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Why Some People Don't Like Ash?


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I hope that people don't take this too hard, but I feel that this frame being hate a lot for the 4th skill... While this is quite useful, Smoke Screen would come to handy as well right? As for me, Ash is quite good for both spy and mission with high level enemy. It is not too stand out and not really weak. I mean it is not too OP, weak, or looking ugly. Not a really target to pick on if you ask me.


I just want to know because in this case, I don't really understand... I see other complains and quite get the idea, but not this case.


PS. I start this trend simply because "I don't get it". Personally, I don't even have ash prime, and I haven't use my Ash after I max it out. What I want is to have people make some solid points since the comments in youtube are not very creative like "people who use Ash are ****", so I cannot help but getting curious for where the heat come from.


I hope that you guys don't get so heat up. If you want to point out bad points in Ash, I believe that solid and reasonable points are more persuasive. People who use Ash might even be more careful in their mission next time.


Again... I don't ask for people to love ash... just really want to know, and have people make their points.

Edited by SmithMagus
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I dislike Ash as a skillset for a few reasons, like his ultimate is terribly designed nuke.

I also dislike Ash's model, mostly thanks to terrible tintmaps and the assflap that is present in default texture (I've bought like 5 Immortal skins for myself and my friends so I never had to watch it again).


Edited by Mofixil
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Hate is a strong word.


Dislike or lukewarm perhaps.


I'm not a fan of his kit; an invisibility skill that's outclassed by Loki and a two damage skills that don't scale well into endgame.

>Metric S#&$ton of armour ignore DoT

>Doesn't scale into endgame


You get about 6000 damage+7 ticks 2100 each, it's enough to put down enemies with a single cast up to pretty high levels, though the waiting game is an issue.


Lack of CC maybe, but slash proc is the best damage type in the game.

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There's a portion of the community that wants to move away from "Press 4 to win" frames because they make parts of the game both easy and boring when they should be neither. Ash has one of the better #4's because of it's damage type and it suffers no drawback for reduced duration, meaning it can be made to have a very low power cost with the Fleeting Expertise mod, so it can be spammed.


All-around Ash builds are fun and balanced IMHO. If you enjoy that you shouldn't worry I don't think, but I suspect one day his 4 will be tweaked to care about duration a lot more, or may see some other change that affects min-max builds.

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Mostly because of childish stealing kills issues.


Kill stealing is a form of griefing. Shared XP is designed to take away the incentive to do it, not give people an excuse to do it more. Feel free to retreat into calling it "childish" while typing on a video game board but if someone asks you to stop and you give them nonsense and keep doing it, you may see a reaction from support one day.


That said, Ash isn't really that much of a kill steal issue (IMHO) due to the animations. They made him faster a while back, but I still see plenty of opportunity to shoot red outlined enemies before he kills them in lower level missions. I level a lot of stuff on Apollodorus and you see people using his 4-spam to farm there on occasion. I don't mind it at all.

Edited by VKhaun
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Mostly because of childish stealing kills issues.

not so. when saryn wipe out all map thats takes not so long... but this ultimate delete ash from game - he cant revive, cap, def after that cutscene in 50% ash find himself arounded by new enemies... so back to the 4

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Bladestorm essentially gives a marked target near invincibility until him or one of his clones kills it and it screws with other members in a squad for obvious reasons.


The camera is "vomit-cam" for most users, Smokescreen triggers sensors and alerts enemies with the stagger is has on cast (much like Wukong's Cloudwalker on disable) and his teleport has no soft or hard-lock to enemies and allies.


His Shuriken also alert if you don't kill in 1 hit rather than act more like Ivara's noise bolt if you need to get unalerted targets to move elsewhere without alerting the whole room.


He's also too tall for the traditional requirements of being a ninja, he has smoke in his arms, and he can't blend into the background with his outfit no matter what he does (including all brown on Grineer Galleons) /endsarcasm

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Kill stealing is a form of griefing. Shared XP is designed to take away the incentive to do it, not give people an excuse to do it more. Feel free to retreat into calling it "childish" while typing on a video game board but if someone asks you to stop and you give them nonsense and keep doing it, you may see a reaction from support one day.

That said, Ash isn't really that much of a kill steal issue (IMHO) due to the animations. They made him faster a while back, but I still see plenty of opportunity to shoot red outlined enemies before he kills them in lower level missions. I level a lot of stuff on Apollodorus and you see people using his 4-spam to farm there on occasion. I don't mind it at all.

Excuse me, what?

I think I misunderstood you or you misunderstood me.

Whining because of other players stealing kills in a PvE game is childish in my opinion and, always in my opinion and experience, all the times I saw someone in chat arguing with an Ash player it was because of that.

Glad you don't mind, as I don't mind too, but still that's what I observed in 3 years of Warframe.

Oh, as a note, I'm not an Ash player, in case I sounded like I'm one and don't care about stealing others' kills.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Ash's 4 is the most obnoxious ability in Warframe, excluding when people are intentionally (poorly) attempting to troll with Switch Teleport or Booben's Bounce.

I wouldn't hate it at all if it didn't turn enemies invulnerable during the animation, because no other ability does this.

But holy **** does that get annoying in a very short period of time when there's one kid who just mashes 4 throughout the entire mission.

That's really it. I don't find anything else annoying about Ash at all.

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Whats wrong with an ability with invincibility frames that can target a whole map and deal finisher damage and can be spammed up to 1-2 hrs on survival T4 without dying?  I don't really care about Ash, but it is annoying when leveling focus in survivals/Interception and kill exp only counts as focus exe and he's hogging it all.

Rework Ash so he can only Ninja stab people within vision upon casting.  I've been forced to go draco to get my focus (i encounter ash less here) to avoid an ash looking for a group so he can steal all the extra spawns for himself.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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I only dislike Ash because edgelords gravitate to him in droves.

Every time I see a red and black Ash with blood red energy, I cringe like there's no tomorrow.

And probably armed with Venka or Dragon Nikana.

Not that I would ever do that...

Ok I would, but at least my Ash is primarily white and black with a touch of blue and blue energy...

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I only dislike Ash because edgelords gravitate to him in droves. 


Every time I see a red and black Ash with blood red energy, I cringe like there's no tomorrow.


While I can understand this the colors people use don't really bother me.


Mainly because while they give you tons of colors to play with (if you buy them) the "layers" can sometimes be really awkward to try to change the color without changing entirely too much of your Warframe.

I tend to gravitate to the darker colors because they are the only ones that look good (opinion of course), most of the time the brightly colored rainbow Warframes look like S#&$. (again, my opinion)

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I like Ash, I like the idea behind Ash. But he's not well made at all. You can see a gap between the skillset of Ash and the skillset of a new frame like Nezha or Ivara.


Nothing in Ash's skillset is working great nowadays, His 1 is useless, 2 the same when you have naramon or loki, 3 alerts target and don't do much more, 4 puke cam + baby nuke.


He needs a lot more synergy, reworked 1,3,4 and a new 2.


+ People hating on him because he steals all focus never played with Ember or Equinox xD

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While I can understand this the colors people use don't really bother me.


Mainly because while they give you tons of colors to play with (if you buy them) the "layers" can sometimes be really awkward to try to change the color without changing entirely too much of your Warframe.

I tend to gravitate to the darker colors because they are the only ones that look good (opinion of course), most of the time the brightly colored rainbow Warframes look like S#&$. (again, my opinion)



I agree with this.  The brighter colors when used as the primary color of a frame often look utterly terrible. 


ANd that's why I love the Orokin color set <3

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