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New Stalker Is Awful


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Kite kite kite i beat him with ivara last night the fight lasted about 2 minutes took a while to line up my cernos shots since he spams exalted blade and i couldnt afford to take a single hit on ivara but he isnt unbeatable not even close just reauires you to be light on your feet and quick to aim and you have to lure him to a room without enemies thats the purpose of having advance warning so you jave time tp escape combat and fight him alone.

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I defeated the Sentient Stalker when he randomly spawned and I was solo without maxed gear. It might have been a little challenging, but for a full team I am sure that is nothing at all.

My fight with him was an exercise in pure frustration. I got a couple good shots off, and then he adapted to the weapon I was carrying, and I was incapable of damaging him. Dumping a full clip into him (scoped) wouldn't even take down his shields, and he'd regen before I could reload. It was especially frustrating because he was almost dead when his resistances kicked in, so I was watching his shields laugh at my damage from atop a nearly depleted health bar.


The fight in its current state has the possibility to become impossible. That should not be the case. Having resistances decay over time would allow you to kite him while they decay until you can deal damage to him again.

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I've started to bring vapour spectres with element loudouts different to my prefered elements for this reason, I'll do all the damage I can, if I fail to kill him pop a spectre and let it get to work. (I pretty much go corrosive on every mission type, turn grineer to butter, and with infested ancients get elemental priority since gas isn't very effective on them and rabble dont need gas to kill. If it's really high level corpus I might change but usually corrosive is enough for them too)

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Personally, I like him more than the Stalker who one-shotted you with a BS aimbot from across the room... Or the Stalker who teleported behind you and stagger locked you with Hate and you couldn't do anything about it... Or the Stalker who you didn't quite realized had casted Absorb until you'd filled it with lead and it one-shorted you even though you thought you were far enough away... Who all happened to be the same Stalker.

I like being able to dodge his attacks now. It feels like player skill plays a much bigger role in this fight, even though he still really can't stand up to the severely power-creeped weapons we have to play with.

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Actually, revives now remove affinity from both items and focus(outside of mission) as of the latest patch, to my knowledge.

Note that the devs specifically said that the affinity cost doesnt actually do anything patch notes are a thing i suggest any player serious enough about this game to post feedback read those

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Note that the devs specifically said that the affinity cost doesnt actually do anything patch notes are a thing i suggest any player serious enough about this game to post feedback read those

18.0.7 states that reviving does, in fact, reduce XP and 18.0.8 shows that it is possible to lose affinity to the point where a warframe will lose a rank. Maybe you should read patch notes :)

Edited by alexmach1
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So many people saying he's either too hard or too easy, and few are saying the actual issue with new stalker is that his drop table is actually pretty goofed up. And I really want to make this a movement to bring his table on par with Grustrag 3 and Zanuka Hunter. With Stalker and his rarity of appearance versus his competitors, along with his extremely high likelihood to drop a blue mod and a resource, it feels kind of like his table is glitched more than anything. I haven't even got his ultra common Dread in a while which feels... very weird since I'd get that thing left and right.


Honestly, if anything, the issue is his table for thwarting him. It is woefully broken compared to G3 and Zanuka Hunter/Harvester. I think some noise needs to be made, it'd be towards the benefit of all players if it gets fixed.


It feels more like another defeat to pound him into the dirt and get a Heavy Impact for the effort.

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Stalker doesn't demand that you have a "good" loadout, he simply demands you have a diverse loadout

Translation: Stalker is a gear check.

We covered this. RNG gear checks are not good for the game. If you have an appropriate loadout, he's still ridiculously easy. If you don't; he's ridiculously time-consuming to defeat, or just plain impossible.

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I typically solo. When he shows up i just quit the mission because he is annoying. I'm not afraid of him I'm irritated by him just showing up.



That isn't what I mean. I'm saying yes it should be harder without the proper loadout. But still possible. Being completely unbeatable? That shouldn't even be possible. Leaving the room is beating him to me. Its not worth fighting an enemy that has made itself completely unfair to solo players. He was fair before now im just disgusted by his design. All i can say about him is his visual upgrades look pretty cool.

He's not completely unbeatable, not by a long shot.  In fact, I thought the thread title was sarcasm.


I've had two Stalker pops since the update(both solo), and I beat him handily both times.  Both times where with loadouts that past experience has told me I'd have my hands full. 


I seriously thought he had gotten easier.  His attacks are better telegraphed, he's not handling being melee'd nearly as well, and really I've found him easier to hit.  The one nod I can give him is that he seems to have lasted longer--I've had to actually switch weapons because there's no way I'm going to try to reload with him.


And that right there might be the whole reason I'm not having a whole lot of trouble with him.  My secondary is always a different setup than my primary because it's always a complimentary weapon.  I don't need to carry a secondary that does exactly what my primary does because if that's what I wanted, I'd just use the primary in the first place.

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Actually, one thing I've always wanted officially confirmed, a mild nuisance that many still swear by. The actual true (as in not speculated) calculations that are taken into account regarding Stalker's appearance. Has always sounded like some weird superstitious ritual to strip down your frames and gear just to get Stalker to appear. I wish there was a DE staff debunking of it (or confirmation?) to get this out of the way once and for all. Personally I'd think it wouldn't matter, and actually is more a bad thing than a good thing unless you... y'know, were into hard-mode?


My doubt comes from the fact that it wouldn't be fair for an early player to get more stomped than a new player and that would generally be a bad impression on newer players. If anything, it would make more sense to target a stronger player since they are more "tainted". Hah, maybe there should be a hidden "sin" counter as well.

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"I can't beat him when I have unranked weapons on!" Good! A Skillful assassin WOULD attack his target when they are at their most vulnerable. Stop complaining about the stalker and GIT GUD.

Are you seriously using ROLEPLAY to justify this rubbish? And how "gud" can you possibly "git" when he's literally cheating to become unkillable because you didn't optimise your loadout for something you had no way of knowing is coming? Utter logic fail.

First off, swearing at people will get you juicy warning points, second, you are the one that killed bosses, so you are solely responsible for the Stalker coming after you, doubly so because you did the Second Dream, and in fact, you did your own upgrade to the Stalker.


He should be almost impossible to kill because that's whole point of the upgrade.


You have 4 revives. Burn one and move on. Nothing bad happens.


The entire game is a "gear check", not exactly a new thing.

What utter rot. Yes, the game is mostly a gear check. But not a frickin' RNG gear check! You optimise your loadout before you take on Nightmare missions or Raids or Sorties, but the Stalker just comes at you from NOWHERE. And your point about how he should be unbeatable and randomly screw you over at any possible time because you were, let's see, playing the game is absolute nonsense.

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Can someone tell me how many full on 60000 dmg shots from sancti tigris can this stalker facetank? Before immunity kicks in? I wonder if they actually made a broken enemy.


About 3, You can 90% of the time get him at or bellow half HP. Then just switch to some other weapon and finish the job. Sancti Tigris basically makes it a joke since you can get him to low HP quickly and it freaks out his AI.

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Sooo your saying a ASSASSIN should fight you fair.... He shouldn't spawn unless your capable of killing him. Think about your life choices for a second. Does that sound rational to you? 

He's not a goddamn assassin, he's a video game character. If he's an unbalanced piece of crap who does nothing but get on your nerves with his cheap bull then he's a flaw in the game. You really need to stop applying real-world logic to this.

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Are you seriously using ROLEPLAY to justify this rubbish? And how "gud" can you possibly "git" when he's literally cheating to become unkillable because you didn't optimise your loadout for something you had no way of knowing is coming? Utter logic fail.

What utter rot. Yes, the game is mostly a gear check. But not a frickin' RNG gear check! You optimise your loadout before you take on Nightmare missions or Raids or Sorties, but the Stalker just comes at you from NOWHERE. And your point about how he should be unbeatable and randomly screw you over at any possible time because you were, let's see, playing the game is absolute nonsense.


1. hes not cheating he is using lore. Get your facts straight its not cheating if its actual game mechanics.



2. Then don't get marked by stalker if you can't handle him spawning.


3. He spawns so rarely and inconsistently that to call it unfair is rubbish. If a enemy has a 1%  chance to spawn, that isn't a high enough chance to warrent him being easy and fair. He is by lore standards suppose to be unfair.



This is all I can tell you, can't handle it stop killing bosses because that is what makes him spawn. You obviously aren't the type of person to play games like Dark Souls and if you do I am disappointing that you can't get past this gripe.

Edited by Feallike
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I just think his appearance pretty much is RNG and leaving it at that. You just happen to get the poor end of the draw with you being unprepared. You can always abort too, you know. No shame in that I believe.


Edit: Plus, few chances at something good at around 4 minutes into a mission anyways.

Edited by MartinVole
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1. hes not cheating he is using lore. Get your facts straight its not cheating if its actual game mechanics.



2. Then don't get marked by stalker if you can't handle him spawning.


3. He spawns so rarely and inconsistently that to call it unfair is rubbish. If a enemy has a 1%  chance to spawn, that isn't a high enough chance to warrent him being easy and fair. He is by lore standards suppose to be unfair.



This is all I can tell you, can't handle it stop killing bosses because that is what makes him spawn. You obviously aren't the type of person to play games like Dark Souls and if you do I am disappointing that you can't get past this gripe.

so dont try to get more frames?

what if you can handle the stalker but you just dont have the right gear?

dark souls wasnt all about this current type of rubbish, i see people with weird builds beat others with serious builds as well, that game is more about skill and knowledge, meanwhile the stalker is about having the right gear.

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