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Mesa Ranger Alt Helmet Wip


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I'm bad at names.


WIP shots, down to oldest










Quick sculpt and an overpaint. Had no idea what I'd end up with other than "would be cool if she had something like a bandana".



Almost done with the concepting phase, about to do cleanup, then go for detail and polish. But I would love to hear some feedback before I go any further and while it's still easy (somewhat) and painless (relatively) to make changes. 


Edited by Artarrwen
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Looks great. I would buy it if I liked Mesa.


It would be even cooler if you were able to incorporate organic shapes that vaguely resemble a cowboy hat.


Also, I would either tilt the helmet or alter the helmet so that the bandana doesn't curve inwards towards the bottom (fix it so it hangs straight down-ish)

Edited by Jamescell
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Looks great. I would buy it if I liked Mesa.


It would be even cooler if you were able to incorporate organic shapes that vaguely resemble a cowboy hat.


Also, I would either tilt the helmet or alter the helmet so that the bandana doesn't curve inwards towards the bottom (fix it so it hangs straight down-ish)

If it hangs and dangles freely it might clip through her collar when she's turning her head. It'll have to be somewhat fixed to her neck area, thus the curve.

Now I want to go see if I can turn it into more of a scarf. Her neck is already wrapped in cloth so that might work better.

Edited by Artarrwen
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I like where you're going with the surface details on this piece but I think the general silhouette looks a bit too similar to the default. I agree that maybe adding some larger shapes, such as a cowboy hat inspired shape, would really make it stand out.

Can someone confirm if they're allowing alt helmet entries for the new grouping or is it just skins?

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Also replaced the mask with a scarf like I mentioned. Not much difference to the silhouette, like I said before, just concern with clipping.


Can someone confirm if they're allowing alt helmet entries for the new grouping or is it just skins?


I don't see why they wouldn't.

Would be real shame if after the contest we're still not allowed to make new helmets.

Edited by Artarrwen
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Ahh, you're quick! Yeah I think your changes help a lot. I like how the edges flare up like a proper floppy hat.

Yeah, seems like they would naturally open up for new helmets but I haven't seen anything official regarding them. Guess I'll go ahead and start mine too since you are lol

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Definetly looks better than longhorn helmet. We need Mesa look something like cowboy or something.




Take an look on Nisha aka Sherrif from Lynchwood from Borderlands series. Helmet like that, and eveutally skin might be cool and insta buy?

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Adjusted some pieces of the helmet a bit, working on the detail now.




doh the hat is killing me D: so sorry to digress. I really liked the more streamlined/flush details of the previous iteration. Otherwise excellent work!. A small suggestion would be to also keep the more angular lines around the eyes, they seem to be missing in this latest one for some reason. 

Edited by Sigmas71
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For some reason, the back of the helm reminds me of Asari race from ME series.

Would you believe that wasn't the intent?

Can't deny it, though.


doh the hat is killing me D: so sorry to digress. I really liked the more streamlined/flush details of the previous iteration. Otherwise excellent work!. A small suggestion would be to also keep the more angular lines around the eyes, they seem to be missing in this latest one for some reason. 

Blame Syncrasis for making a fair point about the silhouette :p. 

I'm not too solid on the hat brim, might make it more subtle, but I want to give it a chance anyway.

If nothing else, I'll just whip up something different entirely.

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