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Warframe And Halo 5 Game Mechanics Similar


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Hello Guys,


     Generally speaking games in the same genre sometimes follow the same patterns. I Just read a random Halo 5 review and boy did it seem familiar...




I am gonna take a few lines out of context and then ask you witch game they came from (lets see if there are any halo players here)

In order of easiest to determine to hardest to determine.


"This is a gorgeous, streamlined video game, and while it stumbles with its storytelling, it soars with some of the best online play......"


"Over the years, (game) narrative has evolved into something of a mess. What began as an appealing, understandable tale about a (Main character) and his (companion) fighting some aliens for control"


Now its getting a little harder...


"you’ll quickly get acquainted with (game) emphasis on team-based play. The three other members of your squad join you in each mission"

The rest of that paragraph (Hardest)...

"lending support by shooting at the.... baddies and, more commonly, reviving you after you stupidly Rambo your way into the fray. That’s right...... after taking a..... shot to the face...... you lie prone, your armor (Inhibited) as you wait for someone to rescue you."


Last but not least.


"one button is now dedicated to a quick dash, while parkour-like scrambles up most surfaces add verticality. Hold the melee button in midair and you’ll unleash a monstrous ground pound attack; hold the aim button and you’ll hover for a few seconds like Neo from The Matrix."


Its really interesting and in case you couldn't guess...




ALL OF THAT was from the halo 5 article.


So I see 3 things that could mean (so far)


#1 Someone at the Halo production offices is copying warframe.


#2 same as #1 but the other way around.


#3 fast paced shooter genres (or just similar ones like space shooters) are taking similar roads for their products.



Isn't Halo 5 now first person?

Other games have done parkour, Titanfall for example. It's a style change. I can't say if Warframe led the trend or was in early. Some things just naturally progress.

Not parkour specifically but this "hold the aim button and you’ll hover for a few seconds like Neo from The Matrix."





]\'[okuto Bunshi


Peace Out.

Edited by MokutoBunshi
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well warframe's been out and developing before halo 5 soooooooooooo

Were not gonna point or name either sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Isn't Halo 5 now first person?

Other games have done parkour, Titanfall for example. It's a style change. I can't say if Warframe led the trend or was in early. Some things just naturally progress.

Not parkour specifically but this "hold the aim button and you’ll hover for a few seconds like Neo from The Matrix."




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#3 fast paced shooter genres (or just similar ones like space shooters) are taking similar roads for their products.


Peace Out.


This man. I'm a fan of the Sci-Fi genre and well, the games of this genre kinda have something in common, like: space ships, energy based weapons, shields and all sorts of armors, planets to explore, having all sorts of unnatural abilities and the list goes on.


One of the reasons I really like Warframe it's because of  its parkour elements. These make the game really fluid and  dynamic like I've never seen before.  


Also the concept art is awesome.

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until halo 2 pc users are left in the dark


microsoft can F O with their ideas about letting pc-gamers behind


no more, no less !


i dont like controllers, all this bodymoves for nothing ...

Edited by DUR4NDAL
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until halo 2 pc users are left in the dark


microsoft can F O with their ideas about letting pc-gamers behind


no more, no less !


i dont like controllers, all this bodymoves for nothing ...

Ever heard of star citizen? Go to the main page and you will find a LOT of PC players like you and me :P



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Isn't Halo 5 now first person?

Other games have done parkour, Titanfall for example. It's a style change. I can't say if Warframe led the trend or was in early. Some things just naturally progress.

GunZ did third-person parkour shooting pretty well. The idea goes back even further, to Mirror's Edge and Brink.

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Isn't Halo 5 now first person?

Other games have done parkour, Titanfall for example. It's a style change. I can't say if Warframe led the trend or was in early. Some things just naturally progress.

Ttitanfall, Call of Duty has recently done it and to an extent Unreal Tournament had some parkour methods. Mirrors Edge and Brink had parkour too altough Brink was kinda a failure in that retrospect. (Still have buyer's remorse)


Parkour was never really a warframe only thing.

Edited by Makairi
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Right now if I know the Waypoint Forums like I do, then everyone is screaming their %$# off due to it not being a reskin of Halo 3. God help the developers at 343 when someone dies by a sky dive ground pound, or to a DMR while they were using a BR and going 2.0 on their way to a 50.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Well, Warframe just "steal" that Air Glide from Max Payne slow-mo falling, so what? Oh, yes, and butt-sliding was "stolen" from Tribes as well.

Bullet-time was first introduced via Max Payne, yes. What we have here is different.

And it's really not a butt-slide.

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Bungie =/= 343 Industries, so no they arent.




When a genre has been rehashed so many times with similar yet still different elements, 2 completely different things will look exactly the same in their most basic form.


343 = the team from Bungie that made all the Halo games, and became a separate child company when Bungie wanted to diversify.


To wit, the Bungie that made, say, Destiny, is not the same Bungie that made Halo CE->Reach.

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Bullet-time was first introduced via Max Payne, yes. What we have here is different.

And it's really not a butt-slide.



Look, they falling slow and shooting in different directions, just like Max! And like Neo!

Not parkour specifically but this "hold the aim button and you’ll hover for a few seconds like Neo from The Matrix."



And this wall-running... Spiderman and Prototype can say a word!



There is many game features, and not so much "100% fresh and original".

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None of that could be mistaken for warframe

You mean this, "Hold the melee button in midair and you’ll unleash a monstrous ground pound attack; hold the aim button and you’ll hover for a few seconds like Neo from The Matrix."


Could never be mistaken for warframe?



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