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I'm Not So Sure About The Revives Reset Per Mission Thing..


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I like it. I have never burned all 4 revives, but I usually don't try anything real challenging until an hour before the end of the day.  I start off farming and doing missions I could sleep walk through to farm resources, and then right before the day flips,do some challenging higher lev void runs. Now I will be willing to try more challenging missions more often. Especially if you play solo it will make people more willing to push the envelope and  challenge themselves (which is more fun) without worrying about running out of revives.

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OP's concerns are totally valid if you ask me. 


This game has a grand total of just 2 - !2! - legit co-op mechanics - reviving and friendship doors. For an allegedly "co-op" game - that is woeful.


Now we say 'so long!' to one of those ... no one will be reviving anyone in PUG play any more because ... why bother? DE - instead of ever doing anything at all to discourage hallway heroes have just given them a big fat tacit seal of approval with this move. 


I can see where its a "good thing for newbs" to some extent - but overall I don't see this panning out well.


Game is already trivial enough. De-monetising revives could have been done without removing pretty much the only concern for our survival. 

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The only time I used all 4 revives in 1 day was learning Jordas boss mechanics while soloing. The only other times I can remember was probably back when I first started while soloing.


Imo, I think 4 free revives every mission is a little too much. Personally, I'd rather have 3 revives in solo mode and only 2 in co-op modes to preserve teamwork.

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well, only four revives per mission, and there have been times where i've died because of proccs, that i can't always avoid, looking at you toxin ancients >-> and I would imagine because the fact that people generally want to succeed in the mission, pug revival will still happen, seems kind of rude to just let someone die anyways.

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OP's concerns are totally valid if you ask me. 


This game has a grand total of just 2 - !2! - legit co-op mechanics - reviving and friendship doors. For an allegedly "co-op" game - that is woeful.


Now we say 'so long!' to one of those ... no one will be reviving anyone in PUG play any more because ... why bother? DE - instead of ever doing anything at all to discourage hallway heroes have just given them a big fat tacit seal of approval with this move. 


I can see where its a "good thing for newbs" to some extent - but overall I don't see this panning out well.


Game is already trivial enough. De-monetising revives could have been done without removing pretty much the only concern for our survival. 


Oh look.  You must be new to WF.  because there are plenty of abilities that work well with eachother.  That's coop.  But shoe horn your point harder.  doesn't make it any more correct.


Uhm.  the current system is already "easy" 4 revives per frame per day.  I could just not use that frame for the rest of the day.  And guess what?  people still revive eachother.  If that's your mindset then go right ahead.  But don't assume everyone will behave that.


The only reason you can't "see" it panning out well is because you have blinders on.


More friendly system= more players playing.  More players playing means better economy on the market.  More players also means more money for DE.  and said players will be more willing to take risks at harder content.  Because you know right now we totally have enough players trying for those raids right?  Nope.  they're pretty dead.


The only reason people are against this is because they want things to be harder.  welp.  sorties are coming.  and raids exist.  and DE i'm pretty sure can make content more difficult because of this change.  and improve the quality of difficulty over all.  If the game was already easy for you it's going to stay that way.


Not every change has to appeal to you.  or effect you.  and there is no negative for doing this.  I really don't like calling people elitist but in this case it's pretty hard not to.

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I don't see anyone giving up co-op just because everyone will get 4 revives per mission since playing with other people will always be easier or less time consuming. The fact that you can revive someone in co-op is a HUGE safety net because it prevents any frustrating situations that you will more likely run into in solo play where the 4 revive system will be more of a benefit. In a situation where people will log in to do daily foundry,alerts, and syndicate stuff then this new system will do nothing because the default daily 4 will be enough.


The benefit from this system is seen in a long term play where you are farming for something with a specific frame or a specific missions because you are more likely to use a revive from explosive weapons, not noticing a melee enemy when you are hacking a terminal, getting knocked down on an arc trap from a bombard, tripped on a laser trap in the void, not geared enough, bleed procs, boss attacks like the phorid missiles, not geared well, etc. All of these will eventually deplete your revives and while you can simply switch to another frame it would be nice if you can just play the frame you want to play. Even on a long survival run I will run into a situation where a squad member wants to die to get their sentinel back. Also sorties will be a thing, but who knows if this will benefit that.


As far as negative issues that can creep into co-op game-play I would like to stay optimistic and hope that it will encourage players to stick around longer in missions because it's too soon to over-react to anything that might not even be an issue.

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Its a win for old and new players alike, whats to not like getting unlimited daily revives at the limit of four per mission. Players don't necessarily have a plethora of frames to use if they happen to burn through a set of revives even if they have been playing for a long time.

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I think this and the mandatory mod changes indicate a very different sort of game them what we have now. A game in which we are expected to die repetitively in harder missions, group or no. A game where simply getting serious and takeing your most OP gear will not assure victory or allow you to carry a team without coordination. I don't see DE trying to make the game any easier then it is now, especialy with the introduction of arcane revives, I can imagine them makeing those extra revives a fully intended advantage. How they intend to do this? I don't know but they will find a way and some sector of the playerbase is going to suffer.

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So how does this effect you directly? Because if it has no negitive impact on an experienced who doesn't really die in the first place and positively effects the gameplay of new players than I see no problem with this change.


Also if this help new players, and more players stay to further enjoy the game maybe they will buy plat.


Cuz you know hopes and dreams don't keep the lights on.

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make it take a percentage of rewards off per revive, like -25% affinity and credits per revive

I'll elaborate on my take on revive 2.0:


I am worried that we will see a drop in cooperation between players due to the devaluing of running over and holding X to resuscitate a fellow Tenno since they have 4 free revives on the frame coming in, and even if they use up all 4, they will have 4 on the same frame in the next mission, so why go through the risk exposing yourself and maybe falling behind in total damage dealt.


Also, I am definitely not the only one that gets annoyed when a pug comes on a mission under-geared, contributes nothing, EVEN holds the squad back because he AND his kubrow keeps going down, and just leeches. I'm sure we will see a rise in those when this free, overly generous system goes live.


By making revives refill after each mission it will definitely help new players with only a handful or less frames to choose from keep playing and by introducing a consequence to dying in a mission, we will see less of this leeching behavior that pollutes the player community.

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make it take a percentage of rewards off per revive, like -25% affinity and credits per revive



No thanks, i wouldn't take the risk to revive someone if that kind of crap was a thing in this game.

I meant the player dying and using the revive loses some affinity and credits as consequence for sucking or just being plain unlucky.

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I meant the player dying and using the revive loses some affinity and credits as consequence for sucking or just being plain unlucky.


That's what i understanded now my point is : why would i bother reviving someone if there is a risk that i get downed and die losing xp and credits ? 

Basically this kind of penality would make me ignore downed team member without remorse in high level mission (not really a team focus attitude i would say)

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make it take a percentage of rewards off per revive, like -25% affinity and credits per revive

Would make things more frustrating for newer players.
So I'm going to have to disagree.
4 revives per mission is fine as is.

Leechers are going to leech no matter what and this is just a fact of life unless Conclave ratings start gating missions.

Edited by Ziegrif
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I don't see people will stop reviving people just because of this change, at least not me, even they don't revive people there's no harm to the co-op gameplay, it's just a 20 seconds revive wait, if you still feel like this is less co-op then the problem is your team, not the revive 2.0,

also there's some newb doesn't like to use revive when they died, now they have no excuse to stay dead after this change.

Edited by RayPerth
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I like it because, i'm a solo player because internet kicks me from parties, unless they are In the mission or im in the mission. 


SO having 4 revies per mission is a Godsend for when I mess up. And there is no one to revive you ...solo...

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Your experience does not dictate other people's experience.  Neither you or OP has given a valid reason to not implement this.  other then "solo? lol" and "the game was easy for me to pick up so it must be for everyone else."


The only downside I can see is that it might encourage players to make more stupid mistakes on purpose/ accident.  both are acceptable.  considering there are other ways to troll people.  and bad people already exist.


OTher than the fact that we both have given several good reasons not to impliment this you mean. You just chose not to hear them. You have given no good reason to impliment this.


So here are the reasons again, extracted fro the OP and my posts:


1) People will no longer revive you in team play (whcih is the heart and soul of the game. The fact that sorties are being added, and raids suggest the focus of the game is team/sqaud play).This cheapens the realism of the game where you should be encouraged to raise fallen team mates. In a really good game, fallen team mates would be out for the rest of the mission period, forcing people to choose between reviviing and losing a player for the rest of the mission. This goes completely the other way and allows players to play as a team yet pretty much ignore each other.


2) It makes the game easier, too easy. It makes it a cheap game for console kiddies that don't want to have any consequences for running off alone in a T4 Surivival and dying 10 miles from the nearest teammate. The consequences for this were very low with 4 revives per frame. Now they are non existant.


3) Getting locked out of a frame is a GOOD THING. It is a PENALTY for dying. A penalty for dying keeps you playing the content you are suited for instead of constantly trying T4 interception missions with a 5th level unpotatoed frame. Without "death" and some kind of real consequence for death the game isn't a game, it is a series of mouse clicks that require no thought, no skill, no attention... in effect no game. A victory is only as a good as the chance for failure, if you had no chance to fail the mission, then you have achieved nothing by completing it.


4) There is no good reason TO implimnet this change, as I stated previously, the conent is not even hard enough so that people were using up their exsiting reveives if they were playing carefully. I have done both sorites and not seen one person have to revive yet. Sorties are supposed to be for endgame users, so that's no surprising (and if they did revive they have more frames to use that day).


5) Removing the plat buy for revieves is great, so people dont' spend on it, but it doesn't warrent a revives change.


There is simply no good reason to dumb down the game even more for evveryone so a few players who can't properly evaluate which content is appropriate for them and which content is still out their reach don't suffer any consequences for their choices. There is no good reason to make the game cater to the solo player instead of the team player when the game is clearly designed for team based play. The solo player should not be able to solo all of the content, otherwise teams will be bored it will be so easy.



Edited by Shockwave-
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Hmm, I can't say I find it 'easy' when my shields are ignored and my large hp pool gets drained in seconds by a crazy scaling bleed effect. Think this eases the irritation, opposed to the difficulty, for me.

Edited by Naith
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