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Rhino Changes Feedback [U18 Megathread]


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On 2/22/2016 at 5:52 PM, KnightCole said:

For sure, I so wish his 4 was an actual ultimate that really made you feel like you actually just kicked the enemy right in his &#!.  I wish his 1 actually had a satisfying ending to bullrushing 1 ton of steel into an enemies face, pretty much 1 shotting them.  I wish his Heavy IMpact did more, maybe a nice AoE based off your melee weapon or something....

Also more armor?  Yes please.  More like 500 base armor instead of w/e it is now.  Then, add an additional part to Iron Skin, that while active, he takes no health damage as well...stupid &#! infested killing me through my shields and S#&$. 

Health ISNT damaged while iron skin is active. Must be a bug

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All in all I really love the rework, a couple of the synergies don't really make sense though.

  1. Charge doing 2x damage on stomp victims seems to go against the reason for casting stomp in the first place.
  2. His Iron Skin causing a blast proc during Charge, they're already ragdolled, this just ragdolls them harderer?

Synergies that would be better:

  1. While under the affects of Roar, Rhino Stomp restores 1 energy per enemy hit to all allies within its radius, not to himself. Scaling off of power strength.
  2. While under the affects of Ironskin, Charge proc's slash on each enemy hit (really goring the enemy). Increases the damage of the slash proc with the ability combo meter, thus scaling into endgame.
Edited by Aeraxis
Added scaling
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4 hours ago, Aeraxis said:


Synergies that would be better:

While under the affects of Roar, Rhino Stomp restores 1 energy per enemy hit to all allies within its radius, not to himself.

While under the affects of Ironskin, Charge proc's slash on each enemy hit (really goring the enemy).

Neat, never thought of that. And I agree with you on the charge+stomp 'synergy' being dumb. I think charge and stomp should synergise backwards. Charged enemies take double damage from stomp.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

"Iron Skin" on @Wikia: "See also Rhino"


Health is fully protected while iron skin is active


Bug then?  Must be the Phorid missions do so much damage my IS dies before I even realize it.  I always cast IS before going in vs Phorid and suddenly I die in like a split second, seems like it had to be a through everything shot...

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)BIGHEBREW said:

HOW is rhino getting love a Again and Nekros is telling taking a bullet in the azz!

If your gripe is about Nekros, go somewhere else. This is a rhino thread. And I hope DE is finishing what they started with Rhino, just giving him a few finishing touches, and putting him in a place that won't need revisiting for a very long time.

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1 hour ago, NogginMasher said:

If your gripe is about Nekros, go somewhere else. This is a rhino thread. And I hope DE is finishing what they started with Rhino, just giving him a few finishing touches, and putting him in a place that won't need revisiting for a very long time.

Exactly. Im afraid there just gonna call him good and move on and we'll have to wait another year or two til he gets a look again. Just a few more tweaks and then yes by all means move on to the next frame that needs love.

I think there doing mag and volt next.

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19 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

Wait Rhino Charge doesnt scale off melee mods? I thought it did. That should be added it be a nice addition

I feel like that would be stepping on Atlas's territory. Leaving it as a CC/mobility/self buffing skill would be enough. Bake in ironclad charge, increase base range of charge.

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7 hours ago, NogginMasher said:

If your gripe is about Nekros, go somewhere else. This is a rhino thread. And I hope DE is finishing what they started with Rhino, just giving him a few finishing touches, and putting him in a place that won't need revisiting for a very long time.

Oh, my bad! Didn't realize this forum had segregated section for opinions, my apologize.



And P.S. please don't tell me where I can voice my opinion. If you don't like what I say just skip over my comment and please have a nice day?. 

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6 hours ago, AKKILLA said:

Wait Rhino Charge doesnt scale off melee mods? I thought it did. That should be added it be a nice addition

Now that I think of it now, it would be kind of OP. The CC that Charge is capable of is really nice. And the IronClad Charge augment makes Ironskin be the most tanky thing every.

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I'd like a return of self-damage, but only because i thought it was awesome to have enemies surround me, get nuked by my angstrum, and then i can use my max range and duration stomp (since self-damage made strength not needed) to lock down a whole room. Oh how nice that raid was when I used rhino instead of nova to cc. That was just awesome. Basically, every enemy was in the air with our ev trinity going ham on enemies and me on the stomps. Please DE, self damage while not intended is nice synergy of explosives and tank powers and it really wasn't OP in any way as Ironclad Charge is much better for increasing ironskin. Anyways, I have my own ideas to rework rhino, but I'll post that somewhere else and hope a DE admin stumbles upon it.

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1 hour ago, AnzeBozic said:

Hm, well idk why i would have to charge enemies at all to make IS effective in the first place, even if it wouldnt take me to equip agument. I would much rather make IS actually good by itself without the charge or its agument and reduce the effectiveness the charge agument has on IS, or maybe even remove it. This way agument wouldnt need to be changed at all and it wouldnt be mendatory for IS or having a need to bake it into charge.

The augment works so well, so reliably and is easy to use in practice. Rhino is the second warframe new players can access, so having a simple, effective mechanic benefits the new player experience, Tying that effective mechanic to an augment that a player won't see until reaching top rank with a syndicate really doesn't help new players at all.

Anywho, I'm biased and like how the augment works, and it's super effective if you haven't tried it out already. If not ironclad charge buffing iron skin (whether through an augment or default) what else would you suggest that buffs up iron skin reliably by a player decision or action made in mission, not on the liset?

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

I'd like a return of self-damage, but only because i thought it was awesome to have enemies surround me, get nuked by my angstrum, and then i can use my max range and duration stomp (since self-damage made strength not needed) to lock down a whole room. Oh how nice that raid was when I used rhino instead of nova to cc. That was just awesome. Basically, every enemy was in the air with our ev trinity going ham on enemies and me on the stomps. Please DE, self damage while not intended is nice synergy of explosives and tank powers and it really wasn't OP in any way as Ironclad Charge is much better for increasing ironskin. Anyways, I have my own ideas to rework rhino, but I'll post that somewhere else and hope a DE admin stumbles upon it.

Shooting yourself in the foot and spamming stomp is exactly what DE is trying to get rid of. They'd rather you shoot the enemy, not yourself, and you press a button other than 4.


But... your idea is effective. Which is a problem.

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8 minutes ago, NogginMasher said:

Shooting yourself in the foot and spamming stomp is exactly what DE is trying to get rid of. They'd rather you shoot the enemy, not yourself, and you press a button other than 4.


But... your idea is effective. Which is a problem.

I disagree. What DE is trying to stop is stomp NUKERS and and iron skin lazy bums. Right Now, Rhino is the most OP low level frame out there, because he has iron skin that low level enemies can't destroy and stomp deals enough damage to kill whole rooms of low level enemies. Problem with this is that fall off into late game is steeper than the niragra falls. so, self-damage actually improved iron skin to be just a tanking ability for small durations (not the tank power that ironclad charge brings him to in order to be on par with the likes of chroma and valkyr) so that i can use his ult for cc, as it was intended. Plus, roar was really nice for my team to do a little more damage. And i just charged for the fun of ragdoll. I turned rhino into a support cc tank, as he's suppose to be. Not the damage sponge chroma is or the aggro that valkyr and limbo are.

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
grammar errors
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

I turned rhino into a support cc tank, as he's suppose to be. Not the damage sponge chroma is or the aggro that valkyr and limbo are.

I can not agree. He was meant to be the primary tank (dmg sponge), however he lost his place because of new frames. He used to be the only real tank in the squad.

Edited by TheHUNKMrDeath
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58 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

I disagree. What DE is trying to stop is stomp NUKERS and and iron skin lazy bums. Right Now, Rhino is the most OP low level frame out there, because he has iron skin that low level enemies can't destroy and stomp deals enough damage to kill whole rooms of low level enemies. Problem with this is that fall off into late game is steeper than the niragra falls. so, self-damage actually improved iron skin to be just a tanking ability for small durations (not the tank power that ironclad charge brings him to in order to be on par with the likes of chroma and valkyr) so that i can use his ult for cc, as it was intended. Plus, roar was really nice for my team to do a little more damage. And i just charged for the fun of ragdoll. I turned rhino into a support cc tank, as he's suppose to be. Not the damage sponge chroma is or the aggro that valkyr and limbo are.

Using Rhino for CC and support is a great idea, but I fail to see how self-damage helps that. Self damage is a cheap tactic to buff iron skin by 16 000 hp. What does that have to do with CC and stomp? You may not have to slot in strength, armor or augments, but roar is useless without strength. You make rhino a one-trick pony, CC and average iron skin (which is what we had before).

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