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For Those Who Own Or Owned Every Frame Which Are Your Top Five Favorites


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Loki - never used switchteleport. Not even to troll my team mates.

Nova - Never using the 2nd ability... and hardly ever the 1st

Rhino - Rhino charge is too weak for my taste

Saryn - Uh... tbh I haven't played her since the rework.


BTW: I don't mean to say that these ability are useless - never would I do so. I merely say that I don't use them because they don't fit my playstyle.

i know i was suggesting possible frames? 


and sayrn is most effective if all powers are used together 

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1. Ash (Prime): low duration for Pesudo CC with 2  High Strenght and eficency for  spell dmg naramon + crit WP invis is a lot of fun ( favorite melle only    frame)

2. Volt (prime): I use him with duration and a a twist of strenght I love him as a pesudo melle frame. 1 and 4 for CC 2 for speed and 3 is awsome for         blocking enamy fire

3. Ivara: Stealth and some awsome new tools (navigator is a ton of fun I can bee a tonkor granade), 4 is ok 1 is interesting and 3 alows for some ultility 4. Ember (Prime): Best Speed runs ever and some nice CC with aougment , I rearly take her to long misions tho.
5. Well I'm not sure about this one. It's Eaven betvean Loki and Excalibur. Loki gor amasing ultility and some nice dmg with Stelth. Excalibur on the           other hand is rly good for dmg and it got some ultility with 2  

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1. Ember, dps queen played right and very good dps frame for solo at high levels

2. Frost, strong CC, very good support frame and king of defence

3. Mag, because stuff like the L100 corpus sorti excavation today would be nightmare without it

4. Trinity, because I always liked playing the healer, not only in WF

5. Vauban, because sometimes you need just hard CC

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1) Ash - not only being one of the few frames that actually feels like a ninja but is the aggressive kind.

2) Chroma - love his tankiness and his Effigy.

3) Oberon - CC and self-healing.

4) Mesa - 2nd and 3rd skill.

5) Excalibur - the frame that can do almost anything.

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1. Trinity - For some reason I didn't like trinity awhile back, but now I use trinity all the time. I always kinda liked being "medic" characters.. (except trinity is also an immortal god)

2. Frost - First frame I stuck with after my first. Ice powers are always cool (no pun intended), and defensive powers like his globe click with me. Loved the buff they gave him as well.

3. Vauban - I just can't take him seriously (especially with Gambit), and it's amazing. He's pretty defensive like Frost, so that made me like him.

4. Nekros - Dunno. Liked him, kept him because people wanted him for farming, liked him some more when I used him just to play.

5. Hydroid - Yep. I actually don't have him in my inventory, but I really liked him for some reason. Maybe it is because I was truly a space pirate?


I like all of their designs, normal and prime alike. Actually, I practically like the design of all the warframes...

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1.) Ember Prime - clear T1-T3 exterminates and captures in 2-3 mins = ez credits/ducats
2.) Ash Prime - carry just about anything with 4, plus my build allows a low timer on smokescreen, allowing for some team play (CC)
3.) Loki Prime - the selfish, but efficient mission runner, especially for focus
4.) Mag Prime - anything calling for CC (spam 4 w/ natural talent) or anything corpus
5.) Vauban - mass CC, fun to troll sometimes, throwing balls at people never gets old; vortex just looks badass when thrown everywhere

Edited by DTSWaRDawG
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by favorites.. i concidering if I am joining a misson and can choose "any frame"  Which frames i have the most fun and enjoyment with



Blessing Trinity (prime)

Nova (prime) make things go boom

Ash (prime) the room clearer

Atlas smashy smashy max power build


Ivara is starting to be a contender.. already formaed her twice.  But i am really liking her utility and flexability

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i feel the same way =)


its weird how theres so much love for banshee but yet some how shes the least played?!

Because she actually requires skill to play properly. People are lazy, they don't want to try or show skill. I find she is a great team frame with Resonance, and CC map stun with Max range/eff Soundquake.

I hope they don't try to "fix" Banshee since she is the least played.

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