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Thoughts On Having Special Varients Of Infested Weapons


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we have grineer weapons which have wraith variants and corpus weapons have vandal variants but what about infested weapons? i would love to use an upgraded variant of infested weapons. maybe it should be called mutant weapons which are buffed variants of infested weapons. i would like to see an upgraded mire that can use its augment and maybe an upgraded phage. 


what are your thoughts and feedback on this?

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I'd like it if the infested weapon gets a synergy bonus from a specific frame.

eg. toxin weapons get a boost from Saryn.


But the infestation is something we were originally trying to eliminate, so I find it interesting that we're now using it's technology for weapons more and more. Kind of a do as I say, not as I do affair. 


'We hate the infested, but damn we love new loot !!'

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Ancient could be it's variant. This refers to the more metallic version of Technocyte as seen on the Cerata for example. All Ancient Infested weapons could have a more metallic Technocyte appearance.

Then what about said Cerata? What if they ever want to make it "ancient"? Or is it already "ancient"? If so, why is it not "ancient cerata"?

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Why not 4 :^)

It's directly related to the third one anyway.

Its exactly because its a related name that i don't want it. It was confusing enough that new arcanes share the same name of the old arcane, so when referring to arcane we would need to prompt which arcane we would mean.

Arcane should really just refer to one thing, unless DE idea of naming the Arcane Boiler has link to the old arcane and the new arcane. And thats a whole other can of arcanes altogether.

Seriously, arcane should just refer to old arcane, new arcanes have the named changed to something like “reinforce”, arcane boiler should just be... I dno, decrepit boiler or something.

I get that DE wanted the Arcane Boiler to sound both old and mystical but it i really don't like it using the same name. We have a massive english dictionary for a reason, use a different name.

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