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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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I think the main problem was how the portrayed the tenno, it might have been okay if they were young adults but they should have made them more mysterious and powerful looking, maybe energy scares, or even some kind of dark sectors infected look. The problem is listening to the dialogue, they sound like kids playing, they should have made them sound and act better.

Edited by Wheels204
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Please give a logical excuse in providing why Warframes would suddenly have different ways of input (a direct Tenno, the Second Dream Tenno, and what ever Tenno that caters to people at this point) at a moments notice without throwing in the face of everything they have written, and what ever they are planning on. And without further cheapening what Warframes are. I am sorry but this isn't merely a cosmetic option you have the choice to slap on, its the very premises of what DE is creating/plans to and affects a majority portion of it. And it isn't just mere choice in picking a select Warframe or game mode. Cater retcons if not delicately dealt with, would anger a lot more than satisfy. 

In short: Big Universe, ancient Tenno, many factions some are kids some are not...


And the Warframe DO look or act like you?

In a creative, imaginative manner yes, I guess some need to have it all spelled out for them; while others prefer or don’t need/want to be pushed into that box. Should be a choice, much the same as your faction, achwing, warframe is, colour choice.

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The only thing I would change about the kids is their voices. Something perhaps more stoic, distant, cold. They've been to hell and back (pretty much literally), fought wars, killed millions. Voice options for something stoic is what I would ask for, and that's not asking much. Maybe that will be added at some point, I don't know.

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It isn't childish,


From where I am standing, it is. You seemingly can't help yourself in trying to control me and others who don't like it.


you don't just create some sort of choice where you get to have a race of people be either outside controlling the Warframe or inside the Warframe (somehow vaporized to energy for those who wanted that, those who are in them who wanted direct armor).


Yes you can, you simply establish it. They don't need to exist merely as void energy for it to happen either.


That would require two (or more) drastically different interpretations/realities/physics of how Warframes are and how everything operates, which wouldn't work/make sense if they were to co-align, especially with what ever they have planned for continuation.


That's just your own willful tunnel-vision talking..


You are going to have to start from ground zero and rework the entire story to somehow lead into that to offer that is what I am saying. Or else its just gonna be a very bad quality way of handling that.

You don't just say there can be multiple ways of using a Warframe, the Warframe has one system that works in story reality, it isn't a Rubix cube. Saying Warframes can do anything is poor writing period. The only way to barely introduce such a concept would somehow create a class-based Tenno system (which lo-and behold sort of already exists with Focus) and completely rewrite the entire game up to this point in what Warframes are, which completely clashes with what Warframe is currently (and DE has never intended on doing, or will do)

Somehow demanding that this be done, without even thinking how this would work out, or saying you can just write it in is childish, it doesn't put the realities/come to terms with what would have to be done to allow such a central point of the game to just suddenly explode into different realities.


There was no operator in the basement before this. Stuff like Ordis and the Liset also did not used to exist.

You think too much in absolutes for a product that expands dynamically.

Its not impossible to establish what I pointed out, you are just willfully denying expansion of Warframe applications.

DE can change anything honestly, and replace all of that with the original idea, that they turned into a facade for this dumb quest reveal. Just have it as an option for the people who don't like this doll show, while you on otherhand, can keep it. Focus does not have to be relegated to these puppeteer children either. It can be innate.


The concept with the different classes of Tenno was to be springboarded off of the idea of the different schools of Tenno in the first place. Its an easy open for presenting such a concept to fix this poor restriction without going back on this other thing they added.

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I really do understand the stalker now. 


Insane, but still aware that in a way, he has a Tenno in a pod somewhere too, and not willing to to the last 2 HP it takes to kill us off. 


Doesn't mean he still won't be hunting down are frames.

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Do you know what? Why are you guys still fighting? It's settled: If you don't like the lore, don't demand change. Deal with it. It's their lore. DE simply won't change it just because some group of guys whine about it. They have bigger things to do.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Guys, I believed that both sides are valid, both as a player not also doesn't really like the end, I will tell you this


1. First off, a warframe pulling the sword out of its own may not mean sentience. It may be a security program, likfe the void towers. Would you call the enemies in the void sentient beings? They are controlled.


2. Rhino Prime entry states the warframe moving on its own, but it does not exactly portray intelligence or any form of higher-thinking or self-conscious. It might just be primal instincts at work, or operator controlling it went haywire.


3.Many stated that this is all implanted in the game since the beginning so we should accept it as the way it is. It's a good point but it doesn't mean we can't criticize the execution and the implantation of the story and how it detached some of us from the warframes we spent a long time with. They could keep the kids, but they don't leave any options for us for still prefer the warframe.


4. People kept tossing around head canons and how you shouldn't get affected by it. I agree 100% but what you can't ignore that besides all the character building and lore-guessing and roleplaying, more than that is lost in this update- a genuine bond between your warframe that many projects themselves into, whether if they are roleplaying or not. It's just what human tends to do.


5. I have to stress the point that the character Tenno is supposed to REPRESENT you- you can keep saying that they are thousands of years old on the inside, you can call me or others shallow in judgment, but some of us may just not want to play as a character that resembles kids- or pre-teens. The game promotes variety, but in this case we are not given much, especially considering the game is telling us to detach our emotions from our warframes to the new character, something not many can do so easily.


I will give DE a chance for this update, sure, I will give the kid a chance, sure, but doesn't mean everyone should be happy because the developers made a major change to the story. After all, we are a huge part of this game, and what some of us felt that we are detached from our relationship with warframes with the incursion of this new character, it is understandable, and many people will say that they don't have a problem, but we are talking about those who do.


I am not going to ask DE to change it back, but warframe, in my opinion, should be the star of the game, and taking the light away and putting it on a child with awkward one-liners, lacking features, and the worst part-unable to interact with it in any way other than feed it experiences. It is in my opinion badly executed and well alienate alot of players or at the very least makes it difficult to create a emotional bond on the level of what we have with our warframes.



Edit: People on the forum have been saying something like get over it, deal with it, it's their lore, etc. Valid point, but considering the amount of effort the community have in shaping the story among side the developer I'd say let some people voice their opinions freely and converse with them rather than simply asking them to silence and deal wih it.

Edited by Leoguy
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Do you know what? Why are you guys still fighting? It's settled: If you don't like the lore, don't demand change. Deal with it. It's their lore. DE simply won't change it just because some group of guys whine about it. They have bigger things to do.


The way how I see it is.


If we don't like the lore, that's fine, we can continue our own little headcanons and go along with that. Or create other headcanons and go along with them like I have for the time being.


It's not exactly like we are forced to go along with it either really, something i've realised. I don't HAVE to use the 5th ability, I can forget it's there. And that's what I suggest we all do if we dislike it. It's too far in for DE to change things right now, We can hope for some hints at what we want in future quests, but for now Headcanons for me.

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First things first

I really liked the Quest with its cinematics and the lore itself, with the Moon and Lotus saving you

but i honestly have to say that it makes me incredibly sad how the story ended.


Ever since I played Warframe, i always had the feeling that the vague story is on purpose, that its there to let your imagination fill in the missing puzzle parts, to think yourself what a Tenno is, what you yourself are.

In the beginning, you are given a Warframe. i think we all choose by just taking the one who looks fun/cool.

After some time, after you modded you Warframe, after you played plenty of missions, after you decorated him with love, you somehow got a bond between you and it, I mean everybody has his favourite Warframe.


Ever since I started wondering, what a Warframe is, i dug deeper in the lore. But it was so vague, that it let people decide what they think. The Tenno are just a pile of green goo switching in suits or do you play every Frame with its own personality. It turned out, that you are a Tenno ( well you were called Tenno through the whole game ) but you took it as usual, you the player was implemented in the Game as the Tenno - the one who struck down the Orokin. I was so fightened in the Second Dream Quest, when the Cinematic started, i got goosebumps. This flowe out of Cryopods - one opening, a figure fell out of it, the monitor went black.

You crawled to you Warframe youve seen yourself, the one that you are. You carried yourself outside - to the Liset.

You encountered the Stalker once more, he stabbed your Warframe, that pile of steel, without flesh, a weak puppet on the ground - so helpless. We went over to you and wanted to choke you. Your Warframe moved from its own ( thats my spark of hope ) and saved you. Lotus carried you to your !!OWN!! Somatic link. You put that helmet down. Thats when the quest really, really disappointed me. You could design your Tenno


The one thing I liked about this game, you can decide what you are - you are a pile of goo, something omnicient controlling your Warframe WITH its emotions. No its gone. Completely. You can slide dash around you Tenno in your Oversized Liset for a lifetime. Your Tenno can be activated in Missions for a huge laser out of his chest, but where are you? What happened to the player? You were the one controlling the frames, not that guy there! He controls the frames, you just watch. You are HIS puppet now. He even talks to you ( thats what made me angry ). He says things, me as a player would never say, he takes your Role. Your Role as the Warframe, the force what makes these things work,  the things you play as.


Now, Warframes are just empty shells. They all have the same voice now for me, they all do the same, they all look the same. I cant emphatize with them anymore. They are just puppets now, the lore of the game lost its touch for me.


I want my silent heros back. I want the old game back.



Yeah QQ Thread, i know, give me your opinnions so we can QQ together.


Please DE, you made a huge mistake.

I agree with basically everything you say here. your totally right about them spouting out stupid stuff at random.


I was playing captain vors mission and my tenno said "that was a close one!" when vor took 40 of my shields off... 




m8 I have 380 shields and 600 health on that warfarme. do you think I give  a crap about 40 being lost?



also all that stuff about honor is big talk from someone who sits on a chair all day while using a warframe to commit mass massacres.


I want an option to kill of the darn kid and have my warframes controlled by me again.



or at least and option to play as the kid so I don't have some load mouthed coward stuffing around the place yapping on about "honor"

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The operator is inside the warframe since the very begining, the tenno think they are the warframe that is untill they saw them selves in other body, the warframe is still you and they are not children...we call people who are 80 years old as elderly...the tenno are like 1000 years old

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I actually think players feeling upset (including myself initially) that you are "just are kid" is an even more exciting a way to experience a story.


Have you ever woken up from a really epic dream and then realised that all those amazing things were just in your head?


And have you ever had moments where you thought: "I wish I could be stronger/smarter/prettier, anything, just not me" ?


But is frustration truly a wholly negative thing, when your dreams drive you to make them into a reality?


Sure you are "just are kid" -- so do something about it. Keep showing everyone that, beyond appearance, you are still that badass you always dreamed you were.

that's the thing for me. I am totally ok with how I am in real life, faults and all.


when I have epic dreams I don't wish they were real most of the time. they can stay as dreams, im fine with that. 


and yes I did wish I could be smarter or better at art in the past. but then I realized that when it came to art that I was having fun.





that is what really mattered to me. the enjoyment of the things I was doing. my whole family could have hatted my piece of art and it would have been ok with that, because I liked it and I enjoyed making it.


and the same with being smarter. I wished I was better at maths and problem solving, but then I realized that I don't have to be.





who says you have to be as good as some stupid level on some arbitrary chart? im smart in my own way.like being deeply creative and having wonderful ideas for stories.


as for your last question, no I am not frustrated because my dreams to not drive me that much. im very fine with who I am were I am and what I am doing in my life.

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They aren't immature at all in my opinion. They are trained military kids (think Halo) who were also educated to control the Warframes - you can tell from their ingame lines that they know what they're doing - and DE were prepared to reveal this all at some point from the Codex's. Some people won't like it, some people will. Not going to judge anyone.

And I loved the idea, I just think they should add helmets for our Operators to wear. Some of the lines are cringe worthy, tho.


I still believe there's more to the Warframes as well. They pulled the Stalker's sword out themselves, what was that about? And maybe the Rhino Prime in that Codex entry was an un-linked Warframe, hence why it tried to kill everything, but it doesn't make sense because Warframes can't move without the link.

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1. These are not children. These are beings that are extreeemely old but in human children skin. They may look like children but their thousands of years old.


2. Deal with the lore its established. 


3. What is the problem? I like the idea. I mean other than the stupid comments in the missions. Its a cool idea, its pretty unique. I mean in what game do you play as the puppet being controled by a being that is stronger, and smarter than you? Bioshock....

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Alright, I think I see why I (and others) aren't running into the same disconnect as some of you are.


Now, I'll only speak for myself here, but...


I never projected myself into the game. I never thought of myself as the face behind the mask. I pretty much never do that with any game, actually. You know what I do whenever I have the option of customizing a character? I make them the least like me as possible. I don't need to project myself into a game and it's protagonist to feel immersed in that world, as long as the story feels engaging.


In a way, I guess I can understand why some people aren't happy with it. But that said, I still disagree with it. I just won't dispute it.

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I don't like...

Noted... Now let's move along.

Me, on the other hand. I like it. So one vote against, one vote for (as if that should matter at all).

DE is probably much more invested in their story that some of the people posting complains in the forums. It's their livelihood for gods sake. They won't (and shouldn't) compromise on that dream easily.

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I disagree, but you're not wrong, nor are you right. It's a matter of opinion. I really, really enjoy this twist they are going with, but in the end, it's DE's story, and we're just along for the ride. Personally I always thought it was cheap and easy with them going the vague route. I'm glad there's some actual real story involved, now.

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Noted... Now let's move along.

Me, on the other hand. I like it. So one vote against, one vote for (as if that should matter at all).

DE is probably much more invested in their story that some of the people posting complains in the forums. It's their livelihood for gods sake. They won't (and shouldn't) compromise on that dream easily.


Being a livelihood doesn't stop bad writing or any bad decisions. You like it, keep on liking it then. Others can keep on criticizing it and request another way, half the world concepts are derived from fan concepts anyway.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Being a livlihood doesn't stop bad writing. You like it, keep on liking it. Others can keep on criticizing it and request another way, half the world concepts are derived from fan concepts anyway.

Yes people are entitled (now ain't that a "bad" word) to state their opinion about the games content.

But trying to convince others that their opinions are wrong, that the writing is bad, you just don't understand it, you don't understand why the kids are cool, aso aso aso is just as pointless as discussing anything else on the internet.

My fear was that there was some kind of big eyed anime like characters under the masks of the Tenno. But if there was I'd just shrug and say "I don't like it". Not spend time trying to get others to understand why I felt the game needed to change to please my taste.

Some like it, some don't.

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dont wanna be mean BUT, you ver though about the word WARFRAME ?? its FRAME for WAR ._. there needed to be only tools and i just gonna crush it all as he says in infested mission failed objectivs of the orokin.


Warframe seems to be mind controlled infested ._.

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Alright, I think I see why I (and others) aren't running into the same disconnect as some of you are.


Now, I'll only speak for myself here, but...


I never projected myself into the game. I never thought of myself as the face behind the mask. I pretty much never do that with any game, actually. You know what I do whenever I have the option of customizing a character? I make them the least like me as possible. I don't need to project myself into a game and it's protagonist to feel immersed in that world, as long as the story feels engaging.


In a way, I guess I can understand why some people aren't happy with it. But that said, I still disagree with it. I just won't dispute it.


Kind of backwards seeing as they force you to project with this Transference  operator stuff. I didn't ask to customize the Tenno's actual face or body, I was content with a suit that obscured what we truly look like and having no voice.

Prior to all this I didn't project either, otherwise, I wouldn't have played as female frames. I simply prefer proactive characters that have autonomy and are engaging in the events of this game themselves, exposed to the elements and the accompanying risk. That kid in the basement has been sealed away in tuperware all this time until now. The kid was in no risk apparently, none of the Tenno were since they are not even in the frames, prior emotional investment into their being smuggled, dissected or killed, has lost much of its potency. The Grineer and Corpus at this point, have not actually done anything to us Tenno.

And even now, after coming out of the icebox, the Tenno kids just sit in the liset all day, out of immediate harms way until some random quest in the future, when they may wish to have them in danger again. Might as well be put back into cryopods, what with this confined existence.

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I actually like what they did here, and how they did it. You always were the one controlling the Tenno; there was never any doubt (for me), that I was controlling a semi-sentient battle armor. Not with the ease of switching the Frame, not with the hundreds of Loki-Frames existing due to the existance of so many Tenno, as well as some being operated by the Syndicates. The switch was beautifully done; I mean, thats YOU there, the operator, that always thought of himself as actually being the creature inside the warframe, only to realize that it just was a dream... a second dream. The way they put it beautifully merged the thoughts of the Operator in the game, the Avatar, with the Operator in front of the Screen, you; you are one.


I agree that there should propably be a way to disable the Avatar talking during missions; Except if they implement a system where you, yourself , can issue commands that then are displayed as your avatar speaking; That would allow people like the OP to still feel like the Operator. I, myself, never had any problem to identify myself with a non-silent protagonist.


Then , warframes aren't just puppets; They are, at least, on some level sentient, as displayed by the frame moving on it's own, and the way Hunhow talks in the final cutscene. I think it is a case of 2 minds existing in one body; in the Stalkers case, the sentience of the Frame propably crushed the Operators mind at some point after finding out it had been manipulated, while our frame was more of a symbiose-like deal; both minds helping each other out.

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