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Do Assassins Need Buffs Or No?


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When you can do things like this:



or this:



to Stalker and Zanuka (maybe even G3, but they haven't come in a LONG time) with a barely modded weapon, do you think that they deserve a buff to actually be "scary" and to make you wish they DIDN'T jump in a mission against you?


I mean, they're anti-Tenno/Warframe hunters and killers, they should NOT go down like a fish out of water.


(2nd video features my sensor-defective DS4 forcing me to run when pressing/holding R2 for a weapon combo)

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Stalker is getting a rework/buff, OP. It's probably going to be stealthily released with u18.

Let us know how it goes please? The only time Stalker ever scared me on appearance was when I was a new player who didn't know about having allies during a mission.


He shouldn't be able to get punched out by a Tekko-brandishing Valkyr like that. :/

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If syndicate death squads count, the Perrin assassins could use some work. If they spawn in a tight enough formation, I can oneshot the entire squad with a casting of shield polarize before they have the chance to fire a single shot. Which is convenient for me, but really isn't how death squads are supposed to work.

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If syndicate death squads count, the Perrin assassins could use some work. If they spawn in a tight enough formation, I can oneshot the entire squad with a casting of shield polarize before they have the chance to fire a single shot. Which is convenient for me, but really isn't how death squads are supposed to work.

With the exception of Suda and those annoying Scavenger Drones since flying enemies are ALWAYS annoying.

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Syndicate squads: delete and rework from scratch. Difficulty varies way too much between them. Some can easily be nuked on spawn, some are dreaded more than stalker and can obliterate a low level mission with low level gear and squad containing new players who stand less of a chance than a snowball in Ember's hands and don't know it and don't deserve it.

Zanuka: needs buff, I've never lost to it.

G3, used to be scary even with groups, now my Kubrow and I one-shot them. Did they get nerfed, or did I just level up?

Stalker: used to Always be scary, now not so much. Can still be dangerous though. Being reworked already.

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Depends entirely on what Frame you're using, and whether you're in a group. A full team of Tenno can slaughter the Stalker in seconds, whereas a single Tenno can be oneshot by him. The G3 are pushovers when you have a tanky Frame, but when you're a lone Loki, you'll have a lot of trouble with them. The Zanuka's still pretty easy though.

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They need a top-down rework


Stalker needs to be a real test of skill rather than a rite of passage with a measly 1,400 shields and health who one-shots anyone without a potato and gets one-shotted by anyone who does. I propose that Stalker and Tenno all have capped damage against each other


G3 have a cool idea for about three seconds, but then you realize they're just the same kind of thing you fight normally after 45 minutes in Survival: they're bullet-sponges who deal a lot of damage but are vulnerable to crowd control


Zanuka Huntarvester might be completely screwed, depending on DE's ability to code pathfinding. Harvestunter's whole gimmick is that he's a nimble, ruthless predator who isolates you and pounces before pinning you down. But his AI is so godawful, his damage so mediocre, and his aim so terrible that he never gets to show it. To top it all off, he's stunlocked by most melee. The only thing he has going for him is his freeze grenades. The devs need to go over him and figure out how to make him an actual threat

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