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Almost Everything Past Mid-Game Isn't Challenging Anymore.


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First off I'd like to say: Except challenges like i.e Lato + T4S, Silent Rocket Spy, Stealth Kill (Meelee only) whole mission, etc. and stuff like Raids are still challenging, to say the least.  Even then, I've seen people grinding the trials like it's a skateboard rail (wow it rhymes)

Okay, so I just want to exaggerate on how much things are not a challenge anymore.
I have pretty garbage weapons, and even now I can kill the Stalker in about 10 seconds and an assassination mob in about 15 (New Loka's in probably 30.)

These guys that want to kill you are so easy to kill, it literally is telling you in a loading screen the best method to make them spawn more.  What?  You'd think that you are supposed to be afraid of a death squad that's out to kill you, or some guy named the Stalker that looks like death with an overpowered bow, the ability to cancel all your powers and with loads of powers himself should be able to kill even the highest leveled of players, but nope!  These guys are about as easy to kill as the Lynx.  

I know that you're supposed to get stronger and all, the more levels you advance, but is this not quite stupid?  When I see the stalker, I want to be afraid, yet I can't even force myself to be when I know that the instant it spawns I'm going to kill it. 

And lets put these assassins and death squads out of the picture, we've got people solo'ing T4S all the way to 60 minutes just using Loki.  Are you serious?  I get it, Loki's quite a frame of deception, but is there not supposed to be somewhere where one should draw the line?

I myself do not have end game gear; in fact, not even close.  My most forma'd thing is my Ash, and it's only twice.  I've potatoed most things and I refuse to go to Draco to level up (Though I have done it before) so when I say that this stuff is easy then there's a big problem because a noob just said that the things that make this game hard are easy. And, I can prove so. Here are all my "OP" weapons. 


Let's admit it; end-game players have literally nothing that can stand in their way.  The new content being put into the game yes does follow the storyline+the lore, which I understand it has to.  But end-game players have nothing that can actually prove a challenge to them, not even kidding.  Ask any fully end-game player; they have no problem doing almost anything.  I'd say the only exceptions would be something like this tactical event, since it strips them of their gear.  Even then, if they know how to play the game very well, they can still take it on simply.

My suggestion; Make mini-bosses like Stalker and Zanuka stronger based on the level of your frame+the level of your MR.  YES, I KNOW THAT MR DOESN'T MEAN SKILL, which is EXACTLY why I think this would be great.  This would mess with the Draco people who just go to MR19 in like a month, as they might have a bunch of guns, but they don't have a highly leveled one most likely. Plus, as a reward for the challenge, give the player something extra.  I don't know what extra exactly, but just anything that can be nice.  Maybe a blueprint for something.  I have no clue as to what change could be made to make these Void missions/missions in general much easier.

Oh, and of course, a TL;DR

Game is too easy for pro/end-game players, they have not much to do, they are usually in wait of new updates and even in them there is little to no challenge, assassins and death squads can be made more powerful and drop more loot, something to be unlocked when MR18 is reached, stats of mini-bosses raised determining the strongest player in field's MR + Warframe level.

I'm really sleepy right now and I have no clue what I just wrote so when I wake up in the morning say something nice love you guys i think

EDIT: Wow I didn't even remember making this.
Okay, well now that I've read it over, I realize lots of it is really terribly written, so instead of correcting I'll just add a few things and pretend you guys didn't read any of the miserably-written parts (what im trying to say is shhh)|

Oh and I remember having the idea of writing this, I guess I got a sugar-crash right when I started writing this or whatever, I really have no clue

One of you guys mentioned that this is why DE is nerfing mods and guns and buffing enemies and adding stuff like nullies
1. Like some guy said Nullies were rushed and I believe they're being changed in the upcoming future
2. One of you said that "It's hard to balance a game when people are running around with 8 forma's on their weapons"
Yes, I understand, but I'm saying DE should make a point where there are enemies challenging for these people even.  DE is only adding stuff for newbies and mid-tier people, not much for the end-end game people. 
3. Apologies for making le sleepy thread
4. One of you said that this is the reason that mods are being nerfed, and I'd like to tell you I hate the idea of mods being nerfed.  Everyone does.  DE doesn't realize that nerfing mods isn't the damn way to go, and they really need to realize this.  They're nerfing the extremely-overpowered mods, and not touching mods like Serration, which are hard yet rewarding to max.  I understand that with pain comes pleasure, but in the case of Warframe that is too easy of a thing to be heard.  About everything in the game is the whole "Other side of the rainbow" sort of deal, and while it's great for most games to have this aspect, there comes a point where it's just enough...
5. Some guy posted the "bad guy brian" (or whatever his name is) on here pretty much saying I'm that 8 forma dude, well I'd love to inform you (As I did already if you read anything) that I don't have any gun over 2 formas, and I'm still not even close to late game.  I even said already that I am not saying everything should be increased in difficulty, but more things that are hard to do should be added.  From what it seems I've tried to emphasize on that, but maybe next time I should make a thread not sleep deprived...

ANOTHER EDIT: I just read through all 3 pages and realized that basically all of you guys didn't read anything that I said except maybe the TLDR, and then drop your two cents on how I'm probably OP and I'm saying every enemy should be buffed.  So, thanks for that.

Edited by 420dankmemes
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u read fast

The spoiler's not too long.

Although you are right to some sense. The game doesn't have a medium between balance.


The game should be like Fallout or Borderlands, level ups do make you stronger but it also makes your enemies stronger but one side doesn't destroy the other unless you focus on lower levels.

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Nullies were a rushed idea. Isn't the manic a player made enemy?

Unsure, however its embarrassing to be caught by a manic when focused on a squad of heavies (Gunner, Napalm, Bombard), much like in the Void, Corrupted Bombards, Gunners, and Ancients (those d*mn ancient healers if you don't have radiation....) need a pounding, sudden Nullifier strolls in behind you, especially with 300 electric damage snipers. (Mostly irritating as Valkyr during Hysteria and 5k stored on damage..)

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Unsure, however its embarrassing to be caught by a manic when focused on a squad of heavies (Gunner, Napalm, Bombard), much like in the Void, Corrupted Bombards, Gunners, and Ancients (those d*mn ancient healers if you don't have radiation....) need a pounding, sudden Nullifier strolls in behind you, especially with 300 electric damage snipers. (Mostly irritating as Valkyr during Hysteria and 5k stored on damage..)

Unfortunately any difficulty DE adds can't be countered much by skill. Bursa stunlocks you and you can't do anything and you die. You get grappled from behind by a scorpion you can't do anything. Bombards drop you than shoot you faster than you ever could and kill you.The only real difficulty the game has are the new Corpus enemies.
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This game was never actually that hard, when you think about it


Warframe is a game where the player plays not for challenge, or problem-solving, but for abnegation. Warframe is the game you load up for a few hours to just grind for some gear. Warframe is the game you load up just to kill time, or to try out new things in the same basic engine


The reason Warframe is so good at this is that it provides new challenges without being too challenging. Warframe is a lot closer to an RPG (be it J or Western) than it is to a real third-person-shooter or hack-and-slasher. The enemies aren't there to challenge you in and of themselves. They're glorified scenery, there to keep your brain engaged so that grinding feels fun, like you're accomplishing something


This is also Warframe's greatest weakness. Warframe's mechanics were never designed to be truly challenging, something you had to practice and learn until you finally perfected it and were allowed to advance. As such, all instances of REAL challenge in Warframe -- such as bosses -- alternate between cheap time-wasting "fake difficulty" and being just another rote pattern we have to repeat another dozen times to grind out a few more items, because we've alreadu seen this pattern and know how it goes!

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Unfortunately any difficulty DE adds can't be countered much by skill. Bursa stunlocks you and you can't do anything and you die. You get grappled from behind by a scorpion you can't do anything. Bombards drop you than shoot you faster than you ever could and kill you.The only real difficulty the game has are the new Corpus enemies.

Well, any knockdowns can be countered by Handspring (200% recovery on any frame with maxed HS and Constitution, 250% on Valk cause of the new passive), but I've never had a Bursa stunlock me in the few times I've come across them, just an extended power lock even if the bubble wasn't anywhere near me (as Trinity so... worse..) coupled with Heir Hyena NG burning to complete the topic.

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Well, any knockdowns can be countered by Handspring (200% recovery on any frame with maxed HS and Constitution, 250% on Valk cause of the new passive), but I've never had a Bursa stunlock me in the few times I've come across them, just an extended power lock even if the bubble wasn't anywhere near me (as Trinity so... worse..) coupled with Heir Hyena NG burning to complete the topic.

I've been stunlocked by one, you literally just get knocked on the ground and you are completely immobile for the next few seconds. By that time you'd be dead.
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"The game isn't challenging anymore!"

*locks down entire map*

*takes away all the enemies' guns permanently *

*slows down all enemies making them take extra damage*

*uses guns that do tens of thousands in damage on enemies with hundreds of health*

*nukes entire room for 20 minutes straight*

*runs around with 99% damage reduction*

"No, we don't need nerfs! We need more buffs!"

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