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Hitsu San's Workshop - Octavia Youkai is finally here!


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4 minutes ago, Shadow8600 said:

I like how the left one looks, but my thinking is, are WF supposed to have cloth suits to them? Or are those all some form of alloy made to resemble cloth, in which case they would not have any wrinkles? Then again Tennogen I think isn't binded to the same rules as official content. Visage skin for example. In any case, I really like how there's some stress to the cloth from use, but love the previous version just the same. BTW did DE give you any feedback on why the awesome Frost skin was not accepted? The due date wasn't it, as it was submitted before September even. apologies if you addressed this already, Hitsu.

Some warframes have a cloth-like outlay, mostly the squishy ones like mesa, trinity (strega), titania etc. What i'm making for BaiHu it's not exactly cloth as well even if it have some bends, those type of bends are mostly common on rubber covered metals or similar harder materials that are subject to bending... but most warframes have bullS#&$ materials anyway XD Oh yeah now that i think about it even Wukong have some clothlike surface details but the material is not cloth. It's hard to tell, there's not a defined rule except they have to look organic... until they don't XD like Vauban. Who the hell knows really, the completely mechanic and armored grineer skins that Faven is doing are completely fine for DE too.

I've still got no feedback for Frost but i haven't asked yet cause i know i won't get any answer anytime soon anyway.

50 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Is that old on the right and new on the left? It looks much better! The wrinkles add a sense of depth to it. I can't wait to see the result of the materials pass!

If you can't tell it won't be much of an enhancement XD

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1 hour ago, HitsuSan said:

Some warframes have a cloth-like outlay, mostly the squishy ones like mesa, trinity (strega), titania etc. What i'm making for BaiHu it's not exactly cloth as well even if it have some bends, those type of bends are mostly common on rubber covered metals or similar harder materials that are subject to bending... but most warframes have bullS#&$ materials anyway XD Oh yeah now that i think about it even Wukong have some clothlike surface details but the material is not cloth. It's hard to tell, there's not a defined rule except they have to look organic... until they don't XD like Vauban. Who the hell knows really, the completely mechanic and armored grineer skins that Faven is doing are completely fine for DE too.

I've still got no feedback for Frost but i haven't asked yet cause i know i won't get any answer anytime soon anyway.

If you can't tell it won't be much of an enhancement XD

That makes sense. Also I thought Reb mentioning that they left feedback to the authors. Odd.

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6 hours ago, Shadow8600 said:

That makes sense. Also I thought Reb mentioning that they left feedback to the authors. Odd.

Not to me.... : | 


5 hours ago, Rekkou said:

This might've help you. DE's artist use similar method to add more depth and details to their model. Also, try to bake curvature and cavity map and incorporate it to your diffuse and specular map.

Uhm i see, a double depth tool. I already use something similar but i'll try it and see if it works better :) thanks Rekkou! I already use cavity and curvature for a lot more than just that though lol

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I think it's pretty much done, i've improved the material strength too but more than this it will start to flatten everything which is the opposite of what i'm trying to do lol. I'll improve the emissive and i'll publish the 3d model back to the workshop later so you can give it a look by yourself :)

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5 hours ago, HitsuSan said:



I think it's pretty much done, i've improved the material strength too but more than this it will start to flatten everything which is the opposite of what i'm trying to do lol. I'll improve the emissive and i'll publish the 3d model back to the workshop later so you can give it a look by yourself :)

Judging from just ths picture i'd say it looks fine, the minor details are also a lot more noticeable now. Not only that but i also love how it looks a bit more battle ready, like it's been through stuff, which can be seen by how the colors look ever so slightly darker, the armor on his arms look rougher and how the metal bits look a bit charred. Loving it Hitsu!

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Lol me too! Nah not really, i never know ^^ Still waiting for some feedback though, i'd like to make it ready for the next round before making a new skin (which i'm already designing btw :P) otherwise too many at the same time would be tough to handle.


Thanks! :D

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