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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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she is a debuff frame not a damage frame (in late game at least)

And she's the only one. And that's a bad thing because in late game you have support, damage, and cc. Saryn doesn't fall into any of these and the game isn't set up in a way where a debuff-centric frame can do anything worthwhile. Why would you player saryn over nyx, loki, or even oberon? What is the appeal in a functional sense. Sure viral proc is fine when it's part of something else, but as a standalone and focus of a frame it's crap. A steamping pile bigger than the collective reasoning for the nerf in the first place.

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I honestly wish people stop making these kinds of threads because all it does is divide the community and create hate. There are many videos, proof, and actual math that have been posted before proving that the Saryn rework is really well done (minus the slight nerf to her health).

I'm on the side of Saryn being useful now, but really that's just my opinion even with all of the facts and proof, just as its your opinion to not like the rework. But there's a difference between an opinion and just flat out ignorant hate being shoved into other people's throat.

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I honestly wish people stop making these kinds of threads because all it does is divide the community and create hate. There are many videos, proof, and actual math that have been posted before proving that the Saryn rework is really well done (minus the slight nerf to her health).

I'm on the side of Saryn being useful now, but really that's just my opinion even with all of the facts and proof, just as its your opinion to not like the rework. But there's a difference between an opinion and just flat out ignorant hate being shoved into other people's throat.

And here's a thread with proof that that that the post-nerf saryn is inferior. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/557106-long-saryn-build-analysis-comparing-old-and-new-miasma-lots-of-math/

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I honestly wish people stop making these kinds of threads because all it does is divide the community and create hate. There are many videos, proof, and actual math that have been posted before proving that the Saryn rework is really well done (minus the slight nerf to her health).

I'm on the side of Saryn being useful now, but really that's just my opinion even with all of the facts and proof, just as its your opinion to not like the rework. But there's a difference between an opinion and just flat out ignorant hate being shoved into other people's throat.

Post those videos, threads and maths you claimed, please

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And of course its a MIASMA thread.


OP is not even following his own thread so I will assume he was asking for fire, since this is a topic that steps in a lot of toes.

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I really don't want Saryn to be left like this, in my time in Warframe not a single time have I seen someone asking for Saryn when composing a party, everyone wants a Nova, Frost, Loki, Trinity, Mesa even Excalibur and Ember which shows that their rework actually made them a valued Frame meanwhile Saryn is still at the botton of the barrel, no one cares for having her in a party and she's mediocre while Soloing.


Please DE, listen to the community, don't leave Saryn like this for another 2 years...she deserves better.

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this thread is still open wtf is the point of a feedback thread is DE bloody ignores it...


It's essentially a dumping ground for all Saryn-related topics. The only alternative was to start deleting threads, and that would have caused an even bigger stink.

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I honestly wish people stop making these kinds of threads because all it does is divide the community and create hate. There are many videos, proof, and actual math that have been posted before proving that the Saryn rework is really well done (minus the slight nerf to her health).

I'm on the side of Saryn being useful now, but really that's just my opinion even with all of the facts and proof, just as its your opinion to not like the rework. But there's a difference between an opinion and just flat out ignorant hate being shoved into other people's throat.

it's like you didn't even listen to what anyone said in the thread as to specifically why they didn't like the rework. You can't be all moral and call those who disagree "flat out ignorant haters who divide the community and spread hate". Do you realize that because of the mechanics of the game, Saryn is only subpar. What she can do, others can do much better as repeated by many others. Those "many videos that say the saryn rework was well done" are from people who don't play Saryn as extensively. Her best skill is a damn 2x damage multiplier which @(*()$ Rhino can do to a lesser extent but the difference is almost negligible Edited by Gregoriez
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problem is they don't want to and if they say that, they will get a massive S#&$ storm

The real problem is they said they would take usage statistics and the current feedback into consideration and you don't want to wait. These things take more time than 3 weeks.
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The real problem is they said they would take usage statistics and the current feedback into consideration and you don't want to wait. These things take more time than 3 weeks.



Counter argument:




Limbo has gone over 1 year without any major changes to his tool kit, despite widely being critiqued on the forums, reddit and even ingame. Usage wise i would assume limbo would be in the minority of frames played. OP of said thread even says DE is well aware of issues


  • Increased damage multiplayer on Rift Surge isn’t quite good enough to warrant using the ability.
  • Pickups within Cataclysm should be brought within the rift.


However nothing has been made to Limbo. Infact DE has continually added more limitations to the Rift as time progressed.



Valkyr took well over a year before changes were made, excalibur to 2. Frost was ~ 1 year before he was revisited. After 2 years the Supra and Ignis was buffed. Let's not act as DE is going to take a month or 2 then change saryn, DE is at the very least going ~6 months to let saryn just stay thier and when Scott is ready to revist her he will then observe data and threads on the forums.


Every reworked frame follows the same patter



1. Release/revisit

2. 2-3 week of changes based on feedback

3. Set on backburner till step one. Usually after many, many months.



DE stating they're taking statistics and current feedback is their way of saying saryn is being put on the backburner for the time being. There will likely not be any saryn changes until Saryn Prime even that might not guarantee changes to her skill set.



Will saryn have future changes? Yes. However that does not excuse DE's molasses pacing in issuing these out.

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Also this; people taking things into draco and using that as a measurment of how good it is. Draco is practically nothing but grind fodder. The fact that you can bring a fresh frame and/or weapon there without much problem (if you're smart about it, at least) should be more than enough of a hint that it's not all that challenging. It's actually where I go to test joke builds like Nekros with Soul Punch spam. That doesn't work, by the way; you just end up punching things through the floor eventually and messing up your run.


I've been shoving saryn builds in the face of some LV70-80 stuff in the relays with various levels of "oh god this was a horrible idea" or spending a minute to kill off anything beyond a grunt without using my weapon eventually. It's junk and really, REALLY needs another stab at it, instead of putting band-aids on top of a gaping wound. At LEAST make regen molt part of molt, since it's pretty much required at this point along with vitality and rage. That leaves players with 5 slots to work with, and that's not much of anything at all when you actually get down to it.


You'd probably stick on a mid-range TF, NM & OE, and maxed FE to try to get some efficiency, then continuity, or stretch. But then you look at the numbers and get disappointed again. And that's assuming you haven't already forma'd saryn a few times because you never expected a rework to run exactly counter to the most common build.


Unless I'm wrong for the most part as long as you have at least one good weapon you can easily enough go through a T4 mission to 20m with everything else fresh (as long as you put a aura + vitality on).  Some frames, and situations don't quite work like that, yes.  Like a Fresh Forma Frost in a T4D, but those are very specific cases. (Though I do agree if you are going above 20m you might not want to bring anything but your "A" game or you'll hold your team back in most cases.)


The issue is just that the game in general isn't even moderately that hard until you reach level 50 enemies, and even then it takes getting to level 70 enemies in the case of Saryn and I can still melt them quickly and looking at Heavies it takes a bit longer but they melt within a few seconds too.  Maybe my Saryn build and playstyle is different but it definitely doesn't take a full minute to down them.  Though I'll just take that as Hyperbole, however they definitely do need to buff her survivability slightly.


What she really needs is:  A Scalable molt,  take into account power strength and let that give molt a bit more health.  Give it the frost snowglobe treatment too, it can pop via miasma early if really needed and merge Regen molt into the frame.  Being honest, DE already stated that they accounted for players using that, and so I believe that's good enough evidence to prove that it is necessary for the frame to function properly.


People who mostly want a huge buff with Saryn (Not talking about you specifically) want old the Miasma back, which is fine for them but I doubt it will come back like it was.  I'm doing fine with 83% Duration, 145% Range, 170% Efficiency, and 155% Power strength for my solo build.  Sacrificing a slice of duration doesn't hurt because NOTHING should live much longer regardless and team-mates will clean things up faster before your duration get's its full use.  So a build favoring duration STILL is not technically where you want to go for most cases.  You definitely don't want too little so a build without it is technically in my opinion a non-option, but if you can take a hit in Duration then why not... I'd personally never want to go below 80% though. 

Edited by achromos
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Aside from all the complaints and praise of old vs new, here is the core issue, imo, with Saryn now: Mod Slots.


Saryn needs a lot of different stats to function, and two mods (rage/regenerative molt) for usability that technically do not affect your core stats. She needs power, and power efficiency to deal with her high costs, and she needs tank stats to not die instantly. She needs range because her Miasma range is cripplingly short. For a frame that should be dealing damage, there are a lot of slots being used to even get through the door.


As I have seen suggested before, Saryn is in need of a "dump stat", as it was put. There has to be a stat she doesn't need, somewhere. Even for Trinity, who benefits from basically every stat in the game, she doesn't need to invest as many slots into survival, because her kit is geared towards keeping herself and her team alive, so you free up slots that way. Saryn has no ability that reduces incoming damage, which could be fixed with a brand new 3. I believe her 1, 2, and 4 can be fixed with numbers and utility tweaks. The base abilities are all good. On demand viral, a clone that acts as a heal/cleanse, and an AoE nuke that staggers. That, at its core, is all useful. Her 3 still feels like it doesn't belong in her kit. The fact that it was made into a detonator is cool, but other than that its a melee buff on a fairly squishy frame. Chroma and Valkyr can run into melee because they have major steroids to allow for that.


I think once a way to allow for a new junk stat, like duration was before, we can start picking apart how the fix her other problems. Freeing up a slot or two can make a WORLD of difference.

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Counter argument:




Limbo has gone over 1 year without any major changes to his tool kit, despite widely being critiqued on the forums, reddit and even ingame. Usage wise i would assume limbo would be in the minority of frames played. OP of said thread even says DE is well aware of issues

Excal went 2 years. Frost went 2 years. Saryn went 2 years. Valkyr went 2 years. All of which were changed in the past 6 months. Along with metric craptons of new content that had to be worked on at some point in time.


However nothing has been made to Limbo. Infact DE has continually added more limitations to the Rift as time progressed.

It is much, much easier to exclude two or three things from the rift than it is to fuse Rift Walk and Banish. Various even larger issues would pop up if this were implemented. Creating entirely new mechanics isn't something that can be tossed about at a whim.


Valkyr took well over a year before changes were made, excalibur to 2. Frost was ~ 1 year before he was revisited. After 2 years the Supra and Ignis was buffed. Let's not act as DE is going to take a month or 2 then change saryn, DE is at the very least going ~6 months to let saryn just stay thier and when Scott is ready to revist her he will then observe data and threads on the forums.


Well, let's see here:

Somewhere in April, Excalibur got nerfed. Somewhere in June (thereabouts), he got his rework, kicking back Frost's. Which was released a few weeks after that. During this Rhino and Ember got buffed. After that came a couple more buffs to Rhino. Somewhere in August, the Supra was mentioned as needing a buff on a stream. Four weeks later, we get it. The Aksomati get a buff out of nowhere. Syndicate melee mods get nerfed on EB, along with frontal invincibility when Parkour 2.0 hit. Now the Ignis gets a buff. Shotguns get buffed. Archwing gets some life blown into it and submersible missions. It's almost like DE finally decided to take some time to go back and fix things that don't fit the game anymore, and it takes a lot longer than we think. Buffing the Supra didn't take a day, or a week. It took almost a full month. For one weapon. I don't know why you expect frames to be much different.


Every reworked frame follows the same patter


1. Release/revisit

2. 2-3 week of changes based on feedback

3. Set on backburner till step one. Usually after many, many months.

That's not what happened with Excalibur. No one really suggested any more changes to Frost. Valkyr had her bugs fixed, that was all. And now Saryn got reworked directly before U18, when they decided to stop all hotfixes prior and collect usage statistics. That's a very poor pattern you have there, especially considering we only have 4 reworked frames, and the new frames that have been released (Atlas and Equinox) both got changed according to feedback and then no more feedback was given on their states.


DE stating they're taking statistics and current feedback is their way of saying saryn is being put on the backburner for the time being. There will likely not be any saryn changes until Saryn Prime even that might not guarantee changes to her skill set.

Did you bring enough tinfoil to share? Seriously, there is zero evidence that this will happen. We got extra patches. We got actual dev tests. We got them less than a flippin' WEEK after the rework. Nothing supports this theory.


Will saryn have future changes? Yes. However that does not excuse DE's molasses pacing in issuing these out.

It's been 3 flippin' weeks!

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Excal went 2 years. Frost went 2 years. Saryn went 2 years. Valkyr went 2 years. All of which were changed in the past 6 months. Along with metric craptons of new content that had to be worked on at some point in time.

It is much, much easier to exclude two or three things from the rift than it is to fuse Rift Walk and Banish. Various even larger issues would pop up if this were implemented. Creating entirely new mechanics isn't something that can be tossed about at a whim.

Well, let's see here:

Somewhere in April, Excalibur got nerfed. Somewhere in June (thereabouts), he got his rework, kicking back Frost's. Which was released a few weeks after that. During this Rhino and Ember got buffed. After that came a couple more buffs to Rhino. Somewhere in August, the Supra was mentioned as needing a buff on a stream. Four weeks later, we get it. The Aksomati get a buff out of nowhere. Syndicate melee mods get nerfed on EB, along with frontal invincibility when Parkour 2.0 hit. Now the Ignis gets a buff. Shotguns get buffed. Archwing gets some life blown into it and submersible missions. It's almost like DE finally decided to take some time to go back and fix things that don't fit the game anymore, and it takes a lot longer than we think. Buffing the Supra didn't take a day, or a week. It took almost a full month. For one weapon. I don't know why you expect frames to be much different.

That's not what happened with Excalibur. No one really suggested any more changes to Frost. Valkyr had her bugs fixed, that was all. And now Saryn got reworked directly before U18, when they decided to stop all hotfixes prior and collect usage statistics. That's a very poor pattern you have there, especially considering we only have 4 reworked frames, and the new frames that have been released (Atlas and Equinox) both got changed according to feedback and then no more feedback was given on their states.

Did you bring enough tinfoil to share? Seriously, there is zero evidence that this will happen. We got extra patches. We got actual dev tests. We got them less than a flippin' WEEK after the rework. Nothing supports this theory.

It's been 3 flippin' weeks!

ember waited for 8 months to be relook after the first tweak on wof in Feberary

I guess saryn is going to wait at least half a year

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ember waited for 8 months to be relook after the first tweak on wof in Feberary

I guess saryn is going to wait at least half a year

And then she got tweaks to Accelerant and Firequake around the time of the Frost rework. I guess that took more than three weeks.

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Excal went 2 years. Frost went 2 years. Saryn went 2 years. Valkyr went 2 years. All of which were changed in the past 6 months. Along with metric craptons of new content that had to be worked on at some point in time.


While i'm grateful that they were  changed the sheer amount of time that elapsed for these changes to occured as you've showed is still horribly slow.  Yes, wonderful that they got changed this year, what isn't wonderful is waiting 2 years for it.




It is much, much easier to exclude two or three things from the rift than it is to fuse Rift Walk and Banish. Various even larger issues would pop up if this were implemented. Creating entirely new mechanics isn't something that can be tossed about at a whim.



So I suppose we should wait another year until Limbo turns 2 till we have some actual changes? Which might be the case as DE is prioritizing older frames first.



Well, let's see here:

Somewhere in April, Excalibur got nerfed. Somewhere in June (thereabouts), he got his rework, kicking back Frost's. Which was released a few weeks after that. During this Rhino and Ember got buffed. After that came a couple more buffs to Rhino. Somewhere in August, the Supra was mentioned as needing a buff on a stream. Four weeks later, we get it. The Aksomati get a buff out of nowhere. Syndicate melee mods get nerfed on EB, along with frontal invincibility when Parkour 2.0 hit. Now the Ignis gets a buff. Shotguns get buffed. Archwing gets some life blown into it and submersible missions. It's almost like DE finally decided to take some time to go back and fix things that don't fit the game anymore, and it takes a lot longer than we think. Buffing the Supra didn't take a day, or a week. It took almost a full month. For one weapon. I don't know why you expect frames to be much different.


Frost was stated to be the Next frame to be reworked, however after the excalibur nerf Scott saw the sheer feedback and saw excalibur was more urgent. The sheer power of whine caused Excalibur's rework to come before frost.  The supra buff was predated by a thread   several months old calling for the Supra buff, for months nearly every devstream question thread asked for a supra buff. Even before then since (and alittle before) damage 2.0 was released the Supra has been an underpowered weapon and there have been buffs threads. Ignis follows the same boat. As well shotguns. 


Wonderful for thier buff, after 2 years of being subpar



I am fully aware that these take time, however if you're trying to argue that 2 years is a adequate amount of time to fix content then you're making excuses for DE. We all know changes will happen, what is being argued is the pacing at which it occurs.  I excuse AW because it's much harder to fix/balance a separate mode of PvE and god know it needs it fixes still.




That's not what happened with Excalibur. No one really suggested any more changes to Frost. Valkyr had her bugs fixed, that was all. And now Saryn got reworked directly before U18, when they decided to stop all hotfixes prior and collect usage statistics. That's a very poor pattern you have there, especially considering we only have 4 reworked frames, and the new frames that have been released (Atlas and Equinox) both got changed according to feedback and then no more feedback was given on their states.


I already explained excalibur in previous  reply.


Freeze destroying snowglobes was a very popular suggestion in the Frost feedback thread which was added to counter  misplaced snowglobes. Frost as a whole didn't receive much feedback as the Frost rework was arguable the most well done frame revisit this year.




Did you bring enough tinfoil to share? Seriously, there is zero evidence that this will happen. We got extra patches. We got actual dev tests. We got them less than a flippin' WEEK after the rework. Nothing supports this theory.



DE is not in any rush to put out more changes as Scott said on the stream, while yes they openly said it's a hot topic internally he also said he's waiting for it to "marinate" and collect stats.


There's no evidence to support that Saryn changes are going to be put on the backburner for the time being until later later? Gosh! lookie here, evidence.



Did i say Saryn won't get anymore changes forever? No i said for the time being.Which is exactly what's happening now that DE is collecting data. Even though she is the next prime that does not guarantee changes will be made before her prime self is release. We saw the same with Volt as many expected Volt buffs/ overload reworks with his coming prime. What happened? We got none, however we know Volt is up next for a few tweaks and overload is being reworked.



It's been 3 flippin' weeks!



I should've qualified, the molasses pacing was more referring to DE pacing of changes/buff in general, not specifically saryn, why yes it's been ~1 months since it has dropped. I don't expct any chnages for the next 2-3 months at the most optimistic rate.

Edited by Buzkyl
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I am waiting for buff.


The circle  is  "1 2 4 3 melee melee" ,its the way most close to her core design  the "spread、 viral 、time and tank"

This sound good but you need 225 energy ,it will run out of all energy,and you need to broken 113 spores by melee to balance energy

175% Efficiency need to 29+ spores with" melee"I will make energy to spores to understand how it work 


 you need broken 10 spores to balance energy cast at " 1、3" 


but 175 armor  ,125 base health , 0.3 toxin bound, and  -50%~-60% time duration unless you want to try breaking 113 spores.

it a crazy situation for a tank without any cover especially when you swing your weapon you cant parry.


miasma and molt become a necessary way to keep you alive ,


Its good  ideal but it work bad now


you need to broken 29 spores for one circle , especially already get 175% Efficiency

and do not forget you use melee and get only 0.3 toxin bounds in  high risk 

now you already exhaust your slot to keep you alive and make up time duration ,unless you want to break more spores 


In my opinion, toxin lash will  become a key point


basically it need some melee risk bounds feedback  like health leech or more damage ,maybe also could get more reach but limit at some range 

and Maybe more energy income by every times you break spores like 10  2 5 10 15 25 


rhino、nova could easily increase damage in a safe range but saryn do it in a complex way and low bound in high risk range

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While i'm grateful that they were  changed the sheer amount of time that elapsed for these changes to occured as you've showed is still horribly slow.  Yes, wonderful that they got changed this year, what isn't wonderful is waiting 2 years for it.

They didn't come out the door needing changes, you know. Excalibur didn't need a change for 2 years. Or Frost, or Valkyr. They no longer fit the game, and were changed to suit as soon as they didn't. Excalibur didn't really need the rework that badly until he was nerfed. Frost didn't need a rework at all. You see, you didn't WAIT 2 years for a rework, you GOT a rework after 2 years. 2 years ago Excalibur didn't need a rework. Or Frost. Or Valkyr. Their powers were okay back then. A lot has changed.


So I suppose we should wait another year until Limbo turns 2 till we have some actual changes? Which might be the case as DE is prioritizing older frames first.

So I suppose you could be patient and wait for it to get done since frames aren't the only thing that matters in the game? They can't prioritize everything at the same time, and the other frames have simply been here longer.


Frost was stated to be the Next frame to be reworked, however after the excalibur nerf Scott saw the sheer feedback and saw excalibur was more urgent. The sheer power of whine caused Excalibur's rework to come before frost.  


No, no and NO. Whine did not help at all. WHINE is useless. What happened was that Radial Blind was nerfed to have LoS restrictions. Radial Javelin was buffed to compensate for the loss of functionality. When Radial Javelin was nerfed afterwards, Excalibur essentially had NO functionality, unlike Frost who didn't really need a rework in the first place. No one remembers the feedback, everyone remembers the whine.


 The supra buff was predated by a thread   several months old calling for the Supra buff, for months nearly every devstream question thread asked for a supra buff. Even before then since (and alittle before) damage 2.0 was released the Supra has been an underpowered weapon and there have been buffs threads. Ignis follows the same boat. As well shotguns.


And how long after the questions, of which there are hundreds every stream, were actually noted was the Supra buffed? Four weeks. That's how long it took for ONE weapon. And the Supra is a hell of a weapon now, a monstrous machine gun of rage and fireworks. They can't pay attention to every thing in every section all the time every day. The shotgun buff was announced literal MONTHS before it came. The Ignis wasn't announced until it was done.


Wonderful for thier buff, after 2 years of being subpar

Now this is just flat out lying. None of these weapons or frames were subpar for 2 years. 


I am fully aware that these take time, however if you're trying to argue that 2 years is a adequate amount of time to fix content then you're making excuses for DE. We all know changes will happen, what is being argued is the pacing at which it occurs.  I excuse AW because it's much harder to fix/balance a separate mode of PvE and god know it needs it fixes still.

WHEN exactly were these things  considered broken? The Supra wasn't released crappy. Shotguns were overpowered for a time. THe Ignis was always kinda trashy. NONE of the frames were trash. RECENT changes to game systems, RECENT changes to modding, RECENT changes to the enemy balance level and RECENT changes to energy acquisition and limits are prompting an update of the older systems. They weren't changed before because quite frankly they didn't need to be.


DE is not in any rush to put out more changes as Scott said on the stream, while yes they openly said it's a hot topic internally he also said he's waiting for it to "marinate" and collect stats.


There's no evidence to support that Saryn changes are going to be put on the backburner for the time being until later later? Gosh! lookie here, evidence.

What about steps 1 and 2? Excalibur had changes done to him several weeks after the rework. Frost didn't get any at all. Valkyr got 1 patch. Saryn is the only frame that has been reworked so farr that this has actually happened to. Your "trend" doesn't exist.


Did i say Saryn won't get anymore changes forever


I didn't either.


 No i said for the time being.Which is exactly what's happening now that DE is collecting data. Even though she is the next prime that does not guarantee changes will be made before her prime self is release. We saw the same with Volt as many expected Volt buffs/ overload reworks with his coming prime. What happened? We got none, however we know Volt is up next for a few tweaks and overload is being reworked.

Why would you expect Volt buffs when no Volt buffs were announced? 


I should've clarified, the molasses pacing was more referring to DE pacing of changes/buff in general, not specifically saryn, why yes it's been ~1 months since it has dropped. I don't expct any chnages for the next 2-3 months at the most optimistic rate.

How do you think usage statistics work? They weren't just going to wait a week and see who uses what. It's been 3 weeks since it dropped, during which we got 3 patches, and  1 week since they said they were collecting usage statistics. I don't know what you expected.

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Ppl use saryn for the sake of the skin not for her abilities.

Statistics fail because there're groups of ppl that cannot be separated by statistics means

1.Those who don't use saryn because they don't like abilities reworks

2.Those who use saryn for just skin not abilities

3.Those who use saryn for both skin and abilities

4.Those who use saryn for abilities

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