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Top 5 Most Annoying Enemies.


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i see there are no AW players.
#1Shield dregyn
#2 shield dregyn
#3shield dregyn
#4shield dregyn
#5 leeches that come to golem with lv9 imperator and no cp. endurig atlas farm wasn't easy

Edited by 5HV3N
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1: Scorpions/Ancient Healers (bring me the booty)

2: Tar/Swarm Moa (they're just obnoxious)

3:  High level Ballista (They're goddamn omniscient I swear)

4: Scorches (since the Ignis buff they've been horrifying)

5: Napalms (this one's more personal, they're just the bane of my existence)


Honorable mention

Nervos.. oh god the PTSD

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1) Nullifier Crewmen.  They are a nuisance and I seriously think they need a "timer" or something instead of just instantly stripping off whatever power or effects you have on your Warframe.


2) Sapping Osprey.  Much like the Nullifier Crewman, they are an annoyance but at least the "orbs" are avoidable and are easily destroyed most of the time.  I do think they should be easier to destroy since they seem to be much harder to take out than the Osprey that drops them.


3) Venomous Ancients.  They are quite simply, the bane of ODD.  Most annoying when you die from their aura without ever seeing them so you never get the chance to kill them before you are down.


4) Any Syndicate Death Squad.  Stop, just stop.  More a waste of time than any real threat, the very idea that they keep sending Squads after you after failing the last thousand times is just illogical.


5) Vor.  Any version or incarnation of Vor.  Just.  Shut.  Up.  Please.

Edited by (PS4)Elwenil
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1. Bursas

2. Bursas

3. Bursas

4. Bursas

5. Bursas


Seriously, Bursas are basically what would happen if you took a checklist of things NOT to put in a videogame enemy, and then put ALL of them into one instead. They: regenerate shields hilariously quickly, can disable your abilities, are immune to most abilities for pretty much no reason, can spam knockdowns, can become invulnerable to all forward damage at will despite their leg shields only covering a tiny portion of their body, are one of only two ways to get one of the best melee stances in the game. Just about the only way you could make them more annoying was if they could teleport.


Nullifiers are pretty annoying too, as are sapping ospreys. (Notice every single one is a Corpus enemy....?)

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From most to least.




Shield Lancers

Tar Mutalists

If I could as a combo it would be a scorpion and an door sensor bar. Opening a door at full energy only to have a scorpion pull you through the threshold is infuriating. It would be my number one.

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1. Juggernaut
2. Bursa
3. Napalm
4. Scorpion
5. Osprey

1. Juggernaut's, while interesting and at times avoidable, this creature can really screw your solo run should you have an unfortunate loadout. Glad they got tweaked a bit to be a bit more reasonable.
2. Bursa. Oh their introduction. While they are definitely interesting enemy, some of their mechanics are cheap. Easy to kill with melee so that is a positive bonus at least. 
3. Napalm, oh do I hate these guys. It is not that their damage can not be avoided, but have few and you are practically guaranteed to die quickly. Don't even get me started on high level groups of them.
4. Scorpion. These guys are not otherwise bad at all, but there really should be something you can do when you are being dragged around. At worst, these gal's will keep dragging you to them out of love while others mow you down.
5. Osprey. Small, quick and hard to hit at worst. A nice addition in the game, but they are the mosquito of Warframe universe. Annoyance.

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Why do people hate Ancients so much ?

Seriously, you have an Exilus slot so drop on Handspring and profit. 

They are such a non issue, and with handspring you jump back to your feet while they're stuck in the 'harpoon arm stretch' motion so effectively you get a couple seconds of easy face pummeling take-down action on them. 


Nullifiers are the same.

Hate shooting them ?

Charge and melee.


Both of these guys are very simple if you vary your tactics.

Overall the biggest problem I see is that people only seem to want to play 'their' game and hate anything that makes them have to change anything about their style of play. 


I only find enemies difficult when they hit high levels where your tactics also need to include the extra time needed to take them down due to their huge hit points and/or armor. 

But again this just means you need to pick your target and adjust your timing to compensate. 


None of this is rocket science. 

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we don't find them annoying because we CAN'T fight their tactics, of course we can. you're preaching to the choir at this point.


the reason people find them annoying is because they HAVE to use these tactics, rather than the ones they prefer. yes, Handspring helps against ancients, and the reason why Nullifiers aren't my personal #1 is because I already do exactly what you say; charge them in melee (or avoid them).


maybe not everyone WANTS to conform to this style, even if YOU choose to. you have to account for differences, whether you like it or not. or you can just call everyone else n00bs and call it a day. your choice.

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we don't find them annoying because we CAN'T fight their tactics, of course we can. you're preaching to the choir at this point.


the reason people find them annoying is because they HAVE to use these tactics, rather than the ones they prefer. yes, Handspring helps against ancients, and the reason why Nullifiers aren't my personal #1 is because I already do exactly what you say; charge them in melee (or avoid them).


maybe not everyone WANTS to conform to this style, even if YOU choose to. you have to account for differences, whether you like it or not. or you can just call everyone else n00bs and call it a day. your choice.


True, I'll definitely agree that some enemies do not have enough variation in the ways you can kill or deal with them.

eg. it would be cool if electricity or some other tyrpe of unique energy caused nullifier globes to explode inward, causing damage to enemies inside it.

This way you could both deal with the globe and attack those hiding in it.

Even making a secondary that specifically can deal with these means swapping weapons and maybe getting to the right distance to exploit it.

This sort of thing would invoke some cool alternative tactics.


eg : 

Missile disruption : parrying before a missile strike forces the missile to swerve randomely (which means it may still damage or hit you)

Harpoon slice : Ancient is unable to harpoon again for 5 seconds

Ignite osprey : Mutalist osprey's gas explodes dealing damage to all in the radius

Shield slide : sliding with a shield causes a charging enemy to run right over the top of you (eg. charger, juggernaut)


Fun stuff like that which intices you to change your builds to get the benefit against the enemy you H8 :)

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