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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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My clan just finished wukong research, still has 1 day 9 hours to go.  That is from the time of release until now.  So about two weeks?  Come back in two weeks, if you (or I or anyone) do not have Nezha parts by then.  Complain away.

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say hello to vauban the gated behind alerts frame who you can't even trade for the parts

I got enough parts to build two Vaubans after obtaining one. I wish it's parts could be traded. In stead I sold them for credits. They make up for easy credits.

I would not mind Nezha in sorties if the parts were guaranteed. Maybe making each part a reward for each stage of the sortie. Three stages, three parts, and no one is realy harmed. Of course you would have a flood of Nezha parts, but then there would be no need to make it available for trade and no one would scam other players.

The way Nezha has been implemented is rather game breaking right now.

Oh, by the way, I am pretty much sure Nezha is a he, in the myth Nezha is a dude, called the Lotus Prince, and the frame has no breasts. A girly man, but a man after all.

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People are forgetting that Nezha was not meant for us and need to be grateful that DE not only brought it here but made it tradeable.


So we should be grateful that an arguably "ok" 'Frame is locked behind end-game missions that realistically are only accessible to high MR players with 6+ Forma and Primed mods in all their favorite gear?


Yay - thanks DE! And this isn't even a Primed 'Frame! I can't wait to see what DE does for the primed version of Nezha! /s


Sarcasm aside...I'd also like to point out that in order to trade his parts with another player, you have to grind for those parts first. To exchange or sell an item, you have to have it in your possession.


Given the drop rates and time gate, good luck getting said parts.


I may as well just save up some plat for him...but this kind of begs the question: Is Nezha HONESTLY worth the tedious grind or money / plat?

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this makes me feel like I HAVE to do sorties. WHen it feels obligatory, it becomes a grind. "Og we need to get the sortie out of the way today so we can do the stuff we actually plan on doing to have fun or advance"


Not happy with this. But at least the parts are tradeable.


There is no obligation still the frame is not indispensable, you can do without him

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So we should be grateful that an arguably "ok" 'Frame is locked behind end-game missions that realistically are only accessible to high MR players with 6+ Forma and Primed mods in all their favorite gear?


Yay - thanks DE! And this isn't even a Primed 'Frame! I can't wait to see what DE does for the primed version of Nezha! /s


Sarcasm aside...I'd also like to point out that in order to trade his parts with another player, you have to grind for those parts first. To exchange or sell an item, you have to have it in your possession.


Given the drop rates and time gate, good luck getting said parts.


I may as well just save up some plat for him...but this kind of begs the question: Is Nezha HONESTLY worth the tedious grind or money / plat?

I did one set of the missions with just a single buddy, neither with forma'd gear (although the gear we used was rank 30). My buddy was just a MR10. I'm not saying that the Sorties are super accessible - but they aren't accessible to only the best players with a bajillion things in them either. Sometimes, you really just gotta know how to game the system with what you got in order to get through them and hope for a good spin on the 3-set roulette

Also, considering that full sets of frame parts that are hidden behind T4 keys that only drop once per 4th cycle are floating around in the trading market, Nezha parts will do the same - it's just a matter of time. Some people thrive on that kind of content, and they will just do sorties because it's there thing - just like all the players that love that PvP or seeing if they can hold out for 5+ hours in a survival match. I'm not going to say the prices will be fair - especially at first (look at those original lense prices) - but over time they will drop. Like you, I'll probably not get it until luck bequeaths me with a 75% off discounts, some gift cards, or cheap enough trade prices pop up.

As to your last question, that's a personal thing for every single frame in the game really. I still don't have an Ash Prime - but I don't get along with T4 RNGesus. Will I get him eventually? Maybe, I'll see what happens. Until then, the grind for him is beyond my desire so I just leave it in the background (because unlike Nezha, I'm sure the fact he'll eventually end up in a vault means my choice will never come back to bite me in the booty).

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One of the few times I wish Baro would sell a frame. Wouldn't be a perfect scenario, but at least it's a doable solution. But either way I am pretty much put in a situation where is it is far better to farm for as many things I can sell for plat so I can buy him in the marketplace than get him with the alternative path that is offered to get the parts. It's Mesa all over again.

Edited by ACRavenXA26483
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I understand some of your pain, but people need to remember DE does this for a living.  I would venture a guess, get all the plat you can for it up front, let the rest try their luck.  When that has sorted itself out, they'll make it readily available be another means. 

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Probably been said a thousand times before, but why not simply remove from the reward list the parts that you already obtained this season? I mean, during Season 1, I received 2 Dera parts twice; two times the same Karak Wraith parts (which I already had, as many other players); three times x25 fusion cores and a Lense.


We shouldn't be able to get the exact same rewards during a season: otherwise, we risk being screwed over and over again by RNGesus.

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I may as well just save up some plat for him...but this kind of begs the question: Is Nezha HONESTLY worth the tedious grind or money /plat?

I refuse to pay for it.

I bought Equinox and Atlas because I wanted them and didn't feel like grinding for them (Equinox was too many parts, and Atlas was locked behind AW which I love in concept but is seriously lacking in development right now). That was my choice and I have no issue with that.

But this stuff with Nezha? It's basically saying we want you to buy it with Plat.

No thank you, I will happily choose to spend my money but I won't be forced.

Now, hopefully DE plans to eventually change how it is acquired and make it actually obtainable to the general community without locking it to A) End game content and B) a real life shattering rotating time lock. I have no idea why DE thinks this Warframe should be available only to those that can do end game stuff unless this is a new model they are going with where a certain class of playerbase is rewarded with timed early exclusives.

If they eventually remove the paywall and make this frame actually farmable I will then make the decision to pay for it or farm it, but until then......I don't need it.

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I did one set of the missions with just a single buddy, neither with forma'd gear (although the gear we used was rank 30). My buddy was just a MR10. I'm not saying that the Sorties are super accessible - but they aren't accessible to only the best players with a bajillion things in them either. Sometimes, you really just gotta know how to game the system with what you got in order to get through them and hope for a good spin on the 3-set roulette

Also, considering that full sets of frame parts that are hidden behind T4 keys that only drop once per 4th cycle are floating around in the trading market, Nezha parts will do the same - it's just a matter of time. Some people thrive on that kind of content, and they will just do sorties because it's there thing - just like all the players that love that PvP or seeing if they can hold out for 5+ hours in a survival match. I'm not going to say the prices will be fair - especially at first (look at those original lense prices) - but over time they will drop. Like you, I'll probably not get it until luck bequeaths me with a 75% off discounts, some gift cards, or cheap enough trade prices pop up.

As to your last question, that's a personal thing for every single frame in the game really. I still don't have an Ash Prime - but I don't get along with T4 RNGesus. Will I get him eventually? Maybe, I'll see what happens. Until then, the grind for him is beyond my desire so I just leave it in the background (because unlike Nezha, I'm sure the fact he'll eventually end up in a vault means my choice will never come back to bite me in the booty).


This was a nicely crafted and well thought out response. So this gets a response and a +1.


You make some good points and I mostly agree with you, though I'd argue that with regard to Primed 'Frames (and weapons for that matter) that typically only one part is walled behind a T4 mission, so some consolation there. With Nezha, all his parts are behind a time-gated and drawn out version of T4. Going the route of farming for parts, I'd conclude that a Primed 'Frame is potentially easier / faster to obtain than Nezha - at least for now.


And yes, T4 RNGesus does tend to be rather capricious.

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This was a nicely crafted and well thought out response. So this gets a response and a +1.


You make some good points and I mostly agree with you, though I'd argue that with regard to Primed 'Frames (and weapons for that matter) that typically only one part is walled behind a T4 mission, so some consolation there. With Nezha, all his parts are behind a time-gated and drawn out version of T4. Going the route of farming for parts, I'd conclude that a Primed 'Frame is potentially easier / faster to obtain than Nezha - at least for now.


And yes, T4 RNGesus does tend to be rather capricious.


 One detail I would like to add about prime items.  Most things have at least one part behind t4 or t3.  Often times it's just one part there while the rest of the parts are in tier 1 or 2.  There is very little that you can complete as a prime if you aren't doing tier three and four actively.  So any prime item generally requires you to already be good enough to beat tier fours regularly.

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If it gives us a part for nezha then it needs to be a part that we don't have. I can deal with the RNG rewards in sortie missions but if I get ten goddamned helmets and no systems I am going to be a very angry tenno.



Meanwhile despair has not dropped for me from over 100 stalker attacks.



Edited by P0TAT0CANN0N
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OK, we seem to be going nowhere. So, either we make a petition (Which is $&*&*#(%&) or we make a reasonable agreement here. I am not saying we give up and no longer push for Nezha being acquired in a way other than sorties, but well, if that is not an options at least I would like DE to promise they will never do that again.
I would like them to promise that no frame will be locked behind endgame content. Even Ivaras parts available on high level missions are not endgame. I mean, no frame has been locked behind endgame content before. By endgame I mean missions above level 50 pr 60. I mean, all last parts of the sortie are level 100 bulet sponges. Even getting Atlas was easier and it was still a chore.

I have offered many solutions on other related threads. Manic bombard drop. Alternate eximus drop (A chance of getting Oberon or Nezha) Monthly 24 hour alerts (Three each month, one per part), Standard alerts (Vauban's disciple), Clan tech (I don't mind shoving alertium for it just like with Wukong, our chances of getting it that way are higher than sorties) Alternate manic drop. Alternate boss drop (Vor could be since he does not have an actual frame of his own and seer kinda sucks), New boss drops (Couls be any new boss in any form) New quest (It would be interesting to have a quest themed arround chinese myths), and last but not least; One part guranteed per sortie mission, helmet on first, chassis on second, and systems on third. Nobody would be mad if it was implemented that way, it is just matter of completing a sortie once, similar to how you must do 3 or more boss runs for average frames or quests for a whole frame (Sorties are kind of mini quests anyway).

But the most important thins is that I want DE to promise they will never include frames in endgame content again. I guess we can all agree on that.

Not everyone is a power gamer, I for instance am stuck in solo because of my slow internet connection. Which means I don't have very powerful mods, I rarely get the best stuff, and often must go to the trading tab to get primes. Sorties are impossible to me. I am sure I am not the only one who finds sorties impossible. Specially those stuck on solo. I don't even brave asking people to help me with sorties because I have a lot of lag and I am kind of a hindrance due to my situation.

I have a mild mastery rank (Just became MR12 a fw weeks ago) and I am fairly good (I was able to solo moon missions with Valkyr and easily kill sentients [i am not telling you how in case that gets changed because of people exploiting it]) and I have many maxed frames and weapons. But I don't have many nightmare mods, I don't have corrupted mods, I don't have primed mods, my gear has no forma at all, and most of my mods are not maxed.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, because my situation is a situation many players could identify with.

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I have offered many solutions on other related threads. Manic bombard drop. Alternate eximus drop (A chance of getting Oberon or Nezha) Monthly 24 hour alerts (Three each month, one per part), Standard alerts (Vauban's disciple), Clan tech (I don't mind shoving alertium for it just like with Wukong, our chances of getting it that way are higher than sorties) Alternate manic drop. Alternate boss drop (Vor could be since he does not have an actual frame of his own and seer kinda sucks), New boss drops (Couls be any new boss in any form) New quest (It would be interesting to have a quest themed arround chinese myths), and last but not least; One part guranteed per sortie mission, helmet on first, chassis on second, and systems on third. Nobody would be mad if it was implemented that way, it is just matter of completing a sortie once, similar to how you must do 3 or more boss runs for average frames or quests for a whole frame (Sorties are kind of mini quests anyway).

To quote a movie "Not like this!" (specifically the ones I've added bold to)

I mean, man, those claw stances (that I still don't have), and that other stance it drops (that I still don't have). I mean, heck, I've slaughtered hundreds of Scorpions - Hundreds -  since the Defiled Snapdragon came out - still haven't even seen it outside of the ridiculous cost I payed to get a copy from trade.

Bosses? Sure, if it's a new boss - because otherwise we shelve a different frame for it.

Clan tech? Sure - but mine is the lowest tier, so as a sole prospector I still have it pretty easy at making these things (except when Zephyr first came out with those Oxium drop rates, that was a nightmare).

Missions? I wish every frame came from a mission (with a little bit of lore too? Oh man, it'd be like christmas!), so I can totally get behind that.

Guaranteed Sortie? I feel like if they do it that way (as though it was a boss getting beat) then they should remove it from the actual 'reward pool' to make room for a chance at other items as well. Granted, I can't say that being able to trade those would make any more sense than a normal frame blueprint at that point - which contradicts what we where going for by making it guaranteed drop.

just please oh please, don't make it drop like mods. I haven't even seen an Ash part since they made the stupid manics drop him, let alone some of those "rare mods" the codex tells me "oh no, they totally drop this guy."

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To quote a movie "Not like this!" (specifically the ones I've added bold to)

I mean, man, those claw stances (that I still don't have), and that other stance it drops (that I still don't have). I mean, heck, I've slaughtered hundreds of Scorpions - Hundreds -  since the Defiled Snapdragon came out - still haven't even seen it outside of the ridiculous cost I payed to get a copy from trade.

Bosses? Sure, if it's a new boss - because otherwise we shelve a different frame for it.

Clan tech? Sure - but mine is the lowest tier, so as a sole prospector I still have it pretty easy at making these things (except when Zephyr first came out with those Oxium drop rates, that was a nightmare).

Missions? I wish every frame came from a mission (with a little bit of lore too? Oh man, it'd be like christmas!), so I can totally get behind that.

Guaranteed Sortie? I feel like if they do it that way (as though it was a boss getting beat) then they should remove it from the actual 'reward pool' to make room for a chance at other items as well. Granted, I can't say that being able to trade those would make any more sense than a normal frame blueprint at that point - which contradicts what we where going for by making it guaranteed drop.

just please oh please, don't make it drop like mods. I haven't even seen an Ash part since they made the stupid manics drop him, let alone some of those "rare mods" the codex tells me "oh no, they totally drop this guy."

Yeah, I forgot that Ash rarely drops. But if they made it like Oberon, it would bbe fairly easy. Ash drop chances should be improved, that is for sure. And by the way I have not seen a single manic since U18. I even decided to leave the alarms on for the whole mission during 20 minutes.

On mods, I have the same experience with Defiled Snapdragon.

And well, most of my solutions imply Nezha no longer being available for trade. All alternatives also require Nezha no longer being in the pool, and that means they could include something else. I also think the x25 cores are not necessary, potatoes however would be nicer.

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If it gives us a part for nezha then it needs to be a part that we don't have. I can deal with the RNG rewards in sortie missions but if I get ten goddamned helmets and no systems I am going to be a very angry tenno.



Meanwhile despair has not dropped for me from over 100 stalker attacks.



I'm with you, at least we can build houses from molten/heavy impacts and dread bps. Hek, we can build a goddamn city from them! About the Nezha issue, I seriously hope DE will rethink their way of implementing new items. With every time, new things getting grindier and harder to obtain in-game, it's gonna affect the new player base the most, while upsetting the old one too. I mean think about it, if new players find the game to be too grindy to play for free, they will move onto other games. If more people leave the game than the amount joining...well we all know where that leads.

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Im not surprised by this at all.

Well, I have not decided what to do regarding the acquisition of Nezha since I don't have plat, but either I buy it from the market (Includes it's own slot and potato after all, a bettert bargain than sorties) or I trade it for something real cheap and no plat at all. I am not doing soties and I am by no means going to the trading tab to get it with platinum. People who trade platinum for Nezha parts are making a bigger mistake than those who buy it from the market place.

Why? Because when you spend plat on the marketplace you do the same as with any other frame available there. But when you buy Nezha parts with plat you are paying DE for screwing the playerbase. The wisest thing to do is refuse to trade platinum for Nezha parts so that no platinum goes to get the parts. The would require cooperation from those doing the sorties and those trading, but we can do it, we can show them the consequences of their mistake.

I even came up with a method in which clans could help their members with this. Some players enjoy doing sorties, those players could act sort of like Nezha farmers and give away their spare Nezha parts to other ACTIVE clan members, basically when they get a part they don't need they could give it to someone who can't do or refuses to do sorties. On the long run that would mean every active clan member would have a Nezha, maybe organizing some sort of contest to earn it or something.

But well, I can live with Nezha being sortie exclusive, as long as no other core frame or weapon is put in the sorties. Sorties should be kept for things such as special versions of weapons (Vandal, Wraith, etc.) and non core frames. Making a core frame sortie exclusive is just as bad as if a core frame was put in T4 Defense only and with a slim chance to getting one of its parts i rotation C. It makes no sense. Sorties could be used to put vaulted prime stuff for example, that would be fair.

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Well, I have not decided what to do regarding the acquisition of Nezha since I don't have plat, but either I buy it from the market (Includes it's own slot and potato after all, a bettert bargain than sorties) or I trade it for something real cheap and no plat at all. I am not doing soties and I am by no means going to the trading tab to get it with platinum. People who trade platinum for Nezha parts are making a bigger mistake than those who buy it from the market place.

Why? Because when you spend plat on the marketplace you do the same as with any other frame available there. But when you buy Nezha parts with plat you are paying DE for screwing the playerbase. The wisest thing to do is refuse to trade platinum for Nezha parts so that no platinum goes to get the parts. The would require cooperation from those doing the sorties and those trading, but we can do it, we can show them the consequences of their mistake.

I even came up with a method in which clans could help their members with this. Some players enjoy doing sorties, those players could act sort of like Nezha farmers and give away their spare Nezha parts to other ACTIVE clan members, basically when they get a part they don't need they could give it to someone who can't do or refuses to do sorties. On the long run that would mean every active clan member would have a Nezha, maybe organizing some sort of contest to earn it or something.

But well, I can live with Nezha being sortie exclusive, as long as no other core frame or weapon is put in the sorties. Sorties should be kept for things such as special versions of weapons (Vandal, Wraith, etc.) and non core frames. Making a core frame sortie exclusive is just as bad as if a core frame was put in T4 Defense only and with a slim chance to getting one of its parts i rotation C. It makes no sense. Sorties could be used to put vaulted prime stuff for example, that would be fair.

Although all plat had to start somewhere, I imagine a good deal of plat circulating the market for trades is probably stuff that was once-bought, but already exchanged hands numerous times (since most people use the trade to get the plat the want for other things, be it trade or slots). Your message would be more solid by not buying the market-sold one than the trade-channel one (as the market sold one is removing the plat from circulation).

That being said, I always thought he point of clans was to help each other out. I'm constantly passing down things like spare prime parts or rare mods to my friends who don't have the same hour-count I have. Might just be because I know how long it took me to get those things, so I appreciate better letting someone else get in on the fun without having the year-wait to do it. In turn, they pass the good vibes back around when they can (such as if they get a fabled 75% discount and have no spare cash to use it). A true clan's supposed to be like family right? A family of murderous space-ninja vying for the best rewards.

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Throughout this entire thread, I'm seeing the exact same things being said- and I have to admit that I agree with almost all of it. Next to Vauban, the way you farm Nezha is just painful: it's a grind without end. I'm arguably salty, having done several Sorties and have gotten the Dera Vandal Stock four times in a row, and once the Barrel. I'm just unsure of any viable way to get your hands on this Frame with your own two hands without throwing money at it or trying to sift through the Trade-Chat, in which your post flies off the screen as soon as someone posts a block of text the size of a small novel. Even on the off chance you find someone to trade with, there's no way they'd trade a rare piece of a frame which is going for several tens of platinum for a weapon-piece, which they can get for less than ten. The imbalance here is nothing short of frustrating. I'm sure the Devs said at one point they'd be trying to 'lower the grind' of their game- yet I don't see them even trying to make good on that statement when they release something like this.


I'm sure DE have already seen this thread and read through most of the posts- they have to have already seen the upset this is causing amongst the people who support them. Being the team they say they are, and always "listening to their supporters", I'm sure that something will be done about this in the not-too-distant future.

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