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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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DESCRIPTION: Incorrect or no polarity shown on mods

Who Weapons/Warframes/Companions

What Mods

Where Liset





 1. Enter upgrade section for weapons or warframes


 1. Enter mod collection







This bug is by far the most annoying one yet, I cannot even forma because I keep forgetting in what order the polarities appear.

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Description: I cannot install the landing craft segment

Who: Liset

What: Landing craft segment

Where: New liset Tileset


I do not have any place to install the Landing craft segment in my new ship tileset, It's sitting in my inventory and I Cannot build a new one since its in my inventory. 


Description: I cannot build Vapor or Phase specters even though I have the required materials

Who: Vapor/ Phase specters

What : grey'd out unbuildable

Where: Foundry

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DESCRIPTION: Lanka not affected by combo counter. Always get the exact same dmg on hits no matter what the combocounter (testet in simulacrum).


Who: Lanka

What: Sniper (Combocounter)

Where: Mission / Simulacrum



 1. Grab Lanka

 2. Find Stuff to shoot

 3. Shoot stuff

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Issues I've run into:



Can no longer deploy extractors on Earth. It says I'm 12/12 for missions unlocked, but I can't deploy them. Have visited the new relay thing, no change.


The new UI for extractor selection shows everything with a "1 OWNED" box on it, but does not display durability.


Lots of terrain-flickering near water on earth missions, which I think is new.

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Isn't Exalted Blade supposed to be earning melee focus since it scales off the melee weapon?! I'm barely getting any focus, I was lucky to get 14 and I need like 75k... Yo, what the hell? Even when using it on a warframe I only got like 1k... 

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DESCRIPTION: Ivara downed state on Zipline results in perma floating in air.

Who Ivara

What Quiver Zipline

Where  Void Sabotage so far




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Play as Ivara

 2. Create Zipline and stand on

 3.Death and revival result in floating, ground slam attacks result in a frozen state

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Equinox's Rest causes Sentient Battulysts to teleport to random locations when used on them. I've replicated this issue on a couple play through a on the moon tileset.

I don't know if this is a bug or intended feature of the Battulysts, but there is no animation or any other sign that it is intended. When Rest is used, the Battulysts remain frozen for 1-2 seconds before instantly shifting location to another place in a room. It also appears this teleportation cancels Rest and the Battulysts continue fighting from their new location.

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Some bugs I came across today:


DESCRIPTION: Conclave weekly mission: "Get 6 wins in any gametype" mission counter not incrementing, showing 0 all the time.

Who -

What -

Where Liset



DESCRIPTION: while playing Cephalon Capture, I was rooted after being killed the 2nd or 3rd time, warframe can not move, or look around and can't open menu. One has to wait for the mission to finish or close the game through task manager, since neither dying nor using /unstuck helps.

Who Warframe

What Ember/Rhino, Karak Wraith, Lex Prime, Jat-Kittag

Where Cephalon Capture various maps

CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Happened in 6 consecutive games, just enter and die a few times. I'm not sure, but it's possible that carrying the enemy cephalon triggered it.


DESCRIPTION: Strange unpleasant sound when moving cursor over menu points or mods/items. It seems like the original sound effect got some unpleasant noise spike on it, couldn't remove it by changing audio settings.



Where Liset



DESCRIPTION: Moon missions don't show up as completed after completition, preventing to deploy Extractors on Earth.

Who -

What -

Where Liset


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I found A bug!!

How to replicate bug: If your using a rhino (not rhino prime) WITH the 'rubedo rhino skin' on, AND use your 'iron skin' ability, THEN cast your focus ability, when going back into your warframe you should notice that the 'iron skin' is visually still on everywhere BUT the rhinos helmet...


This bug really isn't that major but it is something that has happened to me EVERYTIME I did what i said above so I am assuming it's a bug.

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DESCRIPTION: Can't craft dragon keys because game is saying I don't have Void Keys.

Who: Me, I guess?

What: Foundry, Dragon Keys and Void Keys

Where: Landing Craft





1. Buy a dragon key blueprint

2. Get a Void Key

3. Go to foundry

4. Cry because you wanted a corrupted mod




And I have Void Keys

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DESCRIPTION:  Fps & 10 secs game freezes upon going to arsenal on liset. 


Who: Whole arensal view.

What:  Loadout

Where : Liset

CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Y/N? -  Yes but occurs randomly. 


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?


1. Click on arensal,


2. It temporarily freezes my whole game screen for 10-20 seconds max. 


3. It comes back to normal. 


P.S. it happens after I start playing & after coming back from each mission. I was playing public matchmaking & solo missions.


Minor update: just restarted warframe, logged in, joined a host from recruiting list for a void mission Tower 2 Defense for 20 waves, my whole screen went black for 10 seconds upon selecting on arensal. It occured randomly & I'm unable to take screenshot of it because the whole game just frozed during those times.


I never faced this issue before update 18 itself. 


Hoping for a fix in the next update.




Edited by IIWingSaberII
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DESCRIPTION: Ivara cannot cancel her number 4 ability. the ability is stuck on but not active. i cannot pick up ammo, meele or switch weapons because it thinks i have her number 4 ability going. 

Who Ivara

What Dread, Lex Prime, Orthos Prime (am stuck using Dread atm but i have no ammo)

Where Orikrin Defence



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While i was in the Void t3 Extermination ran through a problem where my bullets where unable to damage enemies, same with my meele and not even my abilities worked but they could still hurt me, and 1 mission before that after using the new ability of the lets say summon of the tenno kid i was unable to dodge using the shift key and my meele weapon didnt worked at all; i could change it by pressing the F key but i couldn't swing it


I was a Loki Prime both times ,shade sentinel with the sweeper sentinel gun, Solo.


Loudout was Latron Prime, Sonicor, Tekko, cometics Dendra set(shoulders,and legs), Izvara Syandana.


The problem happened in the cross area where lasers activate and form sort of a laser grid with a time activation.

i was destroying the lasers with the meele attack and suddenly i cant attack enemies but could still destroy the lasers



I dont think i can reproduce the bug gonna try again to see if it happens again


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DESCRIPTION: during last part of second dream quest once mission is finished and waiting on timer to go to ship, it times out and game freezes can use chat still but all other function stop can even exit game without going into task manager. When i restart the game i have to replay last part of quest every time.

Who using valkyr at the time solo mission

What (boltor prime

Where back of the ship


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

1.relog into game and the quest mission starts from the ship

2.finish the mission wait for the complettion timer at end of mission timeout then nothing happens and cant move or use anyother function again


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DESCRIPTION: A few minutes after leaving the game without closing (Alt+Tab OR Windows Key) makes it impossible to return to the game

Who -

What - Warframe game window

Where - (Windows 8.1 64bit seems apropriate to write it here)




1 - Alt + Tab or press the Windows key to return to some Desktop/Metro process;
2 - Wait a few minutes;
3 - Try to reenter the game (either by clicking on it, Alt+Tab again or any other way).



No reward after doing the 3 sortie missions

Who -

What - Reward

Where - Liset



Not really, since it's a daily thing




PS: Solved since last update. Looks like it was the scroll that wasn't functioning. It has more items further down.
Edited by Ka_Bali_Pena
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Found another bug/bugs


Bugs: Enemies can sometimes shoot through volts electric shield, after dying and respawning, sometimes electric shield blocks your own bullets, and lastly using madurai 5 power's laser through the electric shield does not AMP up the dmg.


As the first two bugs are bit random, its kind of hard to replicate them :/


No video this time.

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1. Cannot alttab. When I use borderless mode, the taskbar becomes active after alttabing, but Warframe window is still above all other windows. When I use fullscreen mode, Warframe minimizes as usual but I cannot maximize it. It also disappears from Task Manager's application's list. But process is still working and there's a Warframe icon on taskbar.


2. Polarities icons in mods menu turn into credits icons, syndicate standing icons etc.


3. Pigment icons above icons of other mission rewards.

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Im so frustrated. I have the update and everything rocks but I dont have the new quest. I a Grand Master in the Vanguard Order and not being able to run the quest is making things hard I finished the Natah quest shown here in this screenshot http://prntscr.com/9afq9i But stilll do not have the quest. http://prntscr.com/9afres  I have tried restarting my computer and logging out and logging back in, Nothing working. PLEASE ADVISE

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DESCRIPTION The Glaive Prime/ Glaive has a terribly longer charge time.  It has been rendered virtually unusabe as a quick throw weapon.  I have never used charge attacks with it as it is only a quick throw weapon.  Don't need or care about charging.  How can we get this functionality back?


​WHO Any

WHAT Glaive Prime​​ / Glaive

WHERE Anywhere​





1. Equip the Glaive Prime/ Glaive

2. Try to throw it. Whether you're in melee mode or have a secondary / primary out makes no difference.

3. Witness the charge time.

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