. Hard to get, tradeable, but not gamebreaking, so it's no mandatory to get them.

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For people who keep comparing the difference between PvE and PvP and the difference between two PvE game modes, these differences are not at a comparable scale.


Exterminate, Spy, and Defense are all still the same game. You have access to the exact same frames, equipment, and mods. The skill set required may vary slightly, but it still boils down to managing a large number of enemies (compared to players) and mowing them down before they can do the same to you. In general, enemy (and trap) behavior is predictable, you have a significant advantage against your opponents (except at early game and very late game), and your equipment matters at least as much as your player skill.


Archwing is only partly its own game. There is a reasonable amount of carry-over between standard PvE and Archwing PvE, particularly that Tellurium and several Warframes require playing Archwing content. However, the skill set and mechanics are largely the same.


PvP, on the other hand, is very much its own game. While your frame and equipment lineup are very much carried over from PvE, the skill set and concept are very different. Enemies are not AI-controlled, and you cannot expect them to always behave predictably. You do not innately have an advantage over your opponents, and your player skill plays a much larger factor in deciding the outcome.

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Just the tip of the iceberg. Call it a slippery slope, but eventually some good mod will come off of PvP. Many people advocated against PvP on a PvE game for a reason before conclaves were implemented. This disenfranchises those who have no vested interest in PvP.


Trading with the market? Plat comes off real money, real money for those is pay to win.


And on the statement that DE doesn't owe us, just like people enjoy to tote around whenever they don the mantle of a defender, trust me, no company wants to see their player base telling another part of the player base to sod off. In the end of the day that only nets the company a loss of part of its established player base. So choose your counter arguments better, because, unless you are in the payroll, you don't speak for em.

Edited by Baigan
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Nobody is forcing noone to nothing.

Like I said in my previous reply, this is a terrible counterargument, and can be used both ways. No-one is 'forcing' anyone to play Warframe, but you seem to think that these feedback forums are pointless if you're willing extend that logic. You've missed the point entirely.

No-one is 'forced' to go through any content at all due to the prevalence of player-driven progression in whatever form it takes (collecting mods or items, placing on leaderboards, defeating certain enemies) so to insinuate that 'you aren't forced to' is a valid rebuttal to stop whatever other people want to do is simply [you dismissing their desire to work towards a goal, especially egregious in this context].

Let's bring it back to the topic and avoid making these statements that 'you're just complaining because no-one's spoonfeeding you', because as shown above, this isn't the case. Content is actively locked behind a system that precludes many, whether due to connection issues, poor experiences with other players, or an imperfectly-balanced PvP gamemode. To suggest a solution that involves PvE content being unlocked through PvE is, as far as I've seen in multiple threads, perfectly reasonable.

Do people really have nothing better to do than whine about something so insignificant?

Again, the issue is that PvE content is gated behind PvP. Try to address the issue before insulting those who have.

Edited by Vastaren
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If the community doesn't approve, there should be a little push back if DE is changing their tune, just so they're aware that that the community doesn't like it. It is a slippery slope, no matter how little the benefit of these mods might seem to be. I think the inclusions of mods in PVP was a bad idea in the first place, any new player going in just assumes they'll be able to use all the mods they have and learn differently so it doesn't feel very streamlined imo. I've pretty much given up on pvp and am not interested in going back and as it is now, I would be a bit annoyed if all the sudden there was a really good mod out and the only way to get it was to grind in that mode. 

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