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Sorties Are Too Easy


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Only too easy if you have high end gear. Remember you can play sorties at MR4. So tell me now is it for endgame or veterans? Clearly not.
I would just call Sorties for "Cheese Land". Basically the sorties limit you for like 10-14 weapons and like 7-8 frames if you dont want to spend like 30+ minutes each mission.

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Only too easy if you have high end gear. Remember you can play sorties at MR4. So tell me now is it for endgame or veterans? Clearly not.

I would just call Sorties for "Cheese Land". Basically the sorties limit you for like 10-14 weapons and like 7-8 frames if you dont want to spend like 30+ minutes each mission.


Typical sortie setup say vs corpus with a Clan.




My pug experience today.

2 Mags.

Except mine is the only one with enough power strength and range to remove 100% shields at maximum range, with Arcane Coil.

Primed Flow for bomb and CC spammage since my efficiency is only 35%.

1 Excal that is semi decent. The MR12.

1 Mirage that is not an Eclipse buffer, neither is she a Blind Mirage.


Long range CC is nil.

Only very short range CC.

No snowglobe.


That is why I love pugging Sorties, never know what you gonna get or do.

P.S. I love Vazarin New Moon even moar, instant revives for me.






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I still feel some people just need to take a break every now and then.

I still can't even touch Sorties for the most part. If DE makes them any harder we'll have the Everquest Effect.


Basically what happened is a top raiding guild kept calling all new content "too easy" that they "finished it too quickly" even though they made up less than 1% of the total gaming audience. So the devs listened to them, of course, and kept increasing the difficulty of new raids. However, this was never truly "difficult" for the raiding guild because Everquest raiding was literally -all they did-. Eventually new players couldn't even touch the difficulty scope of the 'end game' content because it was set on such a high demand AND the veteran players left because it was still "too easy".


Moral of the story: Don't listen to a game's elite members who constantly bray for difficulty.

Edited by AshenHaze
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I just wish sorties had special variations that were only acessible through doing sorties.


Like Take sortie survival for example. I think it would be a whole lot more fun if sortie survivals took place in defense maps, No life support, just massive waves of enemies for the time limit,


Sortie Defense could be made less dull by at least giving you a change of scenery. You would need to defend 3 different targets, 5 waves each.


things like that

That's Uranus tileset defense for you.

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Really they are pretty easy to do, except for spy and rescue. But I always disliked those two game modes so that nit really helping really, but I don't understand when people saying it's yo easy and u see you bring Mag to a corpus mission. I don't care what you say but mag, banshee these two frames ARE OP if used right, but most people don't know...

You guys gotta remember they can't always release things for the veterans and players who have been playing warframe for a long time because there simply not enough of that player base that still play. Most of the players I see are low ranking lvl 4-6(i say low because you don't unlock usefull or just unlocked still haven't mastered them

Making the Sorties Mr15+ would be idiotic it would be me saying I want better things so let's make it Mr 20 (that rank pretty much means you have tried all the weapons, frame sanitinel.... Blahhh Blahhh Blahhh see my point but yeah there are just n I think enough people on that group of players to benefit DE. The casual players are who are paying for this games...

All you hard-core gamer when was the last time you actually bought Plat I think a very long time since by now you probably have farmed all you required Frame. And have plenty of spare parts to sells and mods to sell, heck I can make around 5k Plat a day by just buying and selling stuff soooo yeah this game needs to make the new Comer want to buy Plat and not make them Wana quit this game because they keep putting content that is way to hard for them.

Anyway that just my opinion lol take it or leave it. :d have a nice day and happy holidays guys

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for those people out their tellign this fine fine gentleman that he is selfish, you all need to open a can of "get good" and stop *@##$ing. too many times has the fate of this game been dictated by the nubs, those who refuse to actually lay the game, get good and want everything handed to them.  To you and those people you may all go and *@##$ else where and cause i am tired of this game being nerfed beyond recognition.


WOW, this is the first time I've encountered a player like you this side of Destiny's Bungie Forums, please tell me you are being ironic and players like you don't exist in this game :\.

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Anything in this game is too easy because either Trinity or top tier weapons like Tonkor.


Really, the only way they can provide a CONSISTENT challenge is to limit us to a few frames/weapons (that are provided if necessary for the duration of the mission) with set stats and build a mission around it.


Id be completely fine with that.

Edited by Misgenesis
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I didn't bother reading all the pages, so I don't know if it was suggested already, but: Bullet sponges lvl100 enemies are, in my opinion, a wrong way to go. It's not really challenging, only tedious. Why can't we have sorties with enemies like the Nightwatch Corps? That was far more entertaining and it forced many to actually think how to approach a mission, albeit being just an extermination. I would welcome that rather than bullet sponges and artificial difficulty.

Edited by Genitive
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Yes, they are too easy for what they are supposed to be. I don't even bother to search for a decent team for them. Your average random pub teams, usually half useless (very low MR/ low level frames/weapons), so far were enough to do them all on the first try.


Doing 4 rounds on Draco with a random pub team can be far harder at times depending on the usefulness level of your random teammates. And 60 minutes T3 or T4 survival is definitely harder.


And what's that with "endgame content" and MR4? Seriously DE just raise the MR requirements to something that is reasonable (MR12 maybe?) and the difficulty to around that of nightmare alerts + the additional modifiers like elemental resistance and so on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Master rank means nothing all that requires is to level up frames and weapons Draco runs max everything in the first four rounds been solo the sorties with few exceptions as it stands they should start using conclave or limit the weapons you use or what mods personal experience aside new players will find the cheesy at worst or do able at best. But if you still think it's easy run a volt with basic mods with mk1 weapons have fun with that challenge bet no one will do that

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No, just no. Sorties is my hell. They dont have to be harder. I dont want to waste more time than one hour for it. Now i have nezha then i dont need to go dorties again. Maybe in season 4 DE will give use another wraith/vandal weapon on parts? I will be happy about Quanta Vandal because quanta aufeis skin :P

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I saw a lot of stuff about the sorties. I saw today, this morning, a video from REVXDEV about him talking about these complains about the game, and he gives a pretty good idea of how it can work. If you dont have seen this video look for it. 


But im not here to make propaganda. 

I think the most of us, including me, want something really hard and with freaking awesome rewards. But lets face it, cant happen! It will exclude lot of people that still dont have end game weapons or all good mods, or dont know any "cheasy" way of completing missions. But they still want to have fun, and they deserve it.



I think sorties need to change a few things, but its harder when you have lots of high lvl players that have almost all of the stuff and other lots of low lvl players with lots of stuff to do. How to find the middle term is the problem.

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Hell no, even 15 waves defense and 20 min survival are easy with the right team but guess what? it takes too much time!!!.

Yesterday sortie had md, then defense and finally survival, took me an hour to finish (got a leg core but still it was annoying).

Todays sortie.... oh yes, hive, rescue and spy, you can finish it in 30 mins or less, now thats efficient.



Leg Core? Damn you and your RNG luck...


In all seriousness, Sorties feel like a time waster. Especially the Defense missions. It's just so bland to me, no fun whatsoever. 

Edited by RenegadeJonesy
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Sorties are not difficult: they are cheap.


- Enemies 1 kill shot.

- Nullifiers +80 level all over the map.

- They take anergy.

- Absurd bullet sponges.

- They take their shields, life.

- We can only use certain types of weapons.

- We can only use one weapon.


I love the design decisions [DE]. First, make a game engine provides options where to play. Then his idea of "hardship" involves remove all that, the player.

Edited by Awazx
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This. Warframe has a serious problem with enemy levels, I don't like to fight enemies with 3 million HP, 30 thousand armor or 60 thousand shields, who can also kill me in 2 hits from their sub-machine-gun.



Sorties are not difficult: they are cheap.
- Enemies 1 kill shot.
- Nullifiers +80 level all over the map.
- They take anergy.
- Absurd bullet sponges.
- They take their shields, life.
- We can only use certain types of weapons.
- We can only use one weapon.
I love the design decisions [DE]. First, make a game engine provides options where to play. Then his idea of "hardship" involves remove all that, the player.


While I agree to a degree, this is not the root issue. Warframe does not have a enemy level problem because it's entirely possible for DE to have reasonably leveled enemies with reasonable firepower and/or situations. DE has shown this in multiple instances in both events and tactical alerts. No, high leveled enemies that are bullet sponges is a symptom. 


DE's issue is that Warframe has a Warframe(Or more specifically an Arsenal) problem. Aka, the game seems to not want to or does not know how to limit the power you can have. Corrupted mods, elemental mods, primed mods, and now the most recent culprit drift exilus mods. In a normal environment(Which is majority of the game with voids,farming nodes like ceres, or assassinations), it becomes a matter of taking the warframe and weapons with the most *potential*(Key word I'll explain in the next paragraph), taking your mods with the most broken combination(magnetic for shields, corrosive for armor, corrosive projection etc.) and then proceeding to melt face for the whole mission. 


Because of this DE backed themselves into a corner. No player is gonna want to part ways with the insane amount of power they currently possess, nor can they implement a balance change because it involves reworking the entire system. The only sane, yet, temporary solution is to increase the health and damage of enemies and make sure they scale as much as they can. 


I mention potential as well because on their own the weapons and warframes(In particular) aren't that broken. I guess the best example, since it is a common frame to bring up in a situation like this, is Valkyr. On paper god mode with extremely damaging melee weapons and life steal is indeed powerful(Hell I will state that I want at least one of those features to be moved to another ability to at the very least keep the see-saw of power in check and help spread that power.). However, Valkyr is actually not that powerful without certain mods. 


Give her the basic 130% stat mods(Intensify, Reg. Continuity, streamline) and you notice that even with a good set of weapon mods the damage you deal is sometimes not enough to kill them quickly. It then the situation becomes a draining problem and then it becomes a tanking problem because now you can't clear enemies fast enough so disarming hysteria  can potentially be your death. So it becomes a question of careful tanking with good spacing.


Then you slap corrupted mods on top, then nightmare mods, and finally drift mods. Now you can not only not worry about the consequences of a godly ability while dishing out insane damage. Just like that the framework of the ability is destroyed. Up until a rather disgusting enemy level you can kill so quickly and stay in that form for an extended amount of time that the downside of receiving damage becomes null thanks to mods.


We don't get stronger because enemies are becoming increasingly annoying with bullet sponges and easy combos that can kill us. It's the other way around.

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