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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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WOW, just WOW! Having read through this, I'm not sure if I should be looking forward to U18 or not. I'm trying to avoid reading too much of this and spoiling it ahead of time, but the threads keep surmounting and it's hard to ignore so much division in the community over how what we are has rolled out. So, just based off of the information I have seen here on the forums, Here are just a couple of points:


1) DE, the anonymity a lot of player's identified with being removed seems to have hindered enjoyment. At a minimum, implement the option to put the mask from the cinematics back on the operator to alleviate some of this.


2) The option to silence the operator is great, but I think what most are turned off by is the kid like comments that belie what they truly are, warriors that have existed and fought for thousands of years. Psyches exposed to the horrors of war that long do not speak like children or make off handed comments. They need to be darker, fiercer, more in line with the actions they are performing. Please DE, change the dialogue to reflect this or delete it all together.


I think this will go a long way in coming to a good middle ground with how the lore/story is unfolding and keeping some of the mysterious warrior aspect of the game so many truly enjoyed.

Edited by (PS4)CowboyJeff72
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I think you're confusing me with someone who dislikes the quest or the introduction of the operators. I liked the quest and what it revealed.

On your first point I think you're still wrong, if DE's idea was to make the operators (or the tenno) to be a representation of ourselves, then giving them lines that are clearly not my own wasn't the best idea. 

If I hear them saying that the grineer are ugly but I like their design then that tenno is not me, he's saying things that I don't agree with.

They should be blank characters with no predefined personality if the idea is that we're supposed to be them.


On them looking like kids you don't need to explain anything to me. I know very well that they only look like kids, but are really old beings. So again, you're confusing me with someone else. I don't have a problem with they way they look or sound.

On your second point, for you it may be clear, for me there's a lot of unknowns like did the stalker have an operator? Does he still have one or does he gained a mind of its own? (Even if its a twisted one) If he did, then the warframes could too, and we don't know those things yet.

If it's not clear I'll say it again, I don't have a problem with the quest, I liked it. I liked the introduction of the Tenno, I don't have a problem with them looking like kids as I know they're actually not. I'm only discussing the fact that DE focused on explaining the Tenno, leaving the Warframe-side of things to continue being a mystery. So we can't really say one thing or the other because we still lack information.

There's a lot of things that DE needs to explain, and I'm sure a lot of those things were left out of this quest on purpose.

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as im reading this it looks like a lot of people's dreams were shattered, But i never had any dreams about this game to relate to theirs.

From the beginning, I always saw these warframes as dolls, as tools, even ordis treated them as such, the blue prints and parts that were required to build them led me to believe there were more like property and less of a being with its own conscious. Every frame had its own gender and body features, looking at it like that i was never able to see myself as someone inside the suit, why was my body and gender changing? Why is it that we can build them? how is it that I am "them"? I am even able to sell these warframes if for any reason i didnt want them anymore.

So i really cant sympathize with people who saw this all differently, thinking they were the warframe. This to me didnt change nothing, but it was a reveal that gave me some answers to my questions, things being mysterious tend to piss me off more than making me want to make my own headcannon about it.

I believe the operator is supposed to represent the player, i havent played the game since i completed the quest so i dont know how he/she acts, but from the looks of it, I would have rather prefered my operator being mute instead of speaking, even moreso with the lines im hearing that the operator says. I dont mind the fact that my character is kid at all, i'm fine with that, but i think the talking that the operator does, especially when its mostly pointless is going to be an annoying problem. Either way im more happy about what DE here than I am upset about it, it just gives me answers and gets me more interested in the lore, because i really hate vagueness.

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WOW, just WOW! Having read through this, I'm not sure if I should be looking forward to U18 or not. I'm trying to avoid reading too much of this and spoiling it ahead of time, but the threads keep surmounting and it's hard to ignore so much division in the community over how what we are has rolled out. So, just based off of the information I have seen here on the forums, Here are just a couple of points:


1) DE, the anonymity a lot of player's identified with seems to have hindered enjoyment. At a minimum, implement the option to put the mask from the cinematics back on the operator to alleviate some of this.


2) The option to silence the operator is great, but I think what most are turned off by is the kid like comments that belie what they truly are, warriors that have existed and fought for thousands of years. Psyches exposed to the horrors of war that long do not speak like children or make off handed comments. They need to be darker, fiercer, more in line with the actions they are performing. Please DE, change the dialogue to reflect this or delete it all together.


I think this will go a long way in coming to a good middle ground with how the lore/story is unfolding and keeping some of the mysterious warrior aspect of the game so many truly enjoyed.

Good post, constructive and practical solutions to many issues, I’d still prefer an option to remove the kid tenno (operator) option altogether; it would be ridiculously easy. And in one fell swoop return me my immersion in the game.

Remove kid tenno (operator) option = me - my chosen warframe

Force kid tenno (operator) option = me - (the operator) ((new inexperienced, wet behind ears, irritating tweeny avatar) - my chosen warframe

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2) The option to silence the operator is great, but I think what most are turned off by is the kid like comments that belie what they truly are, warriors that have existed and fought for thousands of years. Psyches exposed to the horrors of war that long do not speak like children or make off handed comments. They need to be darker, fiercer, more in line with the actions they are performing. Please DE, change the dialogue to reflect this or delete it all together.





Until told otherwise, physiologically the tenno are still kids. Thousand years-plus is not going to change that.

These people shouldn't not be acting as honorable ninja in the first place,they should have been crazy risk takers.

So if they now actually remember they are kids they should be acting like kids.

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Definitely not pointless, if you have been reading in the forums for a long time as I'm sure you have, you know there are players that don't distinguish tenno from warframe, what about the people that may be confused, the game experience could still be save for them, if you understand it and dislike it still, I respect that.


I'm going to correct a typo in my previous post, I meant "Now we know we wear them mentally not physically", the frame remains a suit, the established relationship is not of a puppet, since when does a puppeteer sees the world from the eyes of a puppet and sense the enviroment from the skin of the puppet.


This kids may not be facing death, but they face the responsability of the missions and the consequences of their actions.


And I'm not dreaming headcannons nor making excuses, in the quest Lotus explicitly tells us were are living a "second lucid dream", so prior to update 18 we have been playing this "second dream", guess what you did?, you personalize your frames and came up with whatever ideas you had, that is your second dream. I hope you can reconcile with the game, even if you don't like the kid, it would be a shame to lose fellow players over a story arc.




On a different note, has anyone seen "Being John Malkovich"?


First off, distinguishing Tenno from the Warframe is a non issue now, as we now know the truth. The issue is that some people don't like the Tenno being outside the Warframe and the Warframes being puppets, as a concept. No attempt to explain your interpretation of the lore to them is going to make them like the idea of crippled Tenno children and Warframe puppets.

 So yeah, pointless.


Also, a person preferring Tenno to actually have separate personalities from the player depending on the avatar they choose to dawn, or preferring that there was literally more than one Tenno dawning the frames and boarding your liset, does not line up with your attempt to spread thin this dream projection meta analogy, in your petty desire to encompass any criticism or dislike of this reveal. It is quite obvious that this is all you are doing and it is quite the banal mess.


Though I was obviously referring to this activity of yours here.


".I think what is inside the warframes, is something like a homunculus, a living body without a mind (or soul), the eyeless things Alad finds when he disect the suits, clearly with some infested tissue, I don't think it has a personality of its own it would be swallowed by the infested hive mind, but why does it refuse them. Because of the Margoolis implant found in the Ominous loading screen and that is why Margoolis mention this line in the quest "this will stop the voices from taking hold"."


In continuation, what other people like is a non-issue, no one is trying to convert the people to disliking this Tenno child.


As for Being John Malkovich, its a funny movie in parts, but I hated the main characters other than John Malkovich himself, and was hoping they all died, so you aren't exactly endearing me to the idea. Projecting one self to be alive through someone else is one of the worst possible outcomes to me as I prefer autonomous characters in my stories, otherwise I don't actually care about them and am merely watching for the trainwreck joke of it all.

The whole shenanigans with Malkovich was like one half enslavement and one half creepy voyeurism, and that creep factor especially shot up when Cusack was stuck inside that little girl. Forcing the player into projecting onto a child, after all this time, isn't warming me to the idea anymore than before.

 In summary, I want no such analogy with the intrusive, degenerate depravity and pathetic cuckolding that represents the portal relationship of that film.  Some other player can be happy in that simile with their Tenno child.


Edited by UrielColtan
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First off, distinguishing Tenno from the Warframe is a non issue now, as we now no the truth. The issue is that some people don't like the Tenno being outside the Warframe and the Warframes being puppets, as a concept. No attempt to explain your interpretation of the lore to them is going to make them like the idea of crippled Tenno children and Warframe puppets.

 So yeah, pointless.


Also, a person preferring Tenno to actually have separate personalities from the player depending on the avatar they choose to dawn, or preferring that there was literally more than one Tenno dawning the frames and boarding your liset, does not line up with your attempt to spread thin this dream projection meta analogy, in your petty desire to encompass any criticism or dislike of this reveal. It is quite obvious that this is all you are doing and it is quite the banal mess.


Though I was obviously referring to this activity of yours here.


".I think what is inside the warframes, is something like a homunculus, a living body without a mind (or soul), the eyeless things Alad finds when he disect the suits, clearly with some infested tissue, I don't think it has a personality of its own it would be swallowed by the infested hive mind, but why does it refuse them. Because of the Margoolis implant found in the Ominous loading screen and that is why Margoolis mention this line in the quest "this will stop the voices from taking hold"."


In continuation, what other people like is a non-issue, no one is trying to convert the people to disliking this Tenno child.


As for Being John Malkovich, its a funny movie in parts, but I hated the main characters other than John Malkovich himself, and was hoping they all died, so you aren't exactly endearing me to the idea. Projecting one self to be alive through someone else is one of the worst possible outcomes to me as I prefer autonomous characters in my stories, otherwise I don't actually care about them and am merely watching for the trainwreck joke of it all.

The whole shenanigans with Malkovich was like one half enslavement and one half creepy voyeurism, and that creep factor especially shot up when Cusack was stuck inside that little girl. Forcing the player into projecting onto a child, after all this time, isn't warming me to the idea anymore than before.

 In summary, I want no such analogy with the intrusive, degenerate depravity and pathetic cuckolding that represents the portal relationship of that film.  Some other player can be happy in that simile with their Tenno child.


You're reading too much complot in my statements Uriel, it hardly encompasses all criticism and dislikes and it hardly is a mess, it is a simple idea: we are not puppets and there is no pupeteer. It barely covers one reason players feel detached from  their characters, it however does not cover; people disliking child characters; people wanting adults; people wanting tenno to look monstruos; people disliking not having the mystery anymore; lack of customization; dislike of tenno transmission lines; the seemingly puerile behaviour of tenno. I told you before I accept you dislike it, for that matter anyone who dislikes it.


On the paragraph you quoted, maybe it was a bit out of place in this thread, but it was not meant to convert people, it lacks complexity and is hardly a head cannon, but an idea I had on the mechanics of transference, hence I shared it in a more theory crafting thread.


As for the movie I meant it as a side note on the subjective experience of experimenting reality through a foreign body, in contrast with the puppet idea, I was completely vague of the point I wanted to focus, my bad.


Just like you said, what people likes (and dislike) is a non-issue, people will grab from this thread what they want, if they want, I'm not their puppeteer.


Good bye, Uriel.

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for the entire time I did play warframe I always hated the lotus. both her voice lines and her motives.


I just kept her on mute and ignored her the entire way. even though I followed her since the game doesn't give you any other option it still felt like I had a tiny bit of freedom.


I hoped that one day I had the choice to change sides and be able to fully break away from her.


but now it turns out im meant to be this kid or warfame being controlled by a kid who is basically the child of lotus and who loves her.


and yes I know turning traitor would never be made possible by DE but I still liked the Feel of the game and felt more free back then.







 now that I have the tenno kid in my ship its 3 annoying pop up boxes I have to deal with. lotus the kid and ordis.










It still doesn't matter unless the tenno is killed. if they aren't killed  the warframe gets destroyed and they get a new one.


as for helping the corpus and the warframe acting on its own, your right about both of those things. 


the reason I don't like it is because its like if fallout new vegas had its own narration. imagine you were killing a nameless raider and your character said "man I really didn't want to kill him!" and then fell to the floor sobbing.


that's what its like for me right now. this tenno kid is saying stuff I would never say and ruining my experience.








as for my warframe being fully controlled by me... it doesn't fully feel like that. if I was fully in control I would kill the tenno take the liset for myself and turn traitor.


in fact if that happened the game might change to perma-death as the tenno is what brings back the warframe.











lastly, its fine if you can't undertsnd my issue. ill try and explain it though with an example.


I once was reading a book series I liked quite a lot. then I read the last book and the king of the world in that book basically destroyed everything killed everyone and didn't explain why.


the whole series ended just like that and I had such a sour taste in my mouth that I punched the book and was thinking of burning it.


only in the books case it was a fantasy series and I could easily find another, and I have.



but with warframe its different. there is no other game that even comes close to how warframe is in its own unique way.


so like with the book I have stopped playing it and have had thoughs about uninstalling it. but unlike the book I cannot go to a book store and buy another warframe.


I hope that clears things up a bit.

cant you mute the operator? that would get rid of one of the pop ups right?

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cant you mute the operator? that would get rid of one of the pop ups right?

You can mute the operator, you can mute Ordis, but DE forgot to add the "mute Lotus" option as well.


And since I seem to be a broken record as of late, I wonder how DE will try to spin this for the Chinese version of Warframe? Unless I heard wrong, wouldn't there be a problem with the whole "Not a human inside the frame" setup when their ads for the game show human like features under the Waframes (along with a few extra additives like a full hand for Mag)? And if so, would DE try to spin it as the Warframes picking up a secondary operator that assists in battle?


I keep bringing this up because if DE has to change some of the game in order to sell it in China and such changes affect the lore in ways that conflict with the global version, then which lore would be deemed correct overall?

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cant you mute the operator? that would get rid of one of the pop ups right?

yes I can. I wrote this before I knew that.


and now that I know I have removed the operator, muted the entire game as well in fact. 


the game however still feels disconnected



(Never mind the above thing. made a mistake while posting this.)



 and weird to me so ive quit playing.



this has fixed all my problems, although i apreceate you telling me about this. I might not have known you can get rid of the tenno kid while still wanting to play the game.

Edited by Agentcheese
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You can mute the operator, you can mute Ordis, but DE forgot to add the "mute Lotus" option as well.


And since I seem to be a broken record as of late, I wonder how DE will try to spin this for the Chinese version of Warframe? Unless I heard wrong, wouldn't there be a problem with the whole "Not a human inside the frame" setup when their ads for the game show human like features under the Waframes (along with a few extra additives like a full hand for Mag)? And if so, would DE try to spin it as the Warframes picking up a secondary operator that assists in battle?


I keep bringing this up because if DE has to change some of the game in order to sell it in China and such changes affect the lore in ways that conflict with the global version, then which lore would be deemed correct overall?



Probably just be some random space orphans you save and they cut some specific scenes where the Warframe shuts down when not in ocntact with the Tenno./ Or maybe even film a whole separate, exclusive cutscene specifically for china.

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I'll tell you your problem with this narrative.


You play warframe to fulfill a power fantasy.  It makes you feel like a badass ninja when fully immersed.  Your problem is that D.E. just reminded you that you are actually a 40 year old nobody playing a videogame in your parents basement.  You want to play a game to escape yourself, not to be reminded of who you really are.


But this is exactly what is so genius about this plot-line.  You are you.  Just some kid, in the ultimate video game console and unaware of who you actually are.  Wake up, and remember who you are.


As I said before, you want that blue pill so you can stay happy in the Matrix, because your reality is too sad and pitiful to be reminded of.


Warframe is no longer the light dream that it used to be, S#it just got serious and you need time to deal with it.

Edited by Enemy1
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I'll tell you your problem with this narrative.


You play warframe to fulfill a power fantasy.  It makes you feel like a badass ninja when fully immersed.  Your problem is that D.E. just reminded you that you are actually a 40 year old nobody playing a videogame in your parents basement.  You want to play a game to escape yourself, not to be reminded of who you really are.


But this is exactly what is so genius about this plot-line.  You are you.  Just some kid, in the ultimate video game console and unaware of who you actually are.  Wake up, and remember who you are.


As I said before, you want that blue pill so you can stay happy in the Matrix, because your reality is too sad and pitiful to be reminded of.


Warframe is no longer the light dream that it used to be, S#it just got serious and you need time to deal with it.

but I never needed to wake up and remember who I am. I never played the game to escape anything, I played the game because it was fun and rewarding.


as for warframe feeling like a light dream, it never did either to me.


it felt more like giving you a tenno to customize and saying "oh by the way, your supposed to be it."



as for the last part you are right. the S#&$ did just get serious for a lot of people, for me the S#&$ turned out to be S#&$.

and I did need time to deal with it. 


except instead of my anger slowly dying off and giving way to acceptance for the game again, it gave way to the acceptance of hatting the game.



basically before my thoughts were "what!? how am I supposed to be that!? the game is ruined for me and I had no warning. :("  to


"you know what the game sucks for me now, but that's ok. in fact screw the game. 


every hour I put into it and everything I earned? nahh... its not important anymore. just let it all drift away and find another game."




I am so glad I made peace with the fact that ive fully quit. it feels good.

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I still feel like i am the Warframe.


Personally i see the operator more like a guide to help me orientate me in the materium. Akin to the style of Wraithguards and Spiritseers from  WH40k Eldar.

Without a guide like the operators, all my frame would see is a blurred vision as it is not really connected to the materium.


Another prime example would be Neongenesis Evangelion. The Eva's are alive too, but still have an operator.



I am happy with the update

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I still feel like i am the Warframe.


Personally i see the operator more like a guide to help me orientate me in the materium. Akin to the style of Wraithguards and Spiritseers from  WH40k Eldar.

Without a guide like the operators, all my frame would see is a blurred vision as it is not really connected to the materium.


Another prime example would be Neongenesis Evangelion. The Eva's are alive too, but still have an operator.



I am happy with the update


You missed the point, of course you feel like you are the warframe, you are the operator (in real life).  You didn't even know you existed until you woke up.  Our bodies are the warframe, we are the operator of our own frames.

We lose ourselves in the shell of a warframe and think that this is who we are.


It reminds me of a "through the wormhole" episode where they hooked up rat brains on a chip to a flight simulator and the rat brains were able to "be" an airplane.



This actually happens and it shows us how we can be immersed in a second dream.


When I drive a car, I see myself as the car, and when we play warframe, we see ourselves as the warframe.  We forget we have fingers on WASD, and a hand on the mouse (or a joystick).  


You see yourself as the warframe, just as the operator did until he woke up.

How can you not appreciate this?

You know how many people returned to warframe because of this?  I don't feel bad losing a few idiots and getting back the quality players of old.  Good job D.E. keep it up.

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I still feel like i am the Warframe.



Or in the warframe (they're roughly similar in terms of subjective feel, given the "grain" level of the simulation).


And so does the Tenno in the "chair" (VR pod in the Orbiter compartment).




Only now s/he now knows that what s/he feels doesn't represent reality.  In reality, s/he is only in remote control of the warframe.


But s/he still feels, subjectively, like they're the warframe, or in the warframe.  Just like you the player.


It's perfectly fine to still feel like you're the warframe, or in the warframe.  That's how it's always felt, and that's how it STILL FEELS, both to the fictional Tenno and to you the player playing the fictional Tenno, even after the revelations.


The whole point of the creation of warframes was to enable "consciousness transference" (which, coincidentally, is at least part of the point of the game called "Warframe" too :) ).


That the consciousness transference is an illusion doesn't stop it seeming real, even after it's discovered that it's an illusion.  After all, if it didn't seem real, it wouldn't be an illusion.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Or in the warframe (they're roughly similar in terms of subjective feel, given the "grain" level of the simulation).


And so does the Tenno in the "chair" (VR pod in the Orbiter compartment).




Only now s/he now knows that what s/he feels doesn't represent reality.  In reality, s/he is only in remote control of the warframe.


But s/he still feels, subjectively, like they're the warframe, or in the warframe.  Just like you the player.


It's perfectly fine to still feel like you're the warframe, or in the warframe.  That's how it's always felt, and that's how it STILL FEELS, both to the fictional Tenno and to you the player playing the fictional Tenno, even after the revelations.


The whole point of the creation of warframes was to enable "consciousness transference" (which, coincidentally, is at least part of the point of the game called "Warframe" too :) ).


That the consciousness transference is an illusion doesn't stop it seeming real, even after it's discovered that it's an illusion.  After all, if it didn't seem real, it wouldn't be an illusion.


My point exactly, and given enough time, the Tenno forgets that he exists in the first place.

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I'll tell you your problem with this narrative.

You play warframe to fulfill a power fantasy. It makes you feel like a badass ninja when fully immersed. Your problem is that D.E. just reminded you that you are actually a 40 year old nobody playing a videogame in your parents basement. You want to play a game to escape yourself, not to be reminded of who you really are.

But this is exactly what is so genius about this plot-line. You are you. Just some kid, in the ultimate video game console and unaware of who you actually are. Wake up, and remember who you are.

As I said before, you want that blue pill so you can stay happy in the Matrix, because your reality is too sad and pitiful to be reminded of.

Warframe is no longer the light dream that it used to be, S#it just got serious and you need time to deal with it.

power fantasy ha ha ha oh my. No Warframe was a light third person shooter. One of the few that was not the simple humans is the good guys/gals yadayada trope. Guess they joined the flock on that generic trope.

That genius plot line is thousands of years old and started in the Talmud with the golem. Hardly an amazing story. Evangelion alone beat that dead horse to death so many times it turned into glue.

And as i said they where hardly the first.

Some of us adults have a hard time trying to be a kid that we could be fathers/mothers of already. But your attempt at personal attacks is noted.

i give it a 2.5 out of 10.

Perhaps you should use all that imagination that let you see yourself as that car to try to understand that opinions are subjective and not absolute truths.

Once you understand that someone can have a vastly different opinion then your own and still be right. Life gets a whole lot easier.

Edited by GhostLacuna
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That's exactly why I don't like it. I'm forced to be a kid I don't care about even though in the past years I've bonded to the Warframes. My favourite game fooled me to believe I was the Warframe, and then just said "nope" and replaced my Mag/Volt avatar with a child. This game is for adults and mature people, how can kids represent us?


Welcome to being woken up and knowing what you truly are. These are the exact emotions that that you should be feeling when faced with such a sudden change. Even you, the tenno, in the game, said "I thought I was...." Even they thought they were the warframes.

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Until told otherwise, physiologically the tenno are still kids. Thousand years-plus is not going to change that.

These people shouldn't not be acting as honorable ninja in the first place,they should have been crazy risk takers.

So if they now actually remember they are kids they should be acting like kids.


Thousands of years plus of warfare does change that. Not physically due to void energy, stasis chambers, cryo sleep, etc. And yes, being younger would tend to favor recklessness over honor or self-control. But you do not regress mentally just because you remember you are a child. Adults suffer things like PTSD, survivors guilt, psychological breakdown due to whether or not their psyche can handle the horrors viewed and/or committed. This would certainly impact a younger mind even more so, especially after such long exposure. Having witnessed some of those horrors first hand and seeing what it can do to the minds of others, I can assure you, the Tenno are not children in any sense of the word other than physical appearance. In fact, it would tend to go the darker route and leave them emotionless, devoid of most human feeling. 


Now, that comparison aside, if DE is looking for a "softer" side of the Tenno, then this may be the best way to approach it if they want people to identify with the operator as human. If they want to give them feeling and a sense of rediscovering their humanity. Personally, I'd rather see a darker more mature Tenno that just happens to be trapped in a younger body. Emotionless, almost robotic in the dispatching of those deemed unworthy to live. Basically a Stalker that fights for the "good guys". LOL

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Thousands of years plus of warfare does change that. Not physically due to void energy, stasis chambers, cryo sleep, etc. And yes, being younger would tend to favor recklessness over honor or self-control. But you do not regress mentally just because you remember you are a child. Adults suffer things like PTSD, survivors guilt, psychological breakdown due to whether or not their psyche can handle the horrors viewed and/or committed. This would certainly impact a younger mind even more so, especially after such long exposure. Having witnessed some of those horrors first hand and seeing what it can do to the minds of others, I can assure you, the Tenno are not children in any sense of the word other than physical appearance. In fact, it would tend to go the darker route and leave them emotionless, devoid of most human feeling. 


Now, that comparison aside, if DE is looking for a "softer" side of the Tenno, then this may be the best way to approach it if they want people to identify with the operator as human. If they want to give them feeling and a sense of rediscovering their humanity. Personally, I'd rather see a darker more mature Tenno that just happens to be trapped in a younger body. Emotionless, almost robotic in the dispatching of those deemed unworthy to live. Basically a Stalker that fights for the "good guys". LOL


Well then they need to stop ACTING like children and start TALKING like adults.


"Couldn't they have cloned something... less ugly?"


Yeah, TOTALLY not something a kid would say at all...

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I'm actually quite happy with everything. I mean, yeah, you could argue that some of this stuff isn't exactly original - but it's the year 2015, almost everything has already been done if you look hard enough. The fact my operator is basically this super-kid doesn't phase me and make me whine - heck, it pretty much just did Halo better than Halo did while being a superhero movie. I'm a surviving 'kid' who got his "race name" from the ship i was on that had an accident and gave me superpowers that are harnessed through these metal-organic "creatures" that allow me to be exactly who I want to be instead of just a kid in a pod.


In a way, it's kinda deep if you look at it, considering it's basically paralleling the actual thing - the player is pretending they are the frame, because that frame is who they want to be (down to doing missions only for loot or doing them because it's the right thing to do). We have always been referred to as "Operator", because the frame is being controlled by an operator. The lore entries on warframes in the codex have also pointed this out, as well as hinting at the frames themselves being something more than just a suit of armor that's nothing but a puppet - to which the various comments from infested bosses help attribute as well (confusion over why their own would fight them). The entire thing reeks of some of my favorite stuff - like Guyver, the crazy-cool alien suit who is only kept in line by the control module - while still following their own paths artistically and the likes. Oh, and our space-mom is way hotter than any Doctor Halsey was, you know, just for bragging rights.


I like having a "me" in game. I get some people don't. Strangely, I rarely ever have myself talk to me during missions unless I'm playing on my subpar-for-gaming laptop. Considering I picked the (mostly unimpressive) 420BLAZE focus, I don't really see myself all that much during missions either.
Also, noone seems to focus at all on the fact that Alad V is referred to as a Orokin, which was an interestingly fun little tidbit IMO.

As to them being kids and acting like kids - if you hung out with the same adults and kids I have, you'd realize that the range of what's childish and whats not can be acted upon by both ages the same. I've heard kids say something like some age-old scientist, and heard an adult think they where being witty with comments as dumb as "your mom is fat."

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That's exactly why I don't like it. I'm forced to be a kid I don't care about even though in the past years I've bonded to the Warframes. My favourite game fooled me to believe I was the Warframe, and then just said "nope" and replaced my Mag/Volt avatar with a child. This game is for adults and mature people, how can kids represent us?


Just came across this which was quoted from earlier in the thread.


It does encapsulate a complaint I've seen a few times, and I think this qualm can be laid to rest by the observation that of course the thing in the chair isn't a "kid", it's fairly old, has seen a lot of S#&$, etc,. etc.  And moreover, it has exactly that personality you've been playing warframe with all along (whether you've been a grizzled veteran, a shy tenno, a mercurial tenno, a vicious tenno, while you've been playing Warframe all this time - then that is the character the thing in the chair has, that's the character you should see it as having.


But DE really made a big mistake in setting the script for some of the in-game VO to express what really appears to be more of a young kid's mentality.  I think it's prevented some number of players from seeing what I said in the previous paragraph (which is the truth given the lore we've got).


So, to all those who are still a bit disturbed or still not settled into the lore, just switch off the in-game Tenno VO, and when you look at the thing in the chair, think of it as having your personality that you've always played the game with (grumpy, devious, sad, etc), but just having a young-looking body by the accident of the events that have transpired.  Also think of it as mentally hugely experienced, as having participated in a vast space war, as having created with others of its kind (who also thought they were "in" their warframes) a whole "Tenno culture". Etc.etc.


There's nothing that can get over if someone just finds playing a thing that looks like a child creepy, so that's understandable.


There's also nothing that can get over if you've played Warframe without much attention to the lore, and you've now got this thing in your ship that you don't want.  Or, if you don't roleplay anything, and just play as yourself.  Again, that's understandable.


But if your qualm is that that you feel you should be roleplaying a child from now on, and you're recoiling against that, then you've got the wrong end of the stick - that ain't no child, it just happens to look like one, and IT derives whatever mentality and personality it has FROM YOU, not the other way round. 

Edited by Omnimorph
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Just came across this which was quoted from earlier in the thread.

It does encapsulate a complaint I've seen a few times, and I think this qualm can be laid to rest by the observation that of course the thing in the chair isn't a "kid", it's fairly old, has seen a lot of S#&$, etc,. etc. And moreover, it has exactly that personality you've been playing warframe with all along (whether you've been a grizzled veteran, a shy tenno, a mercurial tenno, a vicious tenno, while you've been playing Warframe all this time - then that is the character the thing in the chair has, that's the character you should see it as having.

But DE really made a big mistake in setting the script for some of the in-game VO to express what really appears to be more of a young kid's mentality. I think it's prevented some number of players from seeing what I said in the previous paragraph (which is the truth given the lore we've got).

So, to all those who are still a bit disturbed or still not settled into the lore, just switch off the in-game Tenno VO, and when you look at the thing in the chair, think of it as having your personality that you've always played the game with (grumpy, devious, sad, etc), but just having a young-looking body by the accident of the events that have transpired. Also think of it as mentally hugely experienced, as having participated in a vast space war, as having created with others of its kind (who also thought they were "in" their warframes) a whole "Tenno culture". Etc.etc.

There's nothing that can get over if someone just finds playing a thing that looks like a child creepy, so that's understandable.

There's also nothing that can get over if you've played Warframe without much attention to the lore, and you've now got this thing in your ship that you don't want. Or, if you don't roleplay anything, and just play as yourself. Again, that's understandable.

But if your qualm is that that you feel you should be roleplaying a child from now on, and you're recoiling against that, then you've got the wrong end of the stick - that ain't no child, it just happens to look like one, and IT derives whatever mentality and personality it has FROM YOU, not the other way round.

Headcanon/10 Tenno. Are you being paid to try and control people's mind? If people don't like it, then they don't like it. Criticizing it is already a fine course of action, unsatisfied customers are supposed to do that, a game dependent on crowd sourcing is supposed to get this.

The customers don't need to adopt your sugar coated perspective headcanon nor should they have to handicap themselves to deal with this intrusive player insert when an already satisfying way of dealing with it, is criticizing it. These customers don't shape their preferences and opinions around what would make you feel better.

Criticizing the kid pupeteer also doesn't equate to bashing the whole game or anything either. People disliked some aspect of the lore/interface/presentation, and that is being disliked, but that is ok.

Edited by UrielColtan
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