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Ask A Cephalon, Dec 10


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Alright,recording on... So,Cephalon Cordylon (I dearly hope I'm not butchering your name...) I have a couple questions. Feel free to answer one,both,or none. I'm sure answers will come... Eventually.


So! First off,after perusing ancient historical archives wherever I could,most notably Derelicts,the Void,and,most recently,Sol's most famous secondary satellite,I've encountered records of a festival day,celebrated by a significant fraction of Ancient Earth's peoples,that fell on the first day of the seventh month. Most Tenno I've mentioned this to presume I'm mistaken for the already well-known festive day that occurs three days later. Do you have any theories as to why this festival more-or-less fell out of the annals of history? My research unveiled that it involved technicolour pyrotechnic displays above densely populated regions,and certain ritual consumptions,the nature of which I cannot even begin to fathom.


Second,more related to more present concerns. The Corpus are getting more and more dangerous. While the Grineer just pile on more armour and firepower,the Corpus have developed technologies specifically tailored to neutralizing us,as well as incredibly powerful directed energy weapons,and even magnetic weapons. This question relates to the later. This one's been making me go cross-eyed every time I try to think about it; Why in the Lotus' name do railguns like the Lanka and Velocitus have a subsonic muzzle velocity!? Ancient records indicate that many such weapons in the past had hypersonic velocities,sometimes even approaching relativistic speeds! Some of them impacted with the force of a small-scale nuclear weapon,though these ones are often appended with the statement, "Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest <DATA CORRUPTED> in space".


(Yes,the first is me snarking at DE for not celebrating Canada Day,despite them being Canadian themselves,and the second is just me going "DE,WAI!?" about their questionable railgun design choices.)

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Oh the great Cor-TTTTZZZZ PILE OF RUBBISH- ordylon, just i wanted to ask, i was defeated by stalker and ever since then, i've been feeling weird.

for instance, i once tried to strangle one of my friends an-I WAS SO CLOSE- and i almost killed him. at least that was what Cephalon Ordis has been telling me... i couldnt remember... all i could remember was waking up in a medical unit with amnesia...

does the stalker have some kind of mind control device? If so, ho-AND YOU'LL BE NEXT!-how would i get rid of it?

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Ever since I awoke, I've felt an inexplicable affinity toward the Grineer which my fellow Tenno frown upon. I've had Harkonar armour grafted onto my frame and it frequently attracts the attention of a few Butchers, who tend to silently follow me until I board my Liset. Is this some lingering side-effect of the Ascaris Bolt? And would Ordis take offense if I were to allow one of these 'friendly' Butchers aboard my ship?

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Hey i have a question when i log in on the PS4 the chat will not load, how do i fix it

Ask A Cephalon is (primarily) about lore-related questions. To get an answer to your question, I'd either suggest the Players helping Players forum or PS4 Beta Bugs forum.


Does Lotus have many non-Tenno agents? What sort of tasks does she assign to them?

Getting caught for us to rescue them. :P

Edited by Bibliothekar
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As demonstrated by many notable Grineer 'hierarchs', such as Vor and Vay Hek, is the Grineer power structure always in such flux with more powerful commanders cutting down both subordinates and superiors, or are Vor and Hek just exceptionally more prone to violence? I understand that the Grineer are all hard-programmed, in a sense, to be subservient to their Twin Queens, but I do have to ask: does the Hierarchy beneath the Queens always shift in this manner?


In other words: do Grineer always kill their leaders and followers in efforts to gain more praise from their Queens, or are Vor and Hek just exceptions?

Edited by Krion112
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Cephalon Cordylon, I've been wondering... What is the purpose of Syndicate Medallions, and what are they doing all over the place in Corpus and Grineer bases of all places?


Also, all I have done for syndicates is shoot up Grineer and Corpus outposts and ships, I never assaulted any of their operatives, and yet they send hit squads at me. Why? Is it simple pettiness? Or is there something I'm missing as to why attacking a Grineer base for the Red Veil makes the Arbiters of Hexis angry even though my allies who support them tell me they are doing exactly the same thing to Grineer?


Thank you!

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Why are the Red Veil and Steel Meridian allies? I would think an organization dedicated to a near-genocidal "cleanse" of the system and one devoted to protecting the innocents caught in the crossfire would be at odds on an essential level.

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Dear Cordylon,


I would happen to be curious if you knew anything about an individual known as Kaleen. In Ember's history she is mentioned and I cannot help but notice that the Steel Meridian's leader who is currently unnamed matches her description rather well. "Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression."  Is there any light you could shed on this matter?

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I seem to have picked up a bad habit from my shipboard Ordis unit, and am now caught saying random stuff like "For the Tenno" or "We fought with honor" while on missions. Firstly, do you have any suggestions to fix this issue; secondly, does this revolver sniper rifle really count as honorable when I splatter their cortex/CPU/nanospore-addled brain across the wall from over several 100 meters away; and lastly, For the Tenno.

Edited by Salenstormwing
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Cephalon Cordylon,

does your vast knowlegde allow you to predict the future to an extend?

Do you foresee that the Syndicates will shaping the future of the orokin system, or will they be stuck in their limbo of doing nothing more in the future than to provide us with weapons and mods and sending us to missions that seemingly have no affect on the overall political landscape??

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