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Prime Warframes, Mastery Rank Etc...


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Only Prime Frames should be allowed in the void, non prime frames should have to equip some kind of gear or something or not at all.

Mastery Rank - should be more in-depth should not be allowed to have Prime Frames/Weapons/Mods until like mastery rank 10. (They would appreciate it more.)

Should not be able to access certain planets without a certain mastery rank or the void.

Prime frames an weapons should be noticeable stronger than non prime. Like 5%-10% stronger all around. Armor, Health, Shield, Powers, etc. Just take 5%-10% off overall off non prime frames.

Prime weapons are noticeable stronger prime frames should be too.

Because other than cosmetic an the polarity there no reason to pick a prime frame over a non prime.

There needs to be separation from the Veteran players an the rookies.

Give or take here an there what do y'all think. Just my opinion.

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Right but having access to almost everything in the game from the star. Takes away from the people who have worked for it.

Yeah but then people wouldn't be able to make plat as much off of it because there would be no one to sell it to. The main reason people work for it is to sell it. 

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Prime frames have other differences to the normal frames, not just polarities and looks.


The content already is gated by your abilities and your equipment and there are also things that are gated by your mastery rank.


I dont really see any reason to gate content for lower level players even more than it already is.

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Only Prime Frames should be allowed in the void, non prime frames should have to equip some kind of gear or something or not at all.

Question: how is this really any different than having to grind for keys to get to the void missions in the first place?  Except being even more annoying...

Why force people to grind for keys and whatever special gear is needed to be used in the void?

And what if someones favorite frame isn't available to them in Prime form?  Such as Excalibur, Mirage, Valkyr, Ember, soon to be Rhino once the next PA hits and once the month is over Frost?

They are just SoL and have to do redundant grinding ontop of the keys?

How would that be good for anyone, veteran or not?  Because even the veterans would have to grind out whatever allows non-prime frames into the void.

And for your last part of "or not at all" then how would a new player get a prime frame?

Because now they can't even farm the void for a prime frame to begin with...


Mastery Rank - should be more in-depth should not be allowed to have Prime Frames/Weapons/Mods until like mastery rank 10. (They would appreciate it more.)

This wouldn't make people appreciate prime items more, it would just be more annoying if anything.

Locking behind such an arbitrarily high MR does nothing but add annoying grind to the game.


Should not be able to access certain planets without a certain mastery rank or the void.

Again I have to disagree.

If a low MR player can pull their weight in the mid-tier or higher planets why not let them?

Also, why lock a level 10 mission behind a grind wall of MR?  Again this does nothing except annoy people and go "You have to level up X gear to join your friends in getting more gear!"

Also by locking out certain planets (say Jupiter for example) you are preventing them from getting higher MR.

Say you lock Jupiter behind MR 5 or 6.  How exactly are you going to get to that MR without being able to build anything that requires the Neural Sensors that only drop on Jupiter?

You can't just limit the planets like that.


Prime frames an weapons should be noticeable stronger than non prime. Like 5%-10% stronger all around. Armor, Health, Shield, Powers, etc. Just take 5%-10% off overall off non prime frames.

Prime weapons are noticeable stronger prime frames should be too.

Because other than cosmetic an the polarity there no reason to pick a prime frame over a non prime.

So you're saying that Volt Primes extra 100 energy at base rank isn't noticeably stronger than regular Volt?

And you want to just weaken all current frames in the game, including weak frames who don't have a prime version yet, just so that you can feel smugger in the fact that you have time to grind out all of the primes already?

Honestly I think that even with just one or two minor buffs that Prime Frames are made too much better than the base versions and that the buffs should be toned down a bit.

Same thing for the weapons.


There needs to be separation from the Veteran players an the rookies.

There already is a separation from the Veteran Players and Rookies.

Look at how many Rookies can solo the sortie missions, or how many rookies have the discontinued weapons, or how many rookies have the mods needed to trivialize 99% of content and can do any of the missions in their sleep.

There is a massive difference already between the vets and rookies, and what your suggesting won't change that at all, it will just make the entire game more annoying and grindy for absolutely no gain.

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I sense mastery rank elitism on this one...

Seriously. Locking a beneficial area to those only who already possess the requirements to enter, or to those who pay for it (prime access), and forcing everyone else into even more work for a chance to enter?

Yep, I can see all the capitalist elitism in there.

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You're just being selfish, some of us are free players that don't have our own money to buy platinum to buy weapons, warframes or slots to achieve a high mastery rank

I've been playing for 2 years, i could be considered a veteran and because i don't have my own money to buy platinum to buy things i'm only mastery rank 6

Edited by (XB1)CACU CRC
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You're just being selfish, some of us are free players that don't have our own money to buy platinum to buy weapons, warframes or slots to achieve a high mastery rank

I've been playing for 2 years, i could be considered a veteran and because i don't have my own money to buy platinum to buy things i'm only mastery rank 6

Farm stuff and sell it

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Gotta say as absurd as this idea is, you'd also be limiting your choices to only frames that have been primed, and they we'd have another mass issue with the poster boy being locked out from the void for a great many players, and I'd rather not see another mass of "release founder items" posts.

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Only Prime Frames should be allowed in the void, non prime frames should have to equip some kind of gear or something or not at all.


... No. How the hell would new players get primed frames to begin with then? What, farming to farm isn't enough for you? You want to make Void missions that much more obnoxious? 



Mastery Rank - should be more in-depth should not be allowed to have Prime Frames/Weapons/Mods until like mastery rank 10. (They would appreciate it more.)


No. Denied. Most of these items are already gated behind crap. EG: The Void, Baro Kiteer and his horrendously obnoxious prices, that sort of thing. If a new player has the ducats and credits to buy a primed mod then they probably know how to play the game anyways, and they proooobably have some apprecation because they've gone through this crap as well. They're not new players at that point.



Should not be able to access certain planets without a certain mastery rank or the void.


In order to access planets you have to clear the boss node anyways. Clearing nodes takes time. It requires decent weapons and frames and mods. This is completely unnecessary.



Prime frames an weapons should be noticeable stronger than non prime. Like 5%-10% stronger all around. Armor, Health, Shield, Powers, etc. Just take 5%-10% off overall off non prime frames.


NO. That's powercreep at its worst. Denied. 



Prime weapons are noticeable stronger prime frames should be too.


Denied. Because again, we don't need more powercreep in this game. There'd be no reason to play non-primed frames if primed frames were that much better.




There needs to be separation from the Veteran players an the rookies.


There already is. Orcus is mastery-gated. A whole bunch of weapons are mastery-gated. Rookies aren't going to have mods, or credits to fuse mods, or keys to go farm void missions, or anything like that. Rookies are already going to have to work for things and by that point they're not rookies anymore. They know how to play the freaking game. 


So no. Denied. Repeatedly, vehemently, until the end of time. 


I have no idea what you have against newer players, but making a game much more unfriendly for the newer folks who're trying to figure out what's what? Yeah, no. That's not going to fly. Ever. This is Mastery Rank elitism at its lowest. 


Edited by AsCaLus
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A race stops being fair when the first winner owns the finish line.

Locking a drawer and putting the key inside it will make the drawer only unlockable by those who already possess a copy of the key... Or those who can buy one.

Doig this would allow an absurd exploration of "rookie plat", in which the Most greedy veterans would suck the bones out of those newbies who want a chance to go to the void, by charging them thousands for prime frames.

That will only lead to an enormous loss of players, and an abusive extorsion of rookies.

Why should rookies be separated from the veterenans? What makes them different, except for experience: A thing that are more than obtainable as long as you dont interfere, like no one interefered in your quest to get it.

You appear to have such an enormous arrogance to the Point that you feel the need to throw others into the Ground to make yourself feel grand. You should consider seeing a doctor, because to ask that from a bloody game is borderline sociopathic. And I would love to be joking.

In the end, I have to ask: Are you Donald Trump?

Edited by tnccs215
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