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For Those Who Own Or Owned Every Frame Which Are Your Top Five Favorites


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Excal because he is great in a crowded fight.


Loki Prime because he is a stealth master.


Frost Prime because he is great in defense and mobile defense.


Rhino Prime because I can use him in nightmare modes with no shields and be fine without serious change in my gameplay.


Volt Prime because unlimited power, and destroys all that is corpus.

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not in any particular orders...


Just try to pick whichever frame looks cool and you think you may enjoy its abilities, that is the best way not to strain yourself too much and maybe you might find a warframe that you haven't thought you would like.

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It greatly pleases me that a lot of you like Nekros, I always thought he was unappreciated.

He is alright, actually one of my most used frames... but spamming desecrate has bored me to death. I did tried to make a decent Sotd build for defence missions and it worked nicely, now with augment and more prime mods it may even be viable.

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1) Nekros - hands down my favorite frame in aesthetics and his theme. 

2) Excalibur - the second best looking frame to me and just looks the warrior role.

3) Frost Prime - great utility and a good all around frame to drop into PUBS with when you don't know what everyone else is bringing.

4) Ivara - my new favorite frame to sneak around maps for solo play when farming for things like Kubrow eggs, just a lot of fun.

5) Ember Prime - while I don't always want to be able to "press 4 to win", it is nice to have a frame you can run some of your least favorite missions with for alerts and get it done quickly. Or just quickly if you don't have a lot of time even if you like the mission.

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He is alright, actually one of my most used frames... but spamming desecrate has bored me to death. I did tried to make a decent Sotd build for defence missions and it worked nicely, now with augment and more prime mods it may even be viable.


I like using the Syndicate mods to be able to desecrate using my health then use Equilibrium to generate near infinite energy and also to be able to Soulpunch allies back to life.

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Valkyr: Invulnerability and melee damage makes short work of most grineer units.


Mag: Corpus buster, and lots of little utility functions to fit many situations over all. Pull's always a fun skill to use a shotgun with.


Trinty: Keeps the team alive and feeds the energy to all those mana hungry casters.


Rhino: Good general purpose frame for a healthy dose of tankiness and CC options. Damage boost to allies is also never bad.


Nekros: Natural Talent+Despoil+Equilibrium makes a combo of 2 > shotgun > 3 highly effective for staying alive and ruining days. Soul Punch augment makes for a nice support frame to have around too.


Honorable mention to Loki, because spy mission XP is delicious for freshly forma'd gear.

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