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Best Secondary & Melee Weapons For A Mr3?



Im in MR3 and i wanted to know what is the best secondary & melee weapons for my rank, I NEED BETTER WEAPONS, (not meaning to be rude <-), right know i have the Boltor, The Dex Furis & Dex Dakra. I was thinking about getting the dual kamas, but then i did some research and found out that apparently their not good? (i have a stance for them, thats why i wanted them, plus they look cool). Any feedback would be great, Thanks =D


NEED MORE FEEDBACK PLS (not meaning to be rude)

Edited by helldragon980
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17 answers to this question

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Melee - I use the Ninkondi build it for status and use the elemental and status mods (2 of the drop in Spy one from Hive Sab and the last one from Corrupted Vor). I use Blast and corrosive which give me a very good chance to knock them down. 


Oh for got to add that before the Ninkondi I was using the Dex Dakra as my goto melee. It just looks so good while using it!


Secondary - if you like high power low rate of fire (RoF) get the Lex Prime, Just go on recruiting and look for the right void missions to join. Or you could buy a set cheaply. For a high RoF wep go for the Twin Grakatas or Kohmak. The Kohmak is an awesome weapon, but you will need to get via clan research. 


How to get plat, Join a group doing void missions and then sell all your spare prime parts cheap (sells better in a set, but takes more time). 

Edited by maimus
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So i've had 2 ppl say i should go orthos & 1 say tipedo, so which 1 do i choose? Also InglirousB i cant get the atomos :/. Btw i have no plat, any ideas on how to get some, how much the prime weapons cost, thanks =D

It's true that it is locked at MR 4, but if you aim at the other equipment first and continue your way through the solar map (which also grants you MR) you will be there in no time.

Earning plats is quite okay to do if you do some void missions. Certain prime parts dell for some decent plat and for others you just have to ask low prices (you only need 12 plat for 2 weapon slots)

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Go for what you, or anyone that is indeed MR3, can get right now. My suggestion for you? None. My weapon tastes are extremely different than what you are probably looking for.


If you're interested in what I used, then you should probably take Lex as your secondary weapon, either Burston or Boltor (boltor needs active trajectory prediction, so either you are able to do that or its the wrong weapon for you right off the bat) as your primary weapon... And, probably, Ether Sword as your Melee. Don't forget, these are what anyone at MR3 can get without clinging to other people or, even more serious of an example, worrying about getting whatever lies outside their reach (meaning, going into planets that are obviously locked to a regular MR3 player in which his/her current weapons are useless against enemies at lvl15+).


The weapon choice I used, at the time, was worse than what I stated here. I went all the way up to MR7 with Mk1 weaponry because I like to be at a disadvantage. However, the suggestion I just left is what any MR3 should be able to get without any problem. None of those weapons, if they are supposed to be built on the foundry, need resources beyond the 3 starting planets (Mercury, Venus and Earth). If you already have a primary weapon, then you can take that part out of the equation.

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A man is only as good as his weapon. Even though I do not entirely agree with this statement there is a certain truth in this. Having a decent weapon which you can use for a very long time is really nice to have. Therefor it doesn't matter too much if that weapon is not too easily acquirable since that also makes getting the weapon a goal on itself where the player grows and can work towards a new goal. Moving on beyond the 3 named planets with your friends or Clanmates also boosts your development as a player

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On 08/12/2015 at 0:03 PM, InglriousB said:

Moving on beyond the 3 named planets with your friends or Clanmates also boosts your development as a player.

^ This ^


Despite me agreeing with it, I don't advise fellow players into doing that unless specific resources are needed... Like Plastids. But apparently, "boss hunting to unlock every planet immediately after the tutorial while being carried by a veteran player" seems to be fashion... Besides being wrong, because the game difficulty simply isn't there because of the stronger veteran, its also half way into getting someone to give up from the game... Because they think that the game is as easy as the veteran showed him/her/them than what it really is... And then there's a reality check when they suddently go Solo a mission somewhere, which makes up for the rest of the way to give up on the game. Or, teaming up with players of the same "level" as them...


I thought I should leave this advice here for future players, in case someone actually specifically reads this topic.

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As far as secondary weapons go, Stug.  Explosive sticky balls of toxin.  Good damage, also a grenade launcher, automatic firing, and the alt-fire is a charged shot.  Does everything you need, really.

For melee, anything really, Nothing is going to stand out terribly far at that low a level.  Everything is going to be mastery fodder for you.  You'll get a great sword from the Second Dream quest, and if you like heavy weapons, you can turn it into a top-tier heavy weapon, negating most of the questions about what direction you should go for mid-late game weapons.

Personally though, I say to make sure you have a Vasto and Skana available because at MR4, you can survive some void missions, snag some argon (check all the loot containers, they drop argon too), and make my clan's official melee weapon of choice, the Redeemer.  A shotgunsword with good attack speed, and a savagely awesome charge attack that will either:  send enemies flying... or kill them.  Silent Shotgun with Infinite Ammo.  (Okay, the fire rate is tepid at best for shotgun blasts, but it is still very manageable.)

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Meh...not good is relative...


I'll give you a few recommendations and i'll explain why, not in consideration of theyr corresponding mr .. just get them asap.


For secondarys: furis, synoid gammacor, atomos.

The furis has a new loka syndicate mod that adds life steal, what makes it a supreme tactical choice . It adds ranged healing and gives you the possibility to dropp life strike from your melee weapon. It's a pretty decent choice in generall, especially once you start running into nullifiers and need a fast hitting weapon to shred the bubble...given that you use a frame where you wanna avoid them.

Synoid gammacor and atomos share the best secondary dps, gammacor focused on singletarget dps, atomos on multitarget dps. The atomos is probably the overall better choice as you have better ammo efficiency.

As for melee weapons: dual swords, including dual kamas, have, except for dex dakras, among the best crit base in the game. Melee crit got a huge boost with recent mods (to be specific the ones that dropped on shadow debt) what makes them the strongest melee damage weapons in the game.

My personal favorite are nikana weapons tho as they have the best mixed crit+status base in the game. Getting better starting from nikana-dragon nikana to nikana prime.

Nikanas are strong slash weapons without stance multipliers, what makes them a ideal choice for offhand melee. The mixed status and crit base gives you some room to play around. Building for, for example(my recommendation), status viral and crit not only does pretty messed up damage but also proccs viral and slash. Viral halves enemy health and the slash status attacks enemy health directly while scaling from the weapons base damage and crit. Red critting slash status for about 90-120k:

*Ignores corupus shields

*ignores any type of armor

*while the damage itself does bonus damage vs infested.

for 33% of this damage over time (30k-40k finisher dot), on halfed health. No matter how much damage you do on the hit (falloff vs armored enemys), what adds a layer of o.p. on top of the mad damage you're able to do.

Badass damage+ bonus damage that ignores scaling+ stealth(naramon)+ survivability(furis, possibility to fight nullifier bubbles wo switching weapons)+ synergy (status combo and offhand melee )is about as good as it can possibly get.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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I would look into getting a marelok or a vaykor marelok. The dex furis aren't really that powerful and eat ammo way too fast. Besides, Twin Grakata makes the dex furis invalid.


As primaries go Boltor Prime is the standard weaponry for high tier content but you could get any prime primary ( Paris prime, Vectis prime, latron prime, soma prime,  etc) Shotguns are pretty strong last time i checked. Hek might be something you wanna check out drakgoon isn't too shabby 


For melee, most quick weapons like the kamas don't do very high damage per hit, But they do it fast... Id recommend Orthos (or orthos prime), galatine, jat kittag. Some sparing weapons ( punching weapons ) have really powerful stances but i can't remember them off the top of my head

Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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