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A Few Years Since I Last Played And Soon I'll Be Back!


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Spent a bit of time homeless but now I'm set, ordered all my parts for a custom pc a few says ago just gotta wait like a week to two weeks for them to arive and assemble then the 1st game install? warframe

I miss this *@##$


Idk can't wait wanna talk to ppl uhm when i last played they just added pvp i think? idr it was aorund the 2nd event that gave a badge had to blow up bases or terminals idr

in any case 


Ill talk about almost anything

my frames last i knew volt/nova/frost/Ember

so many new warframes I need to buy warframe slots :l i want so many of themmmmm


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Dude you're gonna love the additions


Jetpacks , giant swords , space combat , J3 golem is now a space boss


Excalibur has a laser beam sword that shoots blades of light , most of the frames gor buffed  , we got a dragon frame , ying yang frame , birdframe that can fly thanks to parkour 2.0 , 


Black hole gun

Charge attacks are coming back soon


We have hub worlds now with events and merchants


Syndicates that give sweet rewards 


PVP which is fun but insanely hard ( for me at least x) )


Tyl Regor has been reworked , he's a melee boss now


We have grineer assasins


An infested juggernaut enemy


in a few months we're getting a MF orokin moonbase


The void is shinier 



Alien dog pet things




get ready man !

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Be sure to get used to the new parkour system, it'll probably be the most noticeable change for you

what all did they add/change? saw their is a grapply hook warframe aka they gave up on adding it as a weapon xD


The game got sooo much better man, you're in for quite a treat.

what kinds of things have they added and or are warbro's and broframe still around and lame af

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saw the dogson the wiki so weird :l

woh a hub world? like more than just the guilds xD

has the guild creation gotten any better? oh god the guild i made has got to be dead :l

pvp was added right b4 i had to quit so i played n rekt

but no idea how id do now :l


wth is soace combat like D:

so much stuff....



you will enjoy your time tenno


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what all did they add/change? saw their is a grapply hook warframe aka they gave up on adding it as a weapon xD


what kinds of things have they added and or are warbro's and broframe still around and lame af


Lol warbros are not a thing anymore, something something angrysomething idunno I ran into one of them playing Firefall and he was a super angry person. *shrug*

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saw the dogson the wiki so weird :l

woh a hub world? like more than just the guilds xD

has the guild creation gotten any better? oh god the guild i made has got to be dead :l

pvp was added right b4 i had to quit so i played n rekt

but no idea how id do now :l


wth is soace combat like D:


That's Trinity Prime, the current Prime Access. Banshee Prime will be something in a distant future.

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what kinds of things have they added and or are warbro's and broframe still around and lame af

You could probably go to the wikia, they should have links to all the patch/update notes.


Not sure who warbro and broframe are supposed to be... Must be before my time.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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     You do have to be warned actually, Most systems were added and quickly accepted. The new movement system was the only system that cause a lot of people to have a sort of knee jerk reaction to it -at first-. If your fingers are still use to the slide flip movement method then you're gonna have to relearn that. Most movement is not accomplished through "bullet jumping" which is crouching then jumping to propel you very far and very fast. Once you get use to it it's a huge amount of fun and way better then the old system.

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That's Trinity Prime, the current Prime Access. Banshee Prime will be something in a distant future.

dayum, looks like a banshee imo now im sad xD hate trinity lol



shouldnt be an issue for me, i play via wired 360 contoler, i dont agree with the average pc master race, keyboard and mouse are to awkward and limited imo for certain games most usualy fast pased shooters, let alone the argument that mouse is better for sniping, if you snipe with a mouse your just playing a point and click adventure...

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It's intense.  I can think of several times in the last year I logged in and the game felt different, so youre in for a shock lol.  A good one. 


Oh... and think of all the new enemies.  Mutalists... you poor soul.


Oh yeah, OP is gonna LOVE Mutalist Moas...


Except not.

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shouldnt be an issue for me, i play via wired 360 contoler, i dont agree with the average pc master race, keyboard and mouse are to awkward and limited imo for certain games most usualy fast pased shooters, let alone the argument that mouse is better for sniping, if you snipe with a mouse your just playing a point and click adventure...


     I was actually referring to general practice "muscle memory." The new movement system is payed differently regardless if your use M+k or controller, I'm not entirely sure why you thought I was referring to input preferences. 

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